Depends where I'm fishing.
The lake I consider my home lake has great numbers, some good ones in it as well. If I want numbers, I go there and 20 in the morning 4-5 hrs is a slow morning. I've had 50 and 60 fish mornings of 6-7 hrs and a few 100+ fish days in an 8 hr day. So, I consider 30+ a good day there.
There's other smaller, carry in spots, tough to get to, but big fish factories. I don't expect numbers there but they are usually good uns. If I get a couple 5+#ers in 4 hrs I'm good. There's DD bass in that place and any cast could be one. I'm a numbers guy but the thought of big bass brings me to these smaller places a couple times per summer. In fact, it's supposed to be nasty, rain and lightning on Saturday so I think I'm heading there in the yak; that place is fire during a storm.