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Everything posted by Swampstud

  1. I mostly run mine into the weeds off bottom, don't just crank into it and hope you don't get stuck. Reel until you feel the object and just reel steadily off the object. We have a lot of muskgrass or chara here in west michigan. Only grows a foot off bottom if that, I have a lot of luck deflecting off chara in 3-5fow
  2. Strike king lures, ***.com, also type the name of product into google, it'll bring up a small section called google shop. You'd be surprised the discounts you can find on anything, well most anything. I'm cheap lol
  3. I have this same problem with northern pike. Bites are similar. A few times this sumer id have 3-4 in the livewell, an then i start in with the northerns, a keeper pike still fights like a 3-4lber if they didnt bite you offNow that i think about it, my first bite/hookset this season was a pike biteoff.
  4. I fished this afternoon, took 14 overall and a few losses. Absolutly chokin the 1.5! Took 4 keepers on a main lake point, but this point has a pretty large flat from 0-6ft on one side, otherside is a ledge of into 14-17ft. Instead of just crankin away, try just slowly but steadily reelin into an past the weeds. Itll deflect off an then BAM fish on! It takes a lil practice to be honest. Had one today knock slack in my line so fast, i fumbled my grip on the reel. Got lucky an landed her, completly engulfed the bait. A 1st for me.
  5. Imo the cold fronts in fall get things going. Id fish a jig or a squarebill. Pitching to the inside weedline to start, depending on type of grass. Try fishin the squarebill threw the weededge or paralell it. Fish could pull out, ive found em on the shallower end tho lately
  6. I fish the kvd 1.5, bounce that thing off anything ya can. I fish alot of flats with chara or muskgrass as some call it, i get bites bouncin it of that stuff an the inbetween sand spots. Run if right off ledges, then snap the rod to try for a reaction if there sitting just below.
  7. Take a rage craw,toad or shad and texas rig it. With a steady reel itll glide over just like a buzzbait. Since you have a spinning rod id make medium length casts, just to keep your landing ratio up. Once they get there heads in that stuff its incredibly tough to land em without luck on your side. Another option, get a spare spool for your reel anputbraid on it. Now tie on a frog, an hold on!
  8. Its a tough one, learn what techniques and lures to use for specific weather conditions. Once you get this down itll narrow your selections down. If im new to a lake i just start junk fishin until i figure a pattern out. After bout the 2nd time out ive got things figured out, but not always.
  9. Ive had this happen only a few times, what a rush tho! Twice i noticed the bigger fish attackin the bait while hooked in his partner. If there grouped up wouldnt things get a bit competitive when the first thing swims by? Id have to say toss another same exact bait in right where that other fish is, and make a cast to wherever you think they come from. Just incase theres a large group.
  10. Imo they like the shade or dark areas because it covers there outline/silouette. Your right about it bein difficult to see with the sunlight in your eyes. Now remember how bass utilize "edges" , that shadeline is a prime edge. The bluegill thats swimmin out around the dock right near that edge, hes got the sunlight in his eyes at some sort of angle. Shear disadvantage. Now that bass sittin in the dark with no outline, maybe a blur of green n white is lookin out into that lit up area right infront the dock. The sun highlighting every twitch an kick of the bluegills tailfin. That bass is utilizing a prime peice of cover an a seeking that perfect feeding oppurtunity. Complete advantage for mr.bigmouth Ive seen it a few times on hook n look. Theyll use a clump of grass, stump, treetop in the same manner. Something to cover up that outline to keep from being spotted. As a bowhunter we ALWAYS are searching for a tree thats got plenty of cover to prevent the deer from siloutting us.
  11. Rage craws, jigs with rage craws, wacky rig senko, chatterbaits are my normal everyday patterned baits.
  12. The long stiff rod and a heavy hookset gets em up on top that fast reel keeps em movin. Trust me! Its a workout sometimes just to keep em up, the bigguns that is.
  13. The faster retrieve ratios make it easier to get the fish up top of the pads or mats and keep em coming. Whats easier 100 cranks or 75 cranks with a fish on the end. Its tougher to get em out once they wrap there head in a few stems which is why you want to pull em right out an go!
  14. Michigans gettin a nice dose of fall, waters down to 59 here. Cold front #3 on its way, it hasnt slowed the fishin down one bit. Cought some sunday from 2-14fow. Best time of the year for me, besides tip up fishing for pike.
  15. And keep those hooks sharp, it makes a tremendous difference!
  16. Try a bait in the same color but slightly slower presentation. I fished a foggy morning with a spook, got several blow ups. It seemed like they were targeting the back of the lure or i was moving it to fast. Tried to slow it down but no takers. Switched to a large popper style topwater in same color and it was game on. Still using a quicker retrieve, but the lure stayed in the target area a bit longer imo.
  17. Glad to hear your safe. God was with ya today id say!
  18. The action is there, reel at a consistant speed then a coupl. Quick cranks and it scatters. I personally havent cought much on mine. But i can understand the concept behind them. The only complaint is there sooo light in weight, that its hard to get a 50yd cast, a 25-30yd cast is about as good as it gets for me. Find the lake that its the key bait, every lake has a key presentation/bait.
  19. If you looked like a creeper or possible trouble, most definatly not. If my kids are in the boat, definatly not. Those come to mind. Now if ive been out fishin several times an noticed your presence a few times, your dressed in clean decent clothes, and maybe we chatted a time or 2 at the ramp before being asked. I probably would think about it. by nature im different than most. When i was walking the banks from age 7- oh say 11, i always wanted to ask aswell. I know where your coming from. Plus if i thought i made a mistake by letting you on, id turn the trollin motor on high an toss ya out, lol
  20. Here in michigan were just coming out of our first cold front. It was about a week long. Before the water temp was 75-77, i was able to get out on day 5-6 of said cold front. Water dropped to 59-63. I nailed em up ender docks on a texas rig rage craw when it was warm. First day fishin in cold front i couldnt figure out much, 1 keeper n few dinks. Fished the next day with a jig and once again nailed em. They havent moved at all, i do actually find tho they move shallower until a certain point then retreat. Last year i cought a 5.5+ in 5ft of water/stump side of xmas tree in 43°water. im sure every lake fishes different in the fall. Good luck!
  21. My place is littered with bass pics, figurines, and a few mounts. Abit of huntin stuff aswell, deer hide on the couch. My girlfriend was raised this way, so that helps. She loves to look for decor aswell.
  22. Go back n research the bass' seasonal patterns. Then study a lil bit about how the weather can effect their mood an willingness to bite from day to day. Ill knock on wood now an tell ya following n studying those two sujects has kept me from blanking/ bein skunked the past 2 seasons.
  23. Bring on the colder temps, and those cold fronts. In my experience fall fishin is the best time to catch a big ol fatty. Them cold fronts only enhance the bite, wheres my jig rod!!
  24. Maybe my lucks different from ya'lls but ive cought numerous bass from 30ft an closer, if youve got the right lure on they will charge it as it hits the water. Size of fish does not matter imo. I once had a pair of 6-7lbers comin casually swimmin by the dock i was standing on, walked 20-25ft to shore to find the only available rod in the beach sand (kids zebco, friends lake house), had a pink/white spinner jig thing for crappies. I knew it wouldnt hold up but i pitched it in, made a few hops off the bottom an immediatly got ones attention, nosed down an ever so slightly it sucked it off bottom. Fish on fish on, find a net!! No net, so i take off in the water chasing it, trying to keep her from breaking. Splash splash SNAP!!! Thats only one experience, lol. They will bite if your close. I keep 7rods rigged, usually i only do a color change. There are times when ill switch up techniques if im not getting bit.
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