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About oufaninks

  • Birthday 02/15/1943

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Wichita, KS
  • My PB
    Between 14-15 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Amistad, Fork, Ray Roberts, Toledo Bend and Falcon
  • Other Interests
    Avoiding winters in Kansas.

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  1. I use MMO but I am running a 250 Yamaha SH, four stroke. The reason I use it, I never know when alcohol is being used to increase the octane of the fuel I am using. I use it to simply add lubrication to the alcohol as alcohol is dry Have no idea if it is beneficial, but I feel comfortable doing so..
  2. X2! Wonderful young man! We had two good days fishing. Boys were good to deal with and wanted to learn. Obviously not everyone fishes the same way so I showed them how I do it Doesn't mean I'm right, just my way. They can remember and use what they think will work for them. Good young men, wish them much success!
  3. It was my pleasure hosting you and Shane. Hope you had a good time and learnt a little more about bass fishing. It's a sport you can enjoy all of your life. My best to your and your future endeavors. Hope to see you all again sometime. Hope you got some pictures I took.
  4. I'm taking them. Have talked to Henry and will meet on the ramp Sat AM for a practice day. Friends did favors for my late son when I was unavailable. My turn to return the favor to someone.
  5. They sent me another Cumulus Tony...
  6. I don't know what 'smack talk' is, and really don't care. But that is the reason I will never own one. Will stay with my, over 20 count, of Revo's , Curado's and Cronarch's. To each is own.
  7. There is also one other factory associated with a premier rod. Warranty and Service. I fish with G.loomis GLX and Shamano Cumulus rods and other less expensive rods. I broke a Cumulus, called their office they told me what to send. This was on a Monday. Friday I received a new rod at no charge.
  8. Looked at a Tatula the other day and notice that if the spool is filled with line, the line will rub on the plate that is located behind the level wind guide. This will cause wear on the line or groves to be cut in this plate as line is retrieved on to the spool. Therefore would never own one.
  9. Spoonplugers comments about how MLF works is correct. To select the players, they took the top standings of the Elite Series and made the offer. When one declined they went to the next on the list. As far as scripting, the producers wanted some conjecture on the lake, the guys said no. We don't do that in our real life and we are not going to do that in the show. Everything is honest and equitable. I have personally watched and assisted in their tournaments. I think its an acceptable format, just not sure about the successfulness of it. Not sure how Byron Velvic got invited. I do know they stayed at his motel/lodge during the first MLF event. Maybe he worked something out with Duckett. Not sure. Bass Pro furnishes the boats including moving them to the next location. Obviously they only have a couple other sponsors and I am sure they need more. It is very expensive to pay the lady and gentlemen, plus the film and support crews to film these. Studio editing on top of that with that many cameras and film shot is challenging as well. Hats off to Duckett for a great idea and guts enough to try it. For all those who are involved, I hope it works. A bunch of great people to be around.
  10. That is your lower unit oil drain plug. If you look above it, you will find another one which you remove to allow air to enter the lower unit so that oil will pour out. Also you refill from the bottom plug until oil comes out the top. Then it is full. Being the oil is some what heavy or dense it is not leaking very much or water has entered the lower unit via this hole being pulled in by the rotating gears. Maybe all the oil has escaped while in the lake and running and that is why you are not seeing much in your drive way. Anyway, go to a dealer, get a lower unit oil pump, oil, a replacement plug and new gaskets for both the new plug and the upper plug and replace before you shell the lower unit. Either some one service the lower unit and didn't properly tighten or you ticked some one off and the unscrewed your drain plug. I can't quite tell from you picture, this plug could actually be the upper lower unit plug.
  11. Ricky Green drove from Lake Texoma to Arkadelphia, AR at night to get his aluminum boat which had had the lower unit changed out from running a prop to a jet pumper so he could run shallow water in the Red River feeding Texoma. It was a BASS tournament in which he won.
  12. I will make an attempt to briefly explain my experience with Hydrowaves and I have verified this with guides and some Elite friends of mine. Will keep it simple and basic. If you are in deep water and the fish are located on bottom structure I have found that on several occasions having the Hydrowave on will pull the fish up off of and away from structure. I feel this makes the fish tougher to catch. If in shallow water where shad exists, having your Hydrowave turned on will make the existing shad excited and can make bass more active. This is where having a Hydrowave has been useful. White bass and Stripers when schooling, I have no clue if it is beneficial by keeping the fish active and close to the boat longer. When I am fishing for these schooling fish, I do have my Hydrowave turned on and turned up all the way. Can't hurt anything. As for the operation of the Hydrowave, they could have done a much better job on the human interface of this product. I have sent mine back for not working, received it back. Have to have the trolling motor out of the water and turned way up to hear it. Have to do this to verify that it is on and working. Do not like how you have to operate it.
  13. I have just came off Falcon lake. Don't waste your gas money. Just like Lake Amistad, Flacon is dead as well. Don't waste your time to fish either. I have spent 6 years fishing these and they are at an all time low. Previously I thought it impossible to not catch fish, good fish, now you are lucky if you even catch a fish. ; These lake are low, but not as low as they were last year. They are low because the water is used for irrigation, not because of drought. Both are only 20 some feet low versus up to 60 feet last year.
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