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Everything posted by Pat3697

  1. I am mainly a spinning reel type of guy myself. Grew up with one in hand and dont wanna change that if possible. How will this effect me trying to use the flipping and pitching method? Am I able to do it effectively with a spinning rod? Im new to the method but it seems real fun and like a great challenge..any Incite on this would be great..Thanks guys!
  2. So it doesn't effect fish or cause death...this pond I have in mind has bass which I wouldn't eat anyways But I'd like to know there's fish in the pond before I fish it lol
  3. What does this effect? Is it safe to fish? How does this effect or infect the fish?
  4. thanks a lot for the suggestions guys much appreciated!
  5. Just Got A MH rod/reel combo spinning rod. Rods 6'7...I live in MA so we don't get huge bass and im a little scared to get 30-40lb test( makes me feel like fish might be able to see such thick line?). I was thinking maybe 12-14 lb test hoping fish wouldn't shy away from this thiner line. Also what brand/color would you suggest? I Mostly fish trout where lower pound test is better. New to bass fishing so sorry for the some what newbie questions! lol
  6. appreciate it..gonna be buying new gear all winter long to replace the obsession of actually fishing..i don't like ice fishing so buying lures is next best thing
  7. ^ thanks accually took a look at that site last night prices look great from what I can tell so far.. thanks
  8. reaction strike has some great lures ..might try them this upcoming season.
  9. where does everyone buy there lures online or in store? Just wondering if anyone knew of any sites that aren't as common as tackle warehouse..dickssporting goods..ect any incite would be appreciated
  10. strike king is the first company im trying with a series one crank..we'll see how it goes
  11. How you do guys feel about shallow running crankbaits and whats your favorite one/color/design/company/ ect? I love pulling a lure I think this next spring season I might go with them more often.
  12. thanks guys..just watched a few videos on here ...accually were really helpful tips
  13. Anyone know any really good sites for fishing videos? Besides youtube of course...ive pretty much watched every fishing video on there haha..Just came across a site called fishflics.com which isn't too bad.
  14. got a little cleo with great color hoping I can get something with it. If not im going back to the rapalas that gave me so much luck last weekend.
  15. Do you fish them? If so how ? Trolling? casting? Do you tie on directly or use swivels? Just wondering cause I'm going trout/ salmon fishing this weekend and was thinking about trying spoons..
  16. a lot of casting most likely ..crankbaits..live bait..a mixture of those mainly. probably would spend 150 tops..nothing too expensive I am just a casual fisherman
  17. appreciate the input ! i'll keep it in mind while shopping for the rod.
  18. I prefer cork too. I have a few EVA handles but the cork to me looks nicer and seems lighter.
  19. Any suggestions? I live in MA and haven't run into any 15lb bass at least not yet. I am a spinning reel type of guy and would like to purchase a bass spinning reel/rod over the winter seasons for next spring. What do you suggest and what line would you put on it? Thanks for any suggestions!
  20. haha man I thought my 6 dollar lures were bad.. id be real ticked if I lost a whole rod and reel. I have seen people with me drop em 100 ft deep into the lake. its tragic.. thanks for the stories guys I accually do feel better haha
  21. Whats Your favorite knot for when casting hard baits..?Lost A Few lures this weekend going again Saturday and I do not want a repeat of that . Either bait was to much for the line or my knots weren't up to par...
  22. caught a few real nice size trout this weekend. Lost 2 brand new rapala lures... and stepped on my pflueger reel handle and snapped it. : ( im sure many of you have stories of good fishing days even though u lost some of your favorite gear. Any stories id like to hear. Maybe it'll make me feel better about my reel. lol
  23. Just bought some snell eagle claw hooks with spinners and beads.Never have tried them nor do I even know how to use them. Figured maybe someone here has tried maybe could give me some advice on how id use them fishing in a pond off the boat...
  24. thanks for the incite guys gonna try tomorrow morning
  25. how do you think a 1/8th would do in ponds?
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