If I may...a couple of questions about the lake(hard to find up to date info)...I have not been out there in 25+ years. I dont remember worrying about stumps and whatnot way back then, we would hop in my buddys boat, throw the rope in the water and kneeboard all day long.
we will be on the South end of lake...
Best place for Ethanol free gas on the water? Or should I take my gas cans with me and stop on the way in?
Best place for ice, odds and ends, etc?
Best place for food on the day I dont want to eat camp fire hot dogs?
Is the area still dry? Liquor wise?
Bass haven resort is right next to the park, I have read some bad reviews is it really that bad?
Best place to water ski/play in the water? I think we used to go up near Pirates cove.
If my wife and I just want to take a cruise...anything on the lake that is a must see?
I will probably ask these same questions at the park once we check in, but always good to have more than one opinion.
Thanks all, this is a great thread!!