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Everything posted by Smokinal

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss A-Jay. We have pets and they truly do become family members. Remember the good times as I'm sure you will. Take care.
  2. http://www.reddit.com/r/Fishing/comments/1y0vtw/record_trout_catch_at_the_sebago_lake_ice_fishing/
  3. I think you're right on track. If you can't afford or just don't want 9 different rods in the boat, that's probably the best way to be universal. I'd go with the 6 or even 8 lb myself in that situation.
  4. I use 20lb braid with all sorts of leader size and never have any issues; all my knots hold just fine. I think it depends more on the presentation and what the structure is. Those 2 different line sizes are too close to have any affect on anything in that situation. I, too, like a little more line strength so I would opt for the 6lb...or even heavier depending on what I'm doing. What is the application anyway? What's the bait? What's the structure?
  5. Thoughts and prayer sent to you and your family Jig. Stay strong for them.
  6. ...“As long as people are still having unprotected sex with many anonymous partners, whilst at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment, I'll be sound as a pound.”
  7. I didn't know there was anything "PBJ" related thats not a jig...
  8. I'm happy and envious at the same time. I wrote a short series of children's books about a father taking his boys bass fishing. I sent manuscripts to some publishers but never got accepted. I have lost the air in my balloon but am happy for you.
  9. Everyone OK? Woke up to around 8-9 inches, freezing rain now. It was a tough morning for me as I watched my wife through the window as she snow blowed the driveway. My shoulder is still healing up from surgery so, God bless her, she was out at 5am this morning getting us cleared out. Happy Valentines Day honey! Hopefully everyone is ok with no power outages, trees on cars etc...
  10. Now that's taking line watching to a whole new level.
  11. You wizard! I was just going to post this. I think that most, not all, but most shallow square bills have a wider body with a wider wobble that they feel more.
  12. Yup, pick a technique you want to learn more about, use the "search" key and there will be most of the info you need. The other half will be in the "videos" tab along the top of the page. And, by all means, don't be afraid to just ask! Welcome to BR!
  13. lol...Well I'm glad you got the full effect of it! And just for the record, I'm a big Dwight Yoakam, Garth, Shania fan too. And Martina McBride is in my handful of best female vocalists on the planet.
  14. How cool would that be?
  15. I love it! Good for him! Hopefully that will be me when I'm 70!
  16. I have been using it for years and really think it helps my hookup ratio. I think fish hold a bait longer with it on my baits. Gives me just that extra fraction to stick her.
  17. Welcome! Love to see some pics of a bass right about now, or even just some open water!
  18. It's all of these things combined that makes me love, and stay with, a braid/fluoro leader setup on every one of my rods. I, too, thought I was missing something here when I just could not use straight fluoro. I have tried at least 8 different brands including Seaguar, Sunline etc... My thought is, if you have to go through so much song and dance (special way to spool it, KVD LL, special hook set etc), why use it. Super Slick and any brand of fluoro for a leader and I whack em! Put them together with a blood knot for standard guides; use an Albright for micro guides...found here: http://www.animatedknots.com/knotlist.php?Categ=home&LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com
  19. Yup, that's Dottie. I agree that the record is still swimming and it's swimming in California. She was 25-1 when Jed caught her and when they found her floating I think they reported her at 19 maybe.? If you haven't already, you should Google her story. It's a good read. I think they said they offered another boat $1000 cash to let them fish her but they turned it down. The chances that this was the largest bass on the planet is slim to none imho.
  20. ^^^This, and you want water moving over it so they recommend the bottom of the ducer to be about 1/8 under the bottom of the boat. You'll see all that in the instructions too.
  21. She's already been caught. Her name was Dottie. Outside the mouth or not she was the largest bass the planet has ever seen. RIP Dottie...
  22. Yup, as cool as it seems it would be to have a camera crew and tv on our home waters, it would just ruin the place for a full season at least. When Field and Stream did an article on Cobbosseecontee Lake here in Maine, it became a vacation destination for everyone.
  23. You're gonna love that thing. Sure it's small, but what it does makes up for it (I've lived by that motto for years btw...) There are pretty good instructions with it that really narrow the installation down for you. I watched a couple of vids on youtube also that helped. Just don't rush, do some homework on it and take your time; you'll be good.
  24. I absolutely love fishing in the rain. Don't know what it is about it, the wetter the better as far as I'm concerned. We have been out in some surface frothing downpoors and just slayin em.
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