Yup Yup, seen it myself. When I was younger, my Grandparents lived in Cotuit Mass and we would fish some ponds down there. I would run a seine net with my Dad when we first got there and catch chubs for bait. When we first started going there, one pass with the net would give us far more than we would need and the white perch/bass fishing was absolutely phenomenal. Sometimes during the day we would see trucks pull up to a house with (literally) "ChemLawn" on the sides of the trucks and spray the yards. Now these yards were beautiful and ran right down to the water's edge.
Well, after a bunch of years, we would go back down there and couldn't buy a chub outta that place, none, not a one. The fishing was horrible and the algae blooms were disgusting. Sometimes we would find dead bass with algae stuffed in their gills.
I guarantee you that a councilman lived in one of those waterfront houses...and was not a fisherman.