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Stephanie Ellis

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  1. The next one I catch, I will be sure to take a picture of and share with you all! This is a wonderful thread!! Great job girls!!!
  2. First of all, I would just like to acknowledge and thank you and everyone who chose to be vulnerable in this thread. It is very touching to read...and certainly very inspiring and encouraging for me as well! My life has definitely not gone the way I had once envisioned it. I have never been the person who has gone down the path of least resistance. Growing up, I had what some people might call a rough start...and because of this, certain qualities started to develop early on in me (ie. empathy, compassion, understanding, forgiving, willful, observant, etc..). My main goal in life has always been to "help others"...and as I have developed into my young adulthood, I realize that I can accomplish this goal in any situation I am faced with. I have realized that if there is one thing in life I have control over, it's my decisions. Everything in life is a choice. Everything we think, feel, and act on is based upon how we decide to react, act or otherwise feel about it. I am still learning and applying this fact everyday and in every moment. For a long time, I reveled in the victim role...feeling self pity was my specialty. Now, I am diligently and earnestly making the conscious choice to redefine my experiences and feelings so that I can not only survive but thrive. I want to be a living example of how life's sour lemons can be transformed into the sweetest, most quenching lemonade! Sometimes, I get discouraged and impatient because I want to be at the "end of the rainbow" already but I am slowly recognizing now that the "joy is in the juicing"! So, keep juicing my friends!! And remember, light shines brightest in darkness!! I thank you so much for your posts, because they have sparked something deep down in me to share and be vulnerable! Make it a magical day everyone!!
  3. I just want you all to know that I fully appreciate everyone's opinions and feedback with regard to this issue! I certainly get a lot out of "belonging" to a place where there are likeminded individuals with similar interests. Thanks so much guys!!! Have a wonderful day!!!
  4. I understand completely! We are going to have a sonar in place to avoid these possible hazards.
  5. Ahh. I can certainly see why not! What about sonar as an option? Is this the only body of water you frequent??
  6. Cool! Would you feel like there is additional value if you could have all of these features consolidated into one location? Instead of having so many devices to have to play and keep up with?
  7. In addition to all of the features that are already out on the market, you will be able to map out on your touch screen smartphone device where you want to go, before having to record your path by traveling on it. How does this sound to you? Do you think this is a valuable feature to have?
  8. Yes! And ours will have not only what they are offering but will also have a touch screen, and you will be able to plot your course without having to travel first to your destination spot! What do you think about these differences? Do you see them as valuable?
  9. Yes, we are designing a smartphone application that will allow you to plot your course along your desired path. From my understanding, there are different navigational systems in place that will record your path once traveled on. Ours would allow you to set your course prior to starting your route. Have you heard of something like this on the market?
  10. THANK YOU!!! I will be looking forward to it!! Have a great weekend!
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