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Everything posted by boostr

  1. Ah, I see... I was never here... carry on
  2. Off topic is an understatment. What in the H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS does this have to do with fishing tackle or jigs and trailers, or am I missing something here?
  3. I yelled when I saw this, thats some nasty chit. I feel the pain just looking at it... oddly I can't look away.
  4. Yes, I berate that big mouthed bastige, And then I bodyslam him back in the water.
  5. I like to roll it myself too.... then light it. BOOM!
  6. Ya'll make good POINTS... HHHA! I kill me.
  7. I hear ya Big-O
  8. You can tell he enjoys his bass fishing.
  9. Oh, Geez, I feel stupid. Thought you were talking about your motor. I totaly glanced past the Power Pole, thought it was the ceiling support in your garage.
  10. Check out Cabelas online They have a Plano box set up just for hooks and sinkers. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Fishing/Tackle-Storage/Tackle-Binders-Utility-Boxes%7C/pc/104793480/c/104777280/sc/104620680/Plano174-Hook-and-Sinker-Organizer/1573827.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Ftackle-binders-utility-boxes%2F_%2FN-1100380%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_104620680%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104793480%253Bcat104777280&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104793480%3Bcat104777280%3Bcat104620680
  11. Anybody see the latest episode of Facts of Fishing 1/30/14, Dave did some pond bank fishing. Holy crap He was pulling out some Hawgz. Also showed how finiky bass are at different points of the day. Started with a crank, and nothing. Next went to a worm started catching dinks. Then went to a swim jig with a Rage Craw and started reeling in the pigs, when that slowed down he went back to the Crank again... BOOM the pigs were smoking it even though they would'nt touch it when he started out with it. Good episode for us bank fisherman.
  12. You now what they say "The big girls keep you warm...when your hands are cold" "O" man thats a biggn' You sure know how to kick us Northeners when we're down Thanks for sharing
  13. Nothing wrong with filtering a pic to make it clearer . As long as you are not altering the size of your fish ... Gigidy.
  14. None, it will be going towards a riding mower. YEAH BABY!!!!
  15. Lol, my wife was guilty of this one time... one time, and do I miss her.
  16. Nice collection.
  17. You should get some crank baits.
  18. Sweet, nice sammich.
  19. Geeeeezus, dem some fatties. Those big girls keep you warm on a cold night.
  20. Got me thinking now.... AAAAAAAAAAAnd cue the Bait Monkey
  21. That cat could eat the dog.
  22. I wasn't sure, So stripers live in salt and fresh water?
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