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Everything posted by T-Rick

  1. All, Thank you for the thoughtful and helpful responses. It is clear that I'll need/want an outboard. So, even when the '83 Mercury goes, I'll likely want to replace with something above and beyond the TM to power the boat. I'll go ahead and start cutting holes.
  2. Hello, I am currently refinishing my 16' pontoon to be a fishing only vessel and considering removing the 1983 50HP Mercury 2-stroke. The mercury ran last summer, I winterized it and the boat was kept in the garage over the winter. I imagine the engine won't last too much longer and since the boat has brand new decking and is completely refinished, I am getting hesitant to put holes in near the console to connect the steering cable and throttle. I figured when the motor goes, I'd just remove it and only use the trolling motor. However, I am now considering proactively removing the motor and going with the TM only. So, I am curious if anyone can give me an estimate on how fast my boat would travel with the trolling motor only. That would be a big help to consider my options. If I remove the engine, I'd be left with this: 16' pontoon 5 high back fishing chairs Typical small center console for a pontoon 2 butt seats outside the pen up front Hummingbird fish finder I have a 112 lb, 36v Minn Kota Ulterra ready to install and I don't take much gear. I'll only use this boat on my home lake which is 3.5 miles long and roughly 330 acres total (so a small body of water). Based on where my house is located, the farthest run back home (or out to a fishing spot) would be 2.5 miles. So, I was wondering if I could get some ideas on how fast the pontoon would move to help decide if I should just take of the Mercury now. My thinking is: If I only would expect to get 2-3mph, I might keep the mercury on (assuming it is still running this summer). If I would get 6-8 mph, I'd only have a 20-30 minute trip home (max), if needed, and I would consider removing the mercury and eliminate the hassle of keeping fuel mixed and winterizing, etc. Thanks!
  3. Hi - I am another new DC reel owner. I would double check to make sure you adjust the spool tension knob correctly as it is not used the same way on a regular baitcaster. The tension knob should be adjusted to just eliminate spool wiggle. You shouldn't adjust the tension knob to account for a birds nest.
  4. Hello, I am in the process of refurbishing an old pontoon boat to serve as a fishing pontoon for my family. I wanted to ask for two seat pedestal recommendations. 1. Inside of the pen, I will be using 4 high-back fishing seats (one in each corner) and wanted to see what you would recommend as I think something with adjustable height and swivel would be important. For the height, I'm thinking that people (especially my kids) may need something a little higher than normal to get them over the rail without an issues. Any recommendations for this situation? 2. I have a small area outside the pen (8' wide by about 3' deep) that I thought would serve as a great spot for two casting seats. Any recommendations for a pedestal in this area? I would be the primary user of this area as I envision the trolling motor foot control being located in one of these locations. I am a little over 6' and typically go about 195lbs. Thanks!
  5. It's hard to go wrong but I agree that setting the hook with the texas rig might be tough with 6lb test. In fact, fishing a senko can be pretty simple. As an example, my six-year old caught a 1lb bass this weekend with her Barbie rod when she walked out and tried to cast only to have the wacky rigged senko drop straight down at her feet. The worm found the crack between the wooden decking and fell into the water. She caught the fish immediately and started yelling. I wouldn't have believed the story as I didn't see it happen but her two older sisters verified what was said. I was initially quite perplexed by how the fish and line were stuck in that position.
  6. Lots of good information above. IMO, the most important advice is to try out as many as possible before choosing. FWIW, I have a Hobie Pro Angler 14 and love it. For me, I wanted room and peddle drive so that it maximized the time I was holding my fishing rod.
  7. A few pic of my setup.
  8. I agree and I would like to see a full feature focused on Vader in his prime years. To have an impact and really flesh out the character, I think it would have to be a "R" rated movie.
  9. Awesome! I've been looking into a BGE for the last couple of months. For smoking, I currently use an electric Masterbuilt and looking to step up to a BGE.
  10. Completely agree. My post was focused on those questioning curling being considered a sport.
  11. I've done it and it isn't as easy as it looks on TV. Long story made short ... a few guys and I decided to go give it a try. We rented the lane and got lessons on how to play (we've all seen it on TV many times). The day ended up in the ER as someone slipped while sweeping and cracked their head open on the ice. The club owners told us it happens all the time. So, I'm not saying that you need to be an incredible athlete to curl but is just isn't' as easy as it might look. More like golf, pros make it look easy to hit a 300 yard drive down the middle but us hacks slice and struggle all day long.
  12. I love my Hobie Pro Angler and can't imagine not having pedal drive. Like others, if I'm in really shallow water (<18"), I just take the pedals out (10 seconds) and paddle. However, that is pretty rare as the Hobie's will fold up against the hull and allow you to flutter them to move the yak.
  13. My sister recently went through this so I have some experience from her from the opposite side. Also, as the father of three girls, I wanted to share some thoughts to which you may find helpful. You are getting some excellent advice and resources to review. In addition to getting a lawyer, also remember to stay squeaky clean. Keep your job, no drugs or alcohol, and certainly no arrests or brushes with the law. Also, don't hang out in places that endanger one of the above. Losing your GF is difficult and it will be easy to start hanging out in bars or night clubs until late hours looking for a new mate. Don't let this happen as she could use these things against you, if need be. Nothing wrong with finding a new GF but remember your daughter comes first right now and she is the one you don't want to lose. All of this boils down to showing you are a very devoted and competent father. In addition, keep your home clean and child-ready. Keep those receipts too. I recall my sister using ... He doesn't have anything for the baby at his house. No crib, bouncer, diapers, and so on down the list. Start getting these things. You don't even have to buy them new. Get hand-me-downs or used stuff. Just make sure it is clean and child friendly and ready (take pictures with dates). This is another way of showing you are ready to accept responsibility for your child and ready to meet her needs. Good luck and remember that your daughter needs you now and forever. If you don't agree upon custody arrangements, it can be a lengthy ordeal so you need to be prepared for the long, expensive process. It is worth it and is in your daughter's and your GF's best interest to have a loving, dedicated father who puts his daughter first. I'm happy to hear this is your desire.
  14. I strongly agree with the others who say pay it off monthly. That will build your score plenty.
  15. Welcome to BR and hello from another resident of Lansdale, PA. -T-Rick
  16. Hello, I am still relatively new to the fish finder world and I've been using my unit this season and last. I was recently reviewing some videos on how to interpret what the graph is showing and started to wonder if my settings are correctly configured. I recall upon initial setup that I wasn't completely sure which transducer was installed but was able to work my way through the wizard. I fish a freshwater lake with a maximum depth of 25' from a Hobie Pro Angler kayak. I leverage the "Lowrance Ready" connection on the kayak to expedite my installation of the transducer. I almost never go beyond 15' when fishing. I've attached few "typical" images of my screen all of which were under 10' of water. Based on your experience, is this the type of view I should expect if configured properly? Thanks, T-Rick
  17. She is adorable. Congrats!!!
  18. The 17T is a whole lot of kayak to have as a primary kayak for a single person. I went with the 14 as it is plenty large for a single person and with the price of the 17T, you could add a second Hobie for the wife if/when needed. I bought the ProAngler 14 for me and figured I'd pick up a Hobie Mirage Sport for her someday. The combined priced of the two is not all that much more than the 17T alone.
  19. What sized senkos are your throwing, where are you fishing (e.g. docks/open water/mats), and with what rod and reel? I typically use 5" senkos with a MF rod with a baitcaster. I've used braid (with and without leaders) in the past but currently using straight 12lb fluorocarbon. My experience is/was positive on all accounts. -T
  20. I considered the Hobie 17T and the ProAngler 14. I loved both and the 17 can be used as a solo craft with the seat moved to the center position. I ended up with the 14 and there is plenty of integrated rod storage (8 rods) and storage for tackle as well. With my crate, I can accommodate up to 12 rods but never take that many with me. My tandem usage is limited so I went with the 14. On a lake, I can easily take one of my kids on the 14 and have even taken my wife a few times too. I'm just over 6' tall and 210lbs. As others have mentioned, go give them a demo to pick what works best for you. -T
  21. Another Hobie ProAngler 14 guy here. This is my second season with it and really love the yak. Peddling and fishing is so much better than trying to manage a paddle and a rod simultaneously. IMO, they are worth the price.
  22. Looks great! Congrats!
  23. I have and used both of these items. I strongly prefer the Boomerang.
  24. Sorry, when I saw your title, "Millionaire Bass Angler." I thought you were a millionaire and bass angler who wanted some advice on how to spend your money. Welcome to Bass Resource!
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