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Everything posted by Swampstud

  1. Lol thats funny but unfortunate for sure. I threw a fit once when I lost my customized spinnerbait. Wasnt catchin crap one day, then I found a patch of pondweed and swam that threw it just got down into the weeds and slam and snap. I was ticked off to say the least. opening day this year I managed to fall outta 12ft boat. That was rather cold, I kept fishin tho. Cant leave a good jig bite......
  2. Hattrick, try paralleling the bank.
  3. Nice fish, SB fishin can bring some aggressive hits its addicting when they bout rip the rod from your hands!
  4. Or..... Save yourself a few bucks and stuff that tacklebox with all colors/sizes. Order some jigheads from somewhere, and buy skirting material and bands. for the price of 1 manufactured jig I can make 2 maybe 3 myself in whatever color or size combo I choose. I personnaly buy ALOT from ebay
  5. The fish will still bite, just slooow down, stronger the temp drop the slower you go.
  6. Lmao, my boats not quite that littered, yet! Thanks for the comments guys. Thanks for all the info that we all share, ive learned a bunch
  7. I tie/wrap my own jigs also. Its awesome making your own baits and catching fish on em too. Only thing better is the money ive saved an yet ive got a box full of diff. Colors/sizes! Cought 16 today on one of 1/2oz jigs in pb&j with bb
  8. Im always watching the d**n time, weve got 1 vehical right now so when 230 rolls around im panickin to get back.i highly recommend not being late to pick up the ol lady because you went fishing, or just plain fell asleep! Oh and here fishy fishy c'mere big bass I wont hurt you! I do the same stuff too papajoe. I get lots of grief for forgeeting everything must be bass on the brain syndrome
  9. Today I fished a jig and the first 6 bites were the normal tap tap, hookset and there on. As a lil time went on I missed several. The bite changed, itd be tap tap tap set the hook and riippp there goes my claws of my trailer. I eventuall figured out to wait a sec and let eat it. Then it changed again to dead weight. What im sayin is you have to adapt.
  10. Swampstud


    I wouldnt think twice about buyin anything BUT strike kings rage craws and beavers. I orders a whole tackleboxs worth this past spring, will do next year too!
  11. Id only do it for the hookset, I personnally like the low profile reels and can palm the rather easy with large hands. To me I can rip a hookset with more power this way. I whacked myself in the gut today with the butt of my rod tryin it the way you describe. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Keep a tight line and youll be fine
  12. So ive started letting the weather dictate what lures ill be throwin on a given day. I had tied on a jig I made matched with a black n blue rage craw, since we had a warm up last weekend, and coldfront early this week, it was much colder out than the water temp. Anyways I had 5 fish in the boat in the first 8-10 pitches. I started running out of craws in that color, tried the small beaver trailer an they wanted nothing of that. I ran out of black n blue and saved the day with watermelon red flake rage craws. I left shore at 1030 a returned back at 230 to get my kid from school, I boated 16 bass, 5 of were smallies! This is my PB for the year, as ive cought numbers but not quality until today! I thought I had a decent understanding to fishing a jig but whoa did I learn a few things about jig fishing and figuring out a pattern. Almost every fish was on a log, alot of spots I got 2-5 fish from. Just an awesome day!
  13. Try cruising the flats 20ft or less, typically ive seen most beds stop at 18ft. Go in straight lines and watch yourdepth if your setting are correct it may show up a lighter color/shade of grey. Ive got a much cheaper model and once I figured the settings out I can tell individual plants from clumps. T
  14. Try a t rig rage craw, ive had decent luck with those this year
  15. Is it me or does Stk's forearm make that 21" er look like a 14". Only kidding! My pb is is 20.5" probly 5lb'ish tried to put it on the wall but taxidermist said had some skin problem and wasnt any good. Uhh d**n My real trophy was a 16" crappie, I got in spring when I was 18. Funny thing is I had one on that was even bigger, not knowing about the soft jaws I tried to boat it like a bass, yeah it ripped the lip hit the boat and went SPLASH. 23" walleye 18" smallie I got last friday ( slightly bigger than the 18 on the wall I got at age 12 12.5" perch 30" pike really need to UP my game on pike Lol I cought an 11" creek chub when I was 15-16, lots of memories fishin while bored outta my mind
  16. Once you get into jig fishing youll enjoy that hook deeper in the mouth, really does keep fish on longer.
  17. got that right! Id say either your presentation or that fall rate triggered his strikes
  18. belly land em, keeps them calm. Or just let em use the nets again
  19. I always ask god to take me out safely and most of all let me return to my family safely, a few fish is the bonus.
  20. Ive seen this very little visionally, 2x this year I seen a school of undersized LMB of idk 30-50 fish. Crazy since I only cought one lol. I did experience a MASSIVE school taking down baitfish from the surface on a crappy windy/cloudy day, I cought one and lost several from striking the tail of my grub. I wore out my TM battery chasing them for 2+hrs I still to this day wish id had my hd video cam with me, something about seeing 2-4 lbers randomly comin out of water completly thats got me hooked. I see it ALOT (schooling bass) on my electronics especially windy points in which I like a spinner bait or topwater worked good this mornin, got a miss on the 2nd cast, a fish on the 3rd and 5/6cast. My gf was ticked off 20minutes after launch lol
  21. Yes please share. Im curious about these baits but cant catch crap with the, oh wait plenty of grass bass!!!
  22. Do the natural baitfish have a blue back or a black/grey back. This can be the difference. I had several chart/blue back cranks, once I figured this out I bought new ones, even spray painted the backs on the old ones, call me redneck but those blue back turned black back catch fish now!
  23. Drop shot! Your able to leave it in there face as long as ya like
  24. Ive been on my fall pattern for 3wks roughly, any shad like color bait has worked for me, the only thing tho is we had a cold front move threw then that cooled the water down from 70-71° to 63-66. Have you tried a black n blue jig by the docks? Warmer water and sun thats what I may try if we warmed up
  25. Id say 30-60 minutes, if I have that gut feeling im just passing by fish. Ill often swith immediatly to a finesse lure if I see fish spook from my lure. This usually is the case with a spinnerbait in really shallow clear water, atleast for me. sometime though a size adjustment can make a difference too 1/2 jig down to a 3/8 jig same colors
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