Thank you Daiwaguy, I appreciate the feedback. I just don't understand how people can chime in about whether rain gear is good or not when they haven't even worn it in the rain. Smh. Anyway, I owned Frabill rain gear for the last two years and I've worn it maybe 4 or 5 times in either light rain or very short downpours. However, last weekend I had a tournament on a day where there was 25-30mph winds and a steady rain for the entire 8 hours. By 12pm I was soaked head to toe right through my rain gear into my underlying clothes. Luckily I had a change of clothes, backup bibs from west Marine and an extra jacket that got me through the day. Needless to say I'm looking for new Rain gear and in between the Stormr fusion gear and the Huk Next Level Gear. I know it's $700 for the Huk gear but I get 50% off so I'd only be paying $350. Do you have the reg rain gear or the Next level rain gear?