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Everything posted by Smokinal

  1. That Orange Tiger from Joe's is disgusting! I'll be sending him a few baits; thanks
  2. Depends where I'm fishing. The lake I consider my home lake has great numbers, some good ones in it as well. If I want numbers, I go there and 20 in the morning 4-5 hrs is a slow morning. I've had 50 and 60 fish mornings of 6-7 hrs and a few 100+ fish days in an 8 hr day. So, I consider 30+ a good day there. There's other smaller, carry in spots, tough to get to, but big fish factories. I don't expect numbers there but they are usually good uns. If I get a couple 5+#ers in 4 hrs I'm good. There's DD bass in that place and any cast could be one. I'm a numbers guy but the thought of big bass brings me to these smaller places a couple times per summer. In fact, it's supposed to be nasty, rain and lightning on Saturday so I think I'm heading there in the yak; that place is fire during a storm.
  3. Funny I see this after this morning. Prior to today, I would have said the SM. But today, the LM were angry! My buddy and I caught 70+ together and commented many times how much angrier the LM were than the SM. So, I would have to say it varies day to day...water to water. Don't think you could put a blanket answer on it.
  4. I was just out this morning throwing glides and Magdrafts on my FR795SB. It's a good, all purpose heavy rod. I get long casts and can throw a heavy bait for a good while on it without getting too worn out. Keep in mind, the the baits and this technique are heavy and taxing on the body when done for a whole day; even with the right equipment.
  5. I love seeing young deer; things happen for a reason. Best wishes to your wife for a speedy recovery.
  6. Welcome fellow New Englander!
  7. Absolutely! I love taking people out and meeting new people. PM me and we'll set something up
  8. @JediAmoeba Come on up to Maine bud; I'll take you out
  9. Some good brown ones sir!!
  10. I was just telling a buddy of mine about BFS while on the water today. I was saying I'll probably give in and buy a setup. Here we go
  11. I'm addding it as we speak; or at least buying the parts to put it all together. I just bought a 106sv Now I need the lvs32 (wont be able to afford the 34), the GLS, and some sort of pole to mount it on as I don't want it on my TM shaft. I didn't think I'd want it but now I gotta have it Just gotta find a deal on some used stuff
  12. Another little tidbit is that on popular ramps where there's good traffic, many will have a little pocket at the end where the bottom gets "blown out" from power loading; creates a little contour. These can hold fish too.
  13. https://lmgtfy.app/?q=how+to+blur+background+on+iphone
  14. So sorry to hear about your last year Glenn. But glad to hear you're doing better and clear. I'm 53, just had my yearly last month. My Dr recommended a PSA, which I did, came back clear. Thank you for sharing and spreading awareness. Hope you have a better year from here.
  15. I'm not sure if this is what you mean or if this could help. I love this site https://www.gpsnauticalcharts.com/main/us/us_me_fishing_maps-maine-fishing-maps-fishing-maps-folio.html
  16. I've posted a few using Imgur, but it's not very convenient. Not too tech savvy; what's the easiest way to post from your phone?
  17. Well great...another "gotta have" bait to go buy https://www.ebay.com/itm/144991897938?hash=item21c230c952:g:j78AAOSw6DZkFIbJ&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAwHWX%2BMpC1JRMkST7RS5lPCa55QbdeGXNyxlbRk%2BIo%2FVQbZ497FeFVreVgdqvxJvTGRyqqtb4JWNw4p3qnof%2FFwhkMbs3efDQXyktHfAlvWcRx0RsrZxmGo%2BkRE2yn%2FgXjt7Z7ZkzyJGRL5ak79geLMy3uGgcV463JgNkkSawQxqdV034rLnm0bGZU1h5%2FyqOuIVojwNLnHYaJREBbzg3qTUwd8NafAK2IsPsQTJJSgK88sTeiSp4HKDItkbedjCoLg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR86KseXeYQ I thought this was a case of 12...
  18. I've never thrown a swimjig; not sure I even own one. This is a bait, though, that I have wanted to learn for years. I have mostly football and throw those often, worked slowly on bottom. I guess I gotta go get a few for this year
  19. lol...high 40's?? I'd be swimming in high 40's It's going to be another 4 weeks before my trailer doesn't ride on top of the water. So sorry to hear you will have to wait another week to go fishing...
  20. I know the feel CC Every trip is an adventure; it's the same but different; and we look forward to every one like a kid on Christmas eve
  21. What a giant! You could tell me that girl is 10 lbs and I'd believe every ounce of it.
  22. What a beast! Congrats!
  23. I think I do bud; lemme look. I'll send them to you if you want them.
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