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Everything posted by boostr

  1. Any good bank fishing there, thinking about goin there tomorrow.
  2. boostr

    New Pb

    Yeah this is his first one he caught last week. Looks smaller than the new one.
  3. boostr

    New Pb

    Tell me about it, I get kind of frustrated when he's catching every bass on a dinky reel and pole combo on small crappie jigs, and I can't even get a bite with my quasy fancy gear. Then I start thinking, try a smaller bait and slow it down, which actually worked got a nice hook up, but spit the hook when I got him close to the bank. I still get happy for him when he hooks up because he gets so excited, and has this huge smile on his face. That's what it's all about.
  4. boostr

    New Pb

    I know the feeling.
  5. Now its 3 for him almost 1 for me
  6. boostr

    New Pb

    So he's ready for more fishing when I get home. He has his new Zombie Apocalypse green 2 piece Rapala fishing rod ready... I'll show him how to catch the big ones ;-)
  7. boostr

    New Pb

    That's what I'm thinking, about that much.
  8. boostr

    New Pb

  9. boostr

    New Pb

    How much do you think it weighs? Probably kind of hard to judge.
  10. boostr

    New Pb

    I'm starting to doubt myself.
  11. boostr

    New Pb

    I know where I'm going after work.
  12. boostr

    New Pb

    Again not me, but my son's. While I'm at work today He went with his mom to a small pond near the house, and he caught this pig. It stripped his drag on his little Spiderman combo so they are on the way to DSG to get a new combo. Man I'm getting out fished by a 3 year old using crappie jigs.
  13. But I never seen a hot pink baby bird.
  14. Hmm, that makes sense.
  15. Thanks
  16. Ok, the top hot pink spinner is a Fish Belly 3/8oz double gold and silver willow leaf spinner on a spinner. When and what water conditions would use this fancy color? The bottom is a Booyah 3/8 gold willow, and silver Colorado. With the colors its in, what fish or bait fish is this supposed to imitate.
  17. Try to stick to dinks.;-)
  18. Down there with that weather they are probably done, but up here it is just getting started.
  19. Oh, first of the year. I thought it was his first fish ever.
  20. Try using Google maps or Google earth.
  21. Good luck! I don't think anybody is gonna give up their honey hole
  22. Did slow the retrieve, dead sticking no. I think I need to build up more patients for dead sticking for the 2 hrs I get to only fish sometimes.
  23. Yeah I do walk around the "lake" it's more of a large "cove" off the main lake. It seems there are more fish hanging in the cove. There is a trail around the whole reservoir, and also around just the "cove". Maybe I should start walking the main lake.
  24. Yeah, I'm gonna have to try that.
  25. What a pig ;-). Good for him. Now he's hooked he's gonna want to go fishing every day now. That's how my 3 year old son is, after his first fish he's ready to go everyday.
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