I started to not post this but what the heck. I had my camper at Fin and Feather for the month of March and was at the lake 3 of the 4 weeks of March. I believe I know where Mr. Root may have seen the grave yard he is speeking about. The fish cleaning station at Fin and Feather is by the boat ramp warf. Every morining when we would leave out there were fileted fish carcases on the warf, I assume the wave action hitting against the bulk head would wash them on the warf. The dump location and the warf are just a few feet apart. It looked bad, but seeing the amount of anglers at Fin and Feather during the spawn I would not say it is the norm, and I did not see any fileted 10 pounders. Maybe a coulple of 5's, harde to tell when it is fileted. The cleaning shack was busy, but it is March, it is always busy. The lake is fishing different for sure; level, warm winter, spraying, who knows what the actual reason is. Overall we still have had a good spring in our boat and it still takes 25+ to win a tournament.