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Everything posted by RLinNH

  1. I discovered Crank Baits 2 seasons ago, and I am in love with them. I have been fishing them on my St. Croix Premier Heavy Power with a Mod-Fast Action on my Quantum Energy PT 6.3.1 Bait Casting Reel. This was originally my Soft plastics set up, but I fell in love with casting Cranks, so the set up does double duty. Well, I'd like to pick up a set up just for my Crank Baits. What type of action am I looking for as far as the Rod is concerned? I know that I am sticking with the Quantum Energy Reels as I would like to find a faster one for my cranks though. Looking forward to the replies and have a safe and Happy New Year.
  2. The Dick's SGS in my area is a mess. the Fishing area always looks like a Tornado passed through it. So, no business from me. We did just have a Bass Pro Shops open up not 3 hours away though. I'm thinking Road trip this weekend. ;D :-X
  3. Dropping in to say hello to everyone that might know my handle, and to those that don't. 8-) Hope everyone had great Holidays and also a good 2007 Fishing Season. Mine was uneventful as I didn't even get my boat in the Water. To damned caught up in my work. :'( The 2008 season will be diferent for me as my Son is asking to go Fishing already ;D. Looking forward to the season!!! Now, I'm going to go play with my tackle and look for a new Crank Bait Rod/Reel.
  4. LMAO!!! That's one Classic I'd like to see!!! ;D
  5. As far as which model Trojan I have, I couldn't tell you off the top of my head. I'd have to look and I just covered up the boat (Looks like my 2 Month Fishing Vacation is suspended as I just got a phone call to start some work tomorrow). As far as the Charger is concerned, I use a Minn Kota MK230. I'll peek at the Motor for you soon and I'll let you know exactly which battery it is.
  6. I'll bet all that new vegetation is keeping the Deer in the area happy also.
  7. That's good thinking Glenn.
  8. Are either of those channels available through Directv?
  9. If your Motor is only a couple of months old, I would bring it back to the place you bought it from. I bought mine and had it installed at the same place and I know that if anything like this came up with my Motor that they would fix it ASAP. They are just good people at my local TM Shop. Your pedal should not be coming loose like that. Especially with it being so new.
  10. "i dont know how long they stay batterie power wise but it sure beats carring 2 or 3 batteries with u i think both brands are about the same " As far as how long a 12V Battery will last, I have a Minn Kota 55lb thrust motor. It runs of off 1 12 Volt Battery. I bought it new this year. I have been on the lake, in the wind with that motor for over 10 hours and I have yet to run the battery dry. I have a Trojan Battery hooked up to it. I charge the battery with a Minn Kota MK230 Battery Charger. If I were you I would find a 12 Volt Transom Mount Trolling Motor. Keep it simple and good luck.
  11. Once you get your boat back Abel, Let dickwad Dick know that you'll be finding someone else to service your Mercury from here on out. Unfriggin real some people.
  12. I was waiting to lose the big one today. I was Throwing a Crank for most of the late morning into the afternoon catching a lot of fish. All of them were good fish (Good fish to me is anything over 2 1/2 lbs.). I knew that I should have retied after every other fish or so, but I was having to much damned fun. I never did lose a fish to a bad knot today, but it was constantly in the back of my mind. About that Monster you lost. Go back tomorrow morning and give him another shot.
  13. Get your Boat back today Abel?
  14. Abel, I feel your pain and anger also. I would be just as hot under the collar as you are, if not more if I were in your shoes. Now go fishing and try to forget about it until Weds.
  15. What are you guys Challenging each other to do?
  16. Alwyas thought that Crank Bait weren't for me, until I gave them an honest shake. I am just now starting to experiment with Pitching.
  17. I gotta try that C-Rig this year.
  18. I've had my boat now for going on 7 years. I doubt I'll get over it.
  19. What bassassasin said.
  20. On a few occasions I have made it a point to post in my region's forum that I had an extra seat in the boat on a fishing day. I fish alone most of the time as most of my buddies are Fly Rodders and they don't like to fish the same way I do. Every time I have posted though, no one has taken me up on the offer. So, I stopped asking.
  21. Get direct TV and you'll get to watch them on The Outdoor channel.
  22. I've had my Boat for over 6 Years. I bought it new and Knock On Wood, other then routine Maintenance, I haven't had an issue.
  23. It's Friday and I have had my fingers crossed for you all day Abel. ;D What's the verdict?
  24. I hope the boat is ready tomorrow also, but after being on the receiving end of a raw deal with a dealer myself, I wouldn't hold my breath.
  25. I had this maintenance done to my boat already. I had it done in early Spring. I was just wondering if it is feasable for a guy to do it himself.
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