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Everything posted by boostr

  1. Ugh! You're makin me jelly. All I've managed up this way is 1 measly rock bass.
  2. Or you can do this^. I was thinking the same thing or just rage rig it.
  3. I get this issue also on the Space Monkey Texas rigged, but shouldn't matter to the bass. I'll see it spin and go belly up when I'm cranking it in.
  4. He beat me to it.
  5. Or try it sideways.
  6. This would be LMB, and I'm a bank fisherman.The reason I'm asking is yesterday when I was out I was using a CB, and as I got it closer to shore right before I was getting ready to pull it out of the water I noticed a nice size bass had followed it. This thing must of been like 4lbs had massive pit bull head on him. Obviously when he saw me it made a run for it. Threw some different baits but no dice. I want to go back to that same spot and see if I can bag that pig, and that's why I'm asking the question.
  7. Good deal, it's always nice to get an unexpected gift. It's like finding that 20 you left in your pocket like a month ago.
  8. Meaning do they always hang out or cruise in the same area everyday. Besides suspending in the winter or bedding. This being in a lake.
  9. Yeah, true. There is a nice biggn' swimming around there which I saw following my crank bait. I will go back for him for sure.
  10. It's like lake crack, it's calling your name man.
  11. Sweet, obviously this was weed or Lily pad pond?
  12. Here you go. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/136199-the-funniest-thing-youve-ever-seen-on-the-water-or-at-the-ramp/?view=getnewpost
  13. That would be what you call "Taboo"
  14. Yeah, looks like it. I'm just glad he has a blast. Keeps him out of jail.
  15. Yeah that's what they looked like, thanks for the clarification.
  16. To make it worse I caught him by accident. I was untangling a backlash and he hit my CB that was still floating in the water.
  17. How pathetic. I think it's time to try another body of water.
  18. Knowing myself, when I get my boat I'll probably be one of those dummies.
  19. It wasn't about the fishing it was about Cletus Maximus... that dude is out there. Cracked me up.
  20. That's a piggn'.
  21. I got this hot pink spinner bait with triple blades, what water conditions would that be good for....I'm being serious.
  22. Bill if you get a chance check out the episode with Cletus Maximus, it's a 2 part episode. Good fishing and a good laugh.
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