I bought 4 of them 3 months ago when they hit the market. I was waiting for them to be sold in the US ever since I spotted them on Jackall's website. I bought 2 watermelon candy and 2 pumpkin candy. They are awesome. They outfish other jigs in my opinion and if you watch them in the water the skirt looks just like crawdad legs. I am purchasing amber craw, green pumpkin (i lost the other 2 on hangups), and black and purple today as a matter of fact. Honestly, they are worth it. I took 3rd place in my club classic this year and I caught almost all of my fish on the spade jig and Jackall Dart Hog. Advice: the watermelon candy isn't a good color in my opinion. It's too bright and the color looks very artificial. Its not as natural looking in person as in the pics.