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Everything posted by Tugmaster

  1. Thanks for all the great inputs!!! FWIW, the lake is a natural lake with a manmade dam to maintain the water level. I think the next time out I will try some shakey head rigs and maybe some dropshot rigs too. I will be fucusing on the drop offs. I do have a fishfinder which should help me find the transitions from shallow to deep. Thanks again, Todd
  2. I should have been more specific. It's a large natural lake. Water temps are in the low to mid 70's. I'm fishing from a kayak. Not a lot of Lilly pads. Max depth is 25 ft. There is a dam/ spillway with allot of riprap. Thanks, Todd
  3. The local lake I fish was very good to me during the late spring. 8-10 bass. Mostly all caught on a Zoom trick worm or Rapala Jerk baits.The last two weeks I've gotten ZERO bass. I'm fishing from just before sun up till about 9am. Nothing. I've tried the shallows, deeper water but nothing. I'm stumped!! Any advice on lures or tactics would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Todd
  4. I just started using Zoom Flukes at the end of last summer with great success. How are they for fishing in the early spring? I've had decent luck fishing jointed Rapalas in the shallows and tight to the banks in early spring but was wondering about Flukes. Thanks, Todd
  5. I tried the weighted hooks yesterday. No where near the same action as weightless! I switched back to a regular EWG hook. Had a great day! Todd
  6. Just got home from the lake. The pearl white ones did very well! Got 8 bass and 2 pickerel in about 2 hours. A couple were over 3lbs, which is goo for where I was fishing. 2 of them came on the drop right after I casted. Great times! Thanks for your help. Todd
  7. So, I just started fishing with Super Flukes. I'm trying to absorb as much as I can on the subject. I was watching a YouTube video where the guy was really into using a weighted swimbait hook for Fluke fishing. I went down to Dicks and picked up some 4/0 16/th oz. Gammy swimbait hooks. I'm gonna give them a whirl this weekend. Does anyone else use these? I know there are a ton of different ways to fish them and a weightless Texas rig seems to be the most popular. Thanks, Todd
  8. Sounds to me like I need to pickup some pearl white ones. Todd
  9. I tried fishing a Fluke rig for the first time this weekend. I used a metallic purple super fluke on a weightless Texas rig. I picked up 2 decent fish pretty quickly. Then it kind of died off as the sun came up and it got brighter out. I'm thinking of trying a different color. The water is semi clear, about 4-6' of visibility. I'm wondering what everyone's favorite color is based on water clarity Thanks, Todd
  10. I'm getting ready to try Flukes for the first time. I fish a lot of soft plastic worms. Purple being the most productive for me by far. I went to Dicks and got a bag of Super Flukes in "Smokin Purple". When I fish worms I usually rig them Texas weightless. Can I fish flukes the same way? I'm sure I can rig the same way I rig a worm, Texas, Carolina, ect. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Todd
  11. So I'm heading out to the local lake tomorrow well before sunup. I am planning to try my hand at some topwater action. I have a couple of Rebel poppers and a Zara Puppy. I've never done a lot of top water fishing especially in the early morning. Any tips on technique or anything else would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Todd
  12. I ended up getting the Plueger Trion. Very nice reel for the money.
  13. This year I've been doing real well on a 7" Zoom trick worm in Black Grape. Fishing it T-rigged with no weight. Todd
  14. Power Team plastics float. So do the Zoom worms if you get the " original" ones not the super salt. Todd
  15. X2. Very nice job on the boat!
  16. While I've never used the bumble bug, I do use the wee crawfish a lot on my UL setup. It catches tons of big bluegill along with quite a few bass. Their small jointed minnows are also very productive. I'm sure the bumble bug is just as good. Todd
  17. I have a Commander 120 and really like it. I did this very simple seat mod. It is even better now! It is not very heavy. I put on and off the top of my car by myself with no issues whatsoever. I'm using Yakima Q towers and a Yakima boat bar . Here are some pics. Todd
  18. Thanks for your inputs! Todd
  19. Thanks for the replies. I've got two Plueger presidents that I like. I may look at one in the UL size. Thanks, Todd
  20. I've been using a Mitchel 310 for a few years and I hate it. It's constantly getting tangles and knots. I've use mono and braid. I've tried putting less line on the spool to no avail. I have ZERO problems with my other reels. I'm ready to move on! Any suggestions on a decent reel? I don't want to spend a ton of $$. Thanks, Todd
  21. South East Connecticut. On the Rhode Island border. They came rolling thru about 4:30pm. Pretty severe for this time of year. Came straight down from the north? Where in N.J. You from? I grew up in Bergen County. Todd
  22. So I went out to my usually VERY productive local lake tonight and the fishing was crapola!! I only got a few bluegill and a couple of pickerel. About 2 hrs before I went out, we had a line of very severe thunderstorms roll thru. I'm talking hail, straight line winds ect. Do you think this could have shut the fishing down? While I'm thinking the bass may be moving onto their beds even the bite on the other species was WAY off. Thanks, Todd
  23. VERY nice fish. I see he took you for a little ride. You may want to thing about a net. It really helps sometimes. You'll quickly become addicted from YAK fishing. I did!! Todd
  24. Go to the BPS site and do a search for Lure Retrevier. It really works well and is not expensive. Todd
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