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Everything posted by Chevydriver2123

  1. I have about 700 dollars to equip myself with a fishing kayak but with the 700 I also need a way to transport it around I have a suv. Anyone have any suggestions I was looking at field and stream eagle talon?! I don't know any insight would be great thanks everyone for your help
  2. I love mine I can cast 1/4 ounce trap a mile love it
  3. I am trying to learn how to pitch and I'm not really sure how to set the brakes and tension on my ci4+ everytime I try to I get a overrun any advice would be great
  4. Does anyone out there use crank baits with braid with a leader? Does it still rip the hooks out or is leader enough stretch? Thanks everyone with any insight
  5. Lipless crankbait
  6. What size and power *** is it. Just got the ci4 for Xmas but I still need a rod either the *** or bass mojo. 7foot mh is what I am thinking
  7. I need to get a new rod for my chronarch ci4+ it will be an all around set up. I'm stuck between bass mojo or the *** black. Anyone that owns either any input would be great thanks
  8. I have the shimano ci4+ brand new I heard a lot of people saying to flush the bears because they are packed with grease. I have never taken a reel apart before but I know I could do it. Should I try to flush the bearing or just leave it be. Thanks everyone
  9. Do you guys think I should use a leader all the time the main lakes I fish in you can only see 3ft down tops?
  10. My wife got my the ci4+ for Xmas and a 7 foot m/h mojo rod and I just got #50 power pro spooled on it( first time using braid) did I make a mistake getting the power pro, I just starting fishing again last year I go about 2 times a week for a couple hours after work and on Sunday. I throw a lot of senkos spinnerbaits lipless cranks and jigs. But this is my only set up. Was it a bad idea to get the braid? Or should I go back to mono? I fish from shore 90% of the time. Any input would be great. Thanks everyone
  11. Picked up the ci4 today put #50 powerpro. Let me tell you cast like a dream.
  12. Using braid in the spring for the first time my question is how long of a leader do you use? Thanks everyone
  13. Anyone own the shimano chronarch ci4+ looking to pick one up. Any insight on it would be great thanks everyone
  14. I got a lot of gift cards to cabela's but I can't decide between the diawa Tatula type r or the shimano chronarch ci4. Any info to help me out would be great thanks everyone
  15. I saw an unboxing on YouTube and had a yellow paper saying something about the brakes had to be oil every other time you fish
  16. Is it true you need to oil the brakes every other time you go out
  17. I thinking about getting the shimano chronarch ci4+ for Xmas. But I haven't seen to many reviews about it. Does anyone have it or know anyone that does. Or is there a another shimano that is the same price worth getting instead. FYI I just started fishing again this past year and got a shimano caenan first baitcaster. Any Input would be great thanks everyone
  18. THanks everyone for the tips
  19. I started getting into bass fishing this year after not fishing since a kid. I also bought my first baitcaster in the summer a shimano caenan. I didn't really know to much about rods at the time I just picked one off the shelve. It's also a shimano for worm and jigs. I still don't know much about what rod I need. My wife is buy me the Shimano Chronarch 150 CI4 for xmas. But my question is I will need another rod for my new reel. But I don't know what I should get I don't want to spend more then 145.00 I am a shore fisherman. And I will mainly be fishing spinnerbaits, lipless cranks, swim baits. Any suggestions would be great happy fishing everyone
  20. I'm going to switch from mono to braid next year. I saw an article the other say about a lot of people are getting away from using a leader with braid. Do you need to use one or is it personal preference?
  21. I throw a lot of spinner baits and crank baits
  22. Ok so I started picking up bass fishing again this year. I forgot how much fun it was. But anyways I bought my first baitcaster reel shimano canean. I am current looking to upgrade to the curado 200 g or the chronarch for next year. I want to use braid but I am a little hesitant. I don't backlash to much but I still do sometimes. a lot of it has to do with I only fish from shore and I'm always trying to get places people don't fish but their is always a lot of trees and brush in the way. When I fish from the dock and have nothing in my way I am fine. So should I try braid or just stick with mono. Also do I need to learn any special knots for braid. Thanks everyone
  23. I have the same problem I have lost 100's of dollars worth but I fish from shore I rarely go on a boat. Does anyone know if there is any retriever from shore?
  24. Thanks everyone for the advice
  25. I like it I just don't like the plastic breaking tab. They come off to easy afraid I'm going to lose one
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