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    Joaquin, TX.
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  1. I think I may just do that..thanks
  2. I have a 17' Triton aluminum boat that I would like to replace the fuel in..Was told the easiest way was to remove the sending unit from the top of the tank and pump it out..This is my first boat and I have no experience with boats ..Was I told correctly or is there a better way or any reason for me not to do it this way?
  3. Great...I just checked..Of course the ones I ordered are too big...Thanks...I'll keep looking...
  4. Good idea.. Didn't think of that..I ordered some on line earlier this morning..
  5. Bought my first boat (17 Triton aluminum). The trailer has rubber plugs covering the wheel bearings that have to be removed to get to the grease fitting in the very center of the hub.. I punched a hole in one removing it..Should those be put back each time you grease the bearings or should they be removed and thrown away..Do I need to replace the damaged one? Thanks
  6. I'm hoping! Took them out Saturday for a boat ride..I even managed to launch and load the boat without a single disaster. We fished for a few minutes to no avail but we had a great time nonetheless..Now if I can just learn how to actually catch one..
  7. Thanks! I just learned something about fishing....
  8. 58 years old and I've decided to start fishing.. Never fished before and never owned a boat. Bought a new aluminum X17 - C Triton yesterday and will pick it up next week. I live right on the north end of Toledo Bend less than a mile from a public launch. I have two grandsons ages 6 and 1 that need to learn to fish with their grandpa...I want to be able to take them white perch fishing and actually catch fish... I want to know more about baiting a spot for white perch. Is it legal? How do you do it? When is a good time? How deep to fish...All that kind of stuff.. Here's the boat.. http://www.tritonboats.com/boat/405.aspx Life is good!
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