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Everything posted by morbidsteve

  1. The hook isn't the problem necessarily. Putting a 5" senko on a hook that small is probably the issue, have you tried a little bit bigger of a hook?? I'd only use a hook that small on a much smaller worm, because it leaves no room on the hook to catch the fish when you set it.
  2. I've been to every blue spot on the googles and have only found a couple of decent places to fish. Mainly the LPR; I've gone to the reservoirs and the other places mentioned in the Maryland who's who thread, but I'm wondering if we can come together and put a list together (publicly or privately, we could just email them to each other or something like that) of some spots that people know of that you can actually catch some good fish at. Maybe someone can share a good pond they know of or something like that? I'm in Columbia, MD, so I've fished Elkhorn, Wilde, Centennial, most of the rivers around here, and also have gone to places out of the area too. Just to keep things in a high spirit, I'm going to post some of my catches today. Caught about 15 of them, but didn't take a photo of them all. Every single one was on a 5" Senko, watermelon red is think is the color. Steve
  3. I think I might just take you up on that offer!
  4. Ended up hitting the same half mile of the little p, and centennial, nothing. Will try more his weekend
  5. Yea guys I'm not giving up or anything. About to head out now to try again.
  6. Well, though it's probably too cold for anything to want to bite today, I went along about a half mile of the Little Patuxent with in line spinners, all different colors, too, and got no bites, I was fishing for about 2 hours.
  7. What did you catch them on??
  8. Can you spill your spot?
  9. I was at a small ... water holding area today and pulled out 4 small largemouths. Not to shabby for my first day going and I didn't go anywhere to catch anything big. Around Baltimore.
  10. Dang, I was actually fishing right next to the local BPS (about 20 miles away). I didn't know about this deal as I just started fishing again since four months ago. So I call them and they were closing in 27 minutes. Hopped in my car (it just started snowing) and got there just in time to pick up two. Problem is that they're 5.5:1. Never used anything but 7.1:1, so I'm going to give one a try and see how I like it. Steve
  11. Alright thanks guys. I saw the phone app for bill dance. I'll check out some of the web sites mentioned. If anyone has any other ideas, I'd appreciate them as well!!
  12. I know that I can pay 9.99$ on verizon fios to get the sports channels of which there is a fishing channel, but I'm wondering if there are any good places I can watch fishing shows free? I already know about blip.tv, but that's all I've got. Any ideas? Thanks Steve
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