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Everything posted by LookinForLunkers

  1. I have a pond that was stocked by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife around that time as well, and I've caught 4 fish that I believe are Kentucky bass judging by the pictures and descriptions I've seen. These fish that I've caught are very similar to largemouth, except they are much lighter in color, yellow rather than green. So I'm guessing that some Kentucky, or some hybrid, type of bass is being stocked.
  2. I've got a Rattlin' Rogue in blue/chrome, and if I remember correctly, I've never caught a thing on it. I haven't used it too incredibly much though.
  3. I'll have to go with a buzzbait, there's nothing like a good topwater strike.
  4. Thanks for all the help, guys. I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover. I wasn't expecting that tiny lure to catch much of anything. I'll give it a few more tries and hopefully catch a few.
  5. Thanks, NEBassman. I kinda doubted that they would be a very good bass catcher. Since they work for crappie, I'm guessing that they could catch a few larger bluegill too.
  6. I'm just wondering, has anybody had any luck using Mini Rat-L-Traps. I have one, but I only throw it every once in a while, just to see what might happen. I've never caught anything with it, but it seems like they should work for bass or bluegill. If you've had any luck with them, what were the conditions and what size was your fish?
  7. White Zoom Superfluke, with a pearl 5" Senko coming in a close second.
  8. senile1, I'll definitely keep throwing them, especially with all the good reviews they consistently get, I just need to build up some confidence in them myself. I've even still got one that's never been opened yet.
  9. I use the Gulp Earthworms that come in the small jars. You can get them anywhere usually. Just thread them on a hook like you would a real worm, put a bobber a couple of feet above, and you'll be pulling blue gill out all day long. It's the only thing I ever use.
  10. I've tried my hand at Jitterbugs quite a bit over the past year, throughout all hours of the day and night, all kinds of weather, and from all over my pond. I tried them at the times and conditions that are supposed to produce with Jitterbugs, yet I've never got so much as a strike on them. However, buzzbaits in the exact same colors cause the fish to go wild, and I can at least get a strike nearly every time I throw one and catch a good amount. So for me, I don't consider Jitterbugs to be a really great bait. It's possible that pond-fishing is the cause of my troubles with them. As with anything, I guess it's best to buy one or two and give them a try. Even though I've only been fishing for a couple of years, I've already learned that trial-and-error is one of the best ways to learn what works. They work great for most people, maybe I'm just weird.
  11. Sometimes my lure will drag on something heavy, which results in me whipping my rod back like a madman thinking that I have a monster on the line. When it turns out to be nothing, I just tell everyone around that I had a huge one on the line, it just got off. No one will ever know otherwise. It sure beats looking like a fool when whoever you're with notices you trying to set the hook.
  12. This isn't a superstition, but I'll tell it anyway. Yesterday was a great day of fishing, maybe the best of the year for me. Today I was at K-Mart and the fellow in front of me was purchasing quite a bit of fishing gear. He had enough to completely cover the counter. After I checked out and got out into the parking lot, I noticed that the girl behind the counter had put a Crickhopper crankbait in my bag, which was probably bought by the guy in front of me. I returned it to the store, since it was the right thing to do. After returning it, I went fishing, and caught just one fish. It was a scrawny little largemouth that was 10" at the very most. I was highly disappointed, seeing as how yesterday was such a good day. On top of that, I thought that karma would be on my side today for returning the lure. Now, I wonder if I would've caught some good fish if I had kept the lure? Or would I even have caught any at all? A mystery that I will never know...... :-/
  13. Thanks for the welcome, Matt!
  14. Fishingfrenzy, I'm in a similar situation as you. Our pond is a little bigger than an acre, 1.5 acres at the very most. It seems like everything I do just spooks the fish away. It almost appears as though the fish have discovered what lures I use and have stopped biting. Last week I threw Zoom Superflukes and Senkos for the first time and was catching fish left and right. Now, nothing. Not even a bite on the trusty Rat-L-Trap, which used to work like a charm. They aren't even attempting to go after anything. Can bass actually learn your lures in a matter of days? All I can catch on occasion lately are the little bass I stocked last year that are up to about 12" now. :'(
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