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  1. I got those spots Chuck
  2. Any help on Smith Mountain? Got a tournament this weekend out there and we are launching from Hales Ford. We prefished last weekend, but struggled to get 3 before the wind picked up and made positioning tough. Are the bass uplake or downlake? Any tips on what to throw? Not looking for honey holes, though they'd be appreciated , but more or less where I should spend my focus.
  3. Also they closed (locked) off the parking lot that people used by the spillway; other than that, there is no parking that I know of for Wilde Lake
  4. To fish Wilde Lake you have to live within one of the surrounding subdivisions... You can fish it, but people will usually come out and hassle you if you are not from there or if you don't have one of the "cards" they issue to people to fish it.
  5. mirrolures, that's probably one of the best baits for specks!
  6. You wouldn't by chance be fishing the VT Tournament would you? If so I hope to see you out on the water
  7. Looks like I may need to venture down to cajun country I'm okay with more football
  8. Obviously you have not been in Lane Stadium when Enter Sandman gets everyone pumped! Thursday night games in Blacksburg get so crazy the whole stadium is shaking and the opposing team cannot hear the plays getting called. I recall one Miami lineman talking how they had to squeeze hands on the snap it was so loud! LETS GO!!!!!
  9. Have you noticed girl scout cookies have less in each row too? It is pretty obvious, the box is the same size but not as many cookies!?!?!?!?
  10. You're supposed to wash them
  11. What you need... PFD, PFD, PFD, PFD, and PFD!!! Buy one that is comfortable while in the kayak or you will not wear it. There are many great ones out there designed with a high back specifically meant for kayaking such as Stohlquist amongst others. As far as paddles go, you can use a cheap-o, but if long distances or ocean, or long days of paddling are in your future, you may want to look into buying a decent paddle. Aqua Bond, Bending Branches, and Werner make quality paddles just to name a few. The rest is up to you and how you want it rigged. I personally am a strong believer in a flag and light (necessary during night); you are sitting low in the water, and are hard to see sometimes when there are swells or rollers. Rigging is totally personal though. Rig it how YOU feel comfortable. Before drilling holes for rod holders or anything consider if it will be in the way. I thought I had a perfect spot for a set of paddle clips. After 20min my knuckles were torn up and I broke them off. One last bit of advice, on sunny days make sure you put suncreen everywhere, I overlooked my legs the first time and will never make that mistake again; you are fully exposed on a sit on top kayak
  12. I am going to be another to reccomend raising your budget a bit, and look for a quality used one such as the ride 135. It's a very wide boat, but not too hard to paddle. I also have a truck with an 8ft bed with tailgate down,but I use a bed extender to support more than 3/4 of the yak. It's easy loading and unloading, but trucks do not get the best gas mileage so I may invest in a yakima or thule rack. If you get a chance check out kayakbassfishing.com there is lot of info about kayak fishing on there and chosing the right kayak for your needs. Good luck in your search, you will enjoy it! Just a couple pics from my most recent trip for shad on the James River and how I transport with my truck and bed extender
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