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Everything posted by boostr

  1. What's under the skirt... Hoowah!
  2. In the winter time... don't eat the yellow snow...
  3. At your Senko...
  4. Shweeeet! The water here is still frozen, but I think next week it will be thawing out, can't wait for some pre spawn fishing.
  5. I'm really looking forward to it though.
  6. ...Well you know how that went.
  7. I was really wanting a boat, but then my wife was like...
  8. Who cares, I'm not gonna wear it... Maybe...
  9. I dig the furniture, it will go great with the DD bass mounts that you will be hanging on the fancy dark wood walls, You sitting there in your smoking jacket with a 25 years old single malt scotch in one hand, and Cuban stogie in the other, admiring your work... That's my dream....
  10. Let me guess.... hmmmm.... you?
  11. Getting my Feelfree Lure 10 or 11.5 in the next couple of months. Really looking forward to it.
  12. He'll be pulling them out of the grass and weeds...
  13. Didn't help that Dicks was on the way, but I did get the groceries... eventually.
  14. My wife sent me out to do some grocery shopping... ...Nuff' said
  15. The word around town is usually 5.4.1 or something close.
  16. Same with my woman, I might as well talk to her about hp and rpms, and I'll get the same look... Do you speak Dutch?
  17. Thanks for the heads up. I used the Googler and printed an actual size size chart... Man I wish I knew about the googler before... Derp!
  18. How do you size the blades? I know they use numbers. So what size is an 1, an 2, an 3 and so on?
  19. That's what I'm trying to start doing, I have a bunch of spinners I don't us any more so I'm gonna take off the blades, and use them to swap out.
  20. I only bank fish right now. I usually wear a leather waterproof work type boot, but i just ordered a pair of Merrill waterproof hiking boots. If it gets colder i just put on some thick winter socks. If I know it's gonna be a little swampy or muck I put on a pair of rubber, and insulated muck boots.
  21. So when the bass are in pree spawn use willows, then when they are in the shallows spawning or guarding start using colorados?
  22. Ok, That's what I was trying to figure out. The main forage over here where I fish are Bluegill, perch, and sunnies. Do these guys spawn in that late spring early Summer?
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