Hi lanzbass, I was gonna start a post about carpel tunnel until I found this. Tomorrow will be one year that I had the surgery done on both hands (yes both hands same day). I also had fought it for many years until it got to bad to even hold a rod. If your not interested in the surgery I can get some info on a device that can correct it. The brace pictured above only in mobilizes your wrist, it won't retrain the muscle in your hand that causes the problem. The problem is.....looking at your hand palm side up...the large muscle that travels from your pinkie to your thumb....(also called the pad)...gets too tight and causes a constant pulling pressure on the bones in the back of the hand witch end up pinching the nerve. The device I can get you info on will retrain and relax that muscle with out surgery. I didn't find out about until after surgery. As far as surgery goes I have a 2" scare on each palm. All they do now is cut the muscle in half and then sew the skin back up. The muscle is left in two pieces so it will grow back together on its own allowing it gain enough length from the scare tissue so it no longer pulls pressure on your carpels. One last thing, I did lose range of motion in both ring fingers (when counting I can't pick either finger up to count to 3) but we'll worth it to be pain free.