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Everything posted by Smokinal

  1. Same here brother. That's what I'm talkin about!
  2. The day you stop being young is the day you get old.
  3. These are our birches covered in ice. We just went through 3 days of freezing rain, power outages etc... All ok now though. It's surprising how these trees don't break and will take their natural shape one the ice melts.
  4. he does seem like a good guy otherwise.
  5. ....I feel like Ike at 41 seconds in
  6. Honestly, I'm only using the HJ. I catch a ton of fish on it so why change?
  7. I need a couple of Bluegill swimjigs. I'd buy a couple from ya if you wanna get into it.
  8. Dang! Would you stop it already? You're makin me feel inferior! And I would compliment those beauties but they're Yankees fans....
  9. You're gonna be PUMPED when a bass jumps all over that thing...that you made!
  10. Good point Scott, I read right over that part.
  11. I'd start by checking all connections first. Wiggle plugs, connections etc... If nothing there, is the system fused?
  12. Love mine as well. I manage a very busy tire/auto center. I have been in retail my whole 26 working years and love helping people.
  13. ^^^Post em up! Love to see em!
  14. lol, I know. Just giving some examples that some deals are out there. Now is a good time to buy one right. Even a better time in another month or so.
  15. Take your time man, look around. There are deals to be had. Just a few that looked decent. I know they are a little higher than where you wanna be but they would come down some. http://nh.craigslist.org/boa/4114916207.html http://nh.craigslist.org/boa/4121542316.html http://nh.craigslist.org/bod/4138594675.html http://nh.craigslist.org/bod/4233067477.html http://maine.craigslist.org/boa/4215583039.html The right one will come up for ya.
  16. I buy all my reels in LH crank only. I like my dominant arm to work the bait and set the hook. I also have no transfer after the cast. But whatever you are used to is correct. If you catch fish fishing the weird way, more power to ya.
  17. ^^^ I think I would agree with this.
  18. I'm gonna get me one of those! So far I have only used the HJ and KVD Shiner but that Rogue looks good too. Plus every cold water basser needs to have a Rogue!
  19. I'll get in on this. I have a 96 Nitro, small one, 16ft with a 75 Merc and absolutely love the boat. This combo has been the most reliable boat I have owned or even been in for that matter. Most of that could be because of maint though. It's garaged and well cared for. I will say that I feel Nitro got a bad rap for a couple of reasons. One, the finish and detail could be a little better, but your going to pay for it...go buy a Ranger. Second, I honestly feel there is a little sour grape syndrome that goes on here. Guys that spend 45-50K on a Ranger or Triton see some chump in a 12K Nitro place higher than him in a tourney, well that's gotta hurt. I can't help but feel some, not all, guys in Rangers and Tritons look down on folks in Nitros, even though it's not the boat that catches fish. It's like when I go to the 5 stand club with my $600 Lanber and shoot better than guys with $2500 Berettas and Brownings. And please don't get me wrong. If I were loaded I'd love to own a Ranger as they are fine quality boats. I'm just saying a Nitro is a great boat for the money and will put you in the same spots as anything else.
  20. We're going to get 8 in about 1 1/2 hrs too....of snow
  21. Thanks bud! I don't know why we do that to ourselves! By the end of February, I'll have tackle, rods, reels etc... layed out all over the house....just looking at it. It's self inflicted torture!
  22. We've got 12-15" coming tonight and into tomorrow
  23. Now why you gotta be like that?
  24. 1. You gotta be in water that holds big fish 2. Get off the bank and fish some deep structure 3. Throw jigs
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