Thanks for the great responses KyakR and BigBill. Y'all definitely hit a few nails right on their heads.
Bill those are the moments I live for and love that my son is learning to love them too.
Kayakr, l have a career, I cook, I clean, I don't *****/nag my husband, and I love fishing & football. So my very happy husband tells his friends, they whine to their wives, and that leads to me feeling the hate or being seen as a threat . Not to mention my own friends who don't understand my love for fishing. I'd be GLAD to take them and show them the ropes but they aren't interested. You are right, other female anglers have ALWAYS welcomed me with open arms, the same as I have with them. Luckily most men around here welcome female anglers on the water, but not yet for most clubs. There's 1 club here for couples, otherwise it's men only .