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Everything posted by swagkid300

  1. Wow you mad bro? don't get so butt hurt, im just asking a simple question, you don't have to attack me
  2. get outa my thread if you think im a troll.
  3. I'm not a troll, I'm actually serious buddy.
  4. well duh guns don't kill people!! bullets do silly!
  5. I'm proud of you man, you are an inspiration
  6. i keep hearing how people can just walk into wal mart and get an assault rifle, pistols, shotguns, etc is it really that easy to get a gun? no wonder america is filled with gang bangers and weird people who will shoot for no reason.
  7. behind my dad's friends farm was a little pond, it was around 10'x10' and the pond connected to a little creek. I caught many bass there, waiting for bass season to start so i can go back there and catch me sum dinner! Yum!!
  8. what are you at now?
  9. What is that something you regret in your life? mine is that i kept putting off going to visit my aunt in a nursing home because i was "too busy" She passed away and its too late.
  10. those fish are so beautiful i just wanna eat them
  11. I use the pole and the headgear thing for the GoPro which GoPro do you have?
  12. When you guys catch a fish, do you try to reel in as fast as you can or try to have fun with the fish and fight it for a minute or so?
  13. this is actually really good, you guys should have your own show!
  14. I have been fishing for over 10 years in many different countries with my pops, the animals i have encountered are Kodiak Bears, Black bears, Grizzly bear, Bull Moose, Cougar, Crocodiles, Hippos, Lions, A lot of birds, monkeys, and an anaconda ( not an animal but....) I might've missed a couple animals, but these are the ones i remember seeing.
  15. sorry i don't know if this is where i post this but... We have a smallmouth bass sub forum, why don't we have one for peacock bass / largemouth etc??
  16. although im still a young guy i met my girl at a bass fishing tournament i attended with my brother in law. i knew i was never gonna get this chance again, so when the guys were weighing everyones fish i talked to her. and bam, 4 years together now. I'm gonna ask her to marry me after I'm done college
  17. hey buddy, read my last comment. It's the way we talk here, it's not disrespect. Get over it you pansy.
  18. i wasn't being offense, it's the way we talk over here. Don't get your panties in a twist ^
  19. haha the good old days i remember when i used to be noob
  20. thanks old man, didn't see that *awkard laugh Cheers, Swag Kid #300
  21. i have never tried jig and pig set up, what kind of techniques am i using? Do i just drop it in the water and lift my rod every couple seconds? or do i reel in slowly? help me my bass master swag friends.
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