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Everything posted by seekonkBass

  1. Lmao I thought the same thing
  2. Ok this makes me feel better, because that's exactly what I do. I thought the stacking was because of the reel. I see the pictures of people selling reels with the line flawlessly spooled and I'm not gonna lie, I get jealous lol
  3. This seems to even while fishing, which is the more confusing part. Should I also be pointing the tip of the pole toward the line during the retrieve and not hold the pole tip up? Thanks
  4. Thanks for your post. I only thumb the spool when casting, not on the retrieve but I can see how that could cause a problem.
  5. Yes Sir!! That's why I'm beginning to question if it's the reel. I have a cheapy a Pinnacle that spools very nice and even, so I was wondering if there is any adjustments. I know this BPS is a cheapy too but I would have thought it would lay the line down on the spool nicer than it does. I think I'm just going to pickup a Lews next week and call it a day lol
  6. Hello Folks, So I have a BPS tourney special (not PQ) It took me a while to get used to having centrifugal brakes but that's a story for another time. Any way I notice that this reel has a tendency to always spool more line near the crank handle. It doesn't matter if it is when I spool new line or when I retrieve a cast. I checked to make sure that the reel is centered on the pole (which it is) and I also checked to make sure that it is tight on the pole. Could it just be a flaw in the design or is there an adjustment I need to make. Thanks for any help, in advance! Jorge
  7. So 53 turns yielded 46 yards spoiled? Darn it I should have wagered something!!!! Lol
  8. I'll just sit over here an let the adults speak... Let me know if ya need me. Lol
  9. So the retrieve rate is only accurate when the spool is full?
  10. I get your point but the difference will be negligible and would vary slightly based on line diameter. However, with the spool being small in diameter to begin with and the fact that an exact amount is not a make or break event the variance should be less than a yard with either the backing or final product.
  11. You could always do the math based on how many inches per crank your reel retrieves. So if you have a 125 yard reel spool that retrieves at 26" per turn it takes approximately 173 full cranks to retrieve 125 yards. So 50 yards is 40% of the capacity while 75 yards is 60% of the capacity. Therefore 69 cranks will spool up 50 yards of line on to your spool and 104 cranks will spool the remaining 75 yards on to your spool. Pretty simple. If you're not a big fan of math let me know how many yard your spool holds and the retrieve rate in inches and I'll do the math for you
  12. I actually have been playing with tuning the reel and switched to 30# braid and casting 3/16 is now a walk in the park. Now my problem lies below that. So I'll probably just use a spinning set up for anything under 3/16.
  13. I can speak from experience. The BPS tourney special at 49.99 is great! It took me a little bit to get used to it (dual centrifugal brakes), but now that I have adjusted from magnetic brakes to mechanical ... Man it rocks!!
  14. I was hoping you would shed some light on this question, since you're the MAN when it comes to catching fish!! Thanks fella
  15. Thanks for the reply. We typically go to a local reservoir where there is very limited cover and there isn't much in the way of coves or downed wood in the water. From what I have seen there there aren't any other water ways attached to this body of water. As far as structure goes I'm not 100% sure where the drop offs are but I have managed to find some deeper waters and weeded areas. We are shore bound and without a depth finder.
  16. Hello everyone, looking for a little guidance. I am relatively new to fishing (took 25 years off, haven't been much since I was 15) and now that my son has shown some interest in fishing I have pretty much put away the golf clubs to focus on fishing with him. My nephew likes to come along too, so I am proud to say that through fishing I am building memories that will last a lifetime and hopefully teaching them a new skill. However, in order to do that I need to learn a bit too. I have been reading up on all the great info on BR and it has been extremely helpful. Now I find myself with a question that has probably been posted but I wasn't able to find an answer via the search function. We have an interesting weather pattern moving through the area that started last night and the over night temp was higher by about 40* compared to the night before. In fact our morning temp today is higher that our high temp for the day was yesterday. There is some rain expected and heavy winds and it all ends today then the weather pretty much goes back to what it was 2 days ago. My question is this... Would tomorrow or Sunday be the better day to get the boys out to catch some fish? Thanks in advance for your anticipated replies!!
  17. ^ this is so well written!!! Now I feel like calling in sick and going fishing! Well done!
  18. Rooster, your reply has been the most well thought out and applicable reply I have ever seen on a forum to a question! Thank you for taking the time to post. I am sure this info will help me out. It's a little after 5 AM and I'm getting ready to go to work, but now I can't wait to get home tonight to try this out!! Thanks again
  19. I have tried ever possible setting as far as braking goes. I always start by zeroing out the end if cast brake the adjusting the spool tension then setting the end of cast control brake to around 3.5-4 (out of 7). There are 4 brakes inside for then centrifugal brakes. I have tried none to all 4. When all 4 are on, there is no way a birds nest will occur but even an alimghty cast will only yield about 20-25 yards with a 1/4 oz on the line. I have read that the brakes should be used in even numbers so I have tried 4, 2 and none. With 2 I get a bit more distance but the results are varied so one time I'll get a great cast no backlash good distance and the next cast will yield no backlash and very little distance.? It's almost as if the brakes are tighter sometimes than others. Does my description make sense? Sometimes I type quicker than my brain is processing lol
  20. This is a pretty interesting topic we've got going now. I think my concern was more focused around the lack of distance I am getting with anything less than a 1/4. I think I am just casting too hard, trying to get distance out of a weight that isn't capable of producing the distance I was expecting and the end result is a messy spool.
  21. I have found that if I lightly (gently) rest my thumb on the spool I can get a ton of distance and still control the speed by increasing or decreasing pressure as needed. It really is just a matter of getting used to it and practicing.
  22. Hello Everyone, I am having rough time getting used to the centrifugal brakes on the BPS Tourney Special.They are either always too much brakes or too little. If I set any of the internal brakes to "on" I lose a ton of casting distance, I if set them to "off" I get very sporadic results, sometime I get great casts with little to no over-run other times it's a hot mess!! I haven't had this issue with magnetic braking systems, so I'm wondering if anyone has any tips or if anyone else has had the same issue? A little background on me. I have used mostly the Pinnacle Platinum Plus (a wally-world acquisition lol) that has magnetic brakes. I find the Pinnacle to be smoother, quieter, and easier to cast. I can't be the only one who has had these results. I would have thought that the BPS would have been a better reel considering that it was $49 for just the reel and the Pinnacle was a rod/reel combo for $59.00, but I am starting to question the BPS's quality. I am conflicted if I should get rid of the BPS and get an Abu Black Max with magnetic brakes or get another Pinnacle maybe a little better than the one I already have. Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcomed and appreciated. Jorge
  23. I guess I should say specifically... With a 6'6" MH and a BPS Tourney Special.
  24. I was curious if anyone has successfully thrown anything less than a 1/4 oz with a baitcaster? I seem to have an issue with anything less than a 1/4... Backlash is an understatement
  25. Are you willing to share where they are on sale 50% off with the rest of us equipment addicts?
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