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Everything posted by RLinNH

  1. I also don't like the idea that it takes on more water when it is running flat out. That is backwards. Every older boat that I have owned DRAINS water when I am planned out and running all out. Only when I was trolling around would they take on water. Sounds like whoever is trying to sell you this boat knows that there are structural issues and he'she is not coming clean. I'd walk away, but that's me. Good luck.
  2. I was in and out of BIAP on many occasions. Nice little base. Just keep your head down from all the damned Mortar and Rocket attacks. Stay safe!!!
  3. Where you at nb? I got home last March. OIF 2 and 3. 88m with the Army stationed at LSA Anaconda in Balad.
  4. just went through my Fishing "Boxes" and found 2 brand new packs of Bass Pro Shop Super Lock Worm hooks in 3/0 and 4/0. Also found a 5 count package of 6 inch Yamasenkos and a 10 count bag of 5 inch Yamasenkos. Both in Watermelon with Black flake (my 2nd favorite color). So, tomorrow I'll experiment with wieghtless T-Rigged Plastics.
  5. Heading out today to pick up a few packs of these myself.
  6. Very nice Strippahs RoLo. I heard yesterday that the Herring are already running up in Portsmouth, NH and that the schoolies are already running the Merrimack. Looks like a Fly Rod trip to the Merrimack for me this week. ;D As far as this thread and wieghtless baits, I just found Glenn's thread regarding Senkos. It has answered a lot of my questions. Great thread Glenn.
  7. WHen you get laid off from work, have barely enough money for food and basics, but you still find enough money for gas for the boat and tow vehicle to go Bass Fishing at least 3 times a week.
  8. And that's how a Senko is supposed to be fished?
  9. Whenever I fish plastics (about 95% of the time) I have always fished them Texas rigged. I am starting to look at other baits and also different way to fish plastics. I have heard a lot about fishing wieghtless plastics, but I have no idea what the rig would look like. Can anyone describle the method to me or point me to a link? Thanks.
  10. great post Captain Cali. I feel the same about throwing fish back. I come from a fly Fishing back ground, and if the trout was bleeding through the gills, I would pull the Priest out and kill the fish for consumption. Bass are a little tougher then Trout and can handle a little more abuse. I like the idea of Cutting the hook and slipping it out backwards. Also, Jeff brought up a good point as far as the hooks nowadays being rust resistent. I think it would take a looooooong time for the hjlok to rust out. So, if you absolutely can not get the hook out, bring the fish to the dinner table. Just my .02 cents though...
  11. Bassin it is! Thanks for all the replies
  12. Lookiong to subscribe to a Bass fishing Magazine, but I do not want one that is focused primarily into the Southern part of the U.S., as so many are. I would rather a magazine that has lots of how to articles and one that also keeps me up on the BASS and other Tours. Anyone have any recommendations? I already subscribe to "On the Water". A great local magazine, but for some reason, the Bass fishing bug has really bitten hard this year. Any recommendations would be great.
  13. Funny you mention that Tom. I was out fishing this oast Saturday and an old Aquantince of mine called me. Told him i was in his hometown on such and such a lake and he met me at the Boat Ramp. We talked for about 5 minuted, then he brought up business. I no sooner got back into my boat, respecfully said buh bye, and went back to fishing. I do not need a good day fishing ruined by Shop Talk.
  14. Fished out of a Kayak for my first time last year. I was going to replace my Belly Boat with it. Good thing I tried it before I bought. I hated the Kayak. Whenever the wind kicked up a little bit, I was moved out of position. Also, When moving from spot to spot, I can troll with the Belly Boat. Not so with the Kayak. In the Belly Boat, both hands are on the rod while you padlle with you feet. In a kayak, you have to paddle with your hands. Hence, every time you get a hit, You have to drop the paddle and pick up the rod. Hence, fish off. Look into the top end of Belly Boats/U Boats before buying a kayak. I think you'll be a lot happier in the long run. You'll even save some money. ;D
  15. I have a 16 ft. Sylvan Explorer (A very deep Vee 16 ft Aluminum boat.), with a 40 Horsepower Merc. I bought a Minn Kota 55lb thrust Maxum Motor (52 inch Shaft) with a Minn Kota MK 230 On board charging system (20 amps, 2 banks) and a Trojan Battery for the Motor. I am SOOOOOOOOO looking forward to wetting the boat tomorrow just to cruise around a lake with a trolling motor in the bow. I hope I have enough thrust for my boat :-[t, and I think I will.
  16. In a few weeks I will be having a Minn Kota trolling motor installed on my boat. I was sold on the 24 Volt 70 LB Thrust Model, but now I am not so sure. I have a 16 ft. Deep Vee Aluminum Boat with a 40 HP O/B Motor. I think that the Minn Kota Maxum 55 LB Thrust (12V) would be plenty for my boat. As a matter of fact, I think that the 70 LB Motor is overkill for my boat. I would be saving money all around as I would only have to buy one battery, and the onboard charging station will only need 2 bays instead of 3. What are your opinions on the matter? 24v 70lb Motor or the 12v 55 lb motor?
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