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Everything posted by RLinNH

  1. Okechobee Fats, still on the Market? I just checked Cabelas and BPS, and nadda.
  2. What he said. Ya see, some of us don't get out nearly as much as we'd like to. So, we live vicariously, through people like you. Know gets to typing...
  3. I would love to see something along those lines. My son is 6 and needs a new Rod/Reel. I'd like to buy him something nice, but it's a tough find for a kid.
  4. Do you Fly Fish? If so, Try a Hopper Pattern over the slower moving portions of the Creek near boulders and other Cover. Especially this time of year. A hendrickson Pattern in a size 2 Hook would be a good bet also.
  5. The Rapala DT (Dives To) Series is another that shouldn't be ignored.
  6. That is simply AWESOME!!! Now I want to try some Creature Baits. ;D
  7. And don't think that I won't take you up on that either. I am looking forward to it. As far as the Coffee goes, I am a home Coffee Bean roaster (yes, a coffee snob ). So, I'll have the coffee ready for you when you get here. 8-)
  8. Could you explain to me why a Lower gear ratio would be better? I figured that I could burn a Crank bait with this ratio if I wanted to. If I want to slow the Crank down, I can just slow down the retrieve. What am I missing? :-?
  9. About a Month ago, I went Stripper Fishing here in the NE. I have a buddy of mine that has been at me for over 4 years to teach him. So I called him and told him I had an empty seat in the boat. He was excited, ubntil I told him that I leave my Driveway at 0230 to be on the Ocean for 0430. He outright called me nuts and said that he'd be sleeping(His loss. It was a 30+ Fish day). 2 weeks ago, my nieghbor asked me to take him Bass Fishing. SURE!!! I replied. Tomorrow morning. Be in my Driveway at 0400 so that I can be on the Lake by 0445. "No Way". I'll just sleep in tomorrow then. :-/ The owners of my Campground tell me that I am NUTS becasue I am up every Saturday and Sunday Morning and on my boat by 0445 (we have a seasonal on a lake and my Boat is moored there). I just reply that it's perfectly normal for an angler to get up with the Fish. What has happened? Am I the only Angler that get's up with the Fish these days? Am I going out of my mind chasing our beloved Bass? I am usually back at the Camper and cooking Breakfast for the Wife and Kids by 0900, so it works out perfectly for me to fish in the mornings. If I fish in the evenings, I miss out on the Camp Fire, Smores, putting the kiddos to bed, it's just a PITA to fish the evenings. So, tell me. Do you get up early and fish? Or are you a 9ish kinda Angler?
  10. I do the "Thanks Buddy" thing also. Funny thing though, both of my most recent "Off's", in which I lost a GOOD fish as it was jusmping out of the water, hence spitting the Bait out of it's mouth, were next to another boat. On both occasions, I hit my knees and crouched in silence for a good 30 seconds. My last Off, I was crouched so long in disbelief and disgust, that they guy in a boat about 50 yards from me asked me if I was alright. :'( I replied to him that I was, then he said, "That's cool. Cause if I lost that Fish, I'd be in Tears."
  11. I felt like that also. Hence we got a Seasonal for our Camper, on a Lake, with a Mooring. So, no, I fish plenty... 8-)
  12. I just picked up the KVD Quantum Bait Casting rod last night. The longest one they make Currently is 7 ft., and that's what I went with. In the gear report that you are talking about, they said that the rod that KVD was using was 8 ft., and that KVD had Quantum make it especially for that tourny. So, no, I do not think that you can buy that rod, yet.
  13. Not to thread jack, but while we are on the subject... Does the amount of line have anything to do with Back Lashes? I have never had a problem with my Quantum Energy Bait Caster. Until recently that is. I lost quite a bit of line. I wasn't paying attention and I got a Bird's nest from hell. I cut it out and continued fishing. Now it seems like the reel wants to Back Lash all the time. I have a lot less line on the reel. I will be re-spooling this week with new line, but I am inquisitive none the less as to whether it has anything to do with the Back Lashes.
  14. I have been foaming at the mouth for about a year now over a Crank Bait Rod and Reel outfit. Last night I finally pulled the trigger. I picked up the Quantum KVD 7 ft. Crank Bait Rod, and i WAS going to match it with a Quantum Energy PT Bait Caster. But, Bass Pro was out of stock, and I really didn't want to wait for it. So I meandered over to Cabelas to see if they had any in stock. Lo and behold, they were out also. BUT, they did have a Quantum Tour Edition PT with the 7.0:1 speed, which was right up my alley as far as what I was looking for. And could you believe that they are having a sale on them? Normally $240, I got it for $130. So, yeah, I am now doing the Pee Pee dance over here waiting for the UPS guy to show up at the door. I hope that this one is like the Energy PT Bait Caster as I already have one, and I am in love with it. Crossing my fingers that they are one in the same. Just felt like sharing...
  15. LMAO Over here in NH... ;D
  16. I was like you a couple of years ago. I knew nothing of crank Baits, so I gave them a whirl. Now they are my go to baits for finding Fish. My favorite strategy is to find some cover that is 4-6 ft. deep. Then I run a 4-6 foot diving Crank bait over the cover. More times then not, I wind up finding fish. 8-)
  17. I feel your Pain. My favorite Color in my Favorite Tube is gone for 2008. What the Hell are they thinking over their at YUM!?!?!?
  18. My Wife wants each and every one of your names and Numbers. I just told her how much I spent on "Lures". To say that she's a little Irrate would be an Understatement. 8-)
  19. Got into Crank Baits 2 Seasons ago(A Former Die Hard soft plastics only guy ). To say I am hooked on Casting Cranks is an understatement. It's at the point that I am bordering on collecting them. So, let's say a guy was looking for Mega Bass and Lucky Craft Crank Baits. Where would you send him for an online retailer?
  20. Funny you mention that. I'm making a trip down their this Saturday. :-X
  21. Right their with ya. Currently looking into a new Loomis rod and another Quantum PT Baitcaster to go along with the new rod. Did I mention all the Lucky Craft Crank Baits that have found their way to my front door lately? And oh yeah, those darned Fish Finders with the new Color LCD screens, aren't those nice? Speaking of the boat, I need a new Anchor and some new docking lines while I'm at it. With all those new Crank Baits, gotta get me another Soft Tackle Storage System. And no, none of the previous are made up. I NEED ALL OF IT.
  22. You're still gracing these waters with your presence? Damned nice to see ya again Avid. How has the Big Fish hunt been going for ya?
  23. CBR843 from G-Loomis. It's one of their Crank Bait Rods in a Medium Action that is 7 ft long. Anyone else have this rod ? Recommend it? Looks like the way I am leaning right now.
  24. Looks like I'll be sticking with the 6.3.1 Return rate as Quantum doesn't make a reel in left hand retrieve in any other retrieve speeds. :-/
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