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Everything posted by RF813

  1. Exactly my concern, something 14 ft seems to be the sweet spot. I'm not taking chances with the kiddos.
  2. Is there an option I'm not seeing for a 3 person boat, that has the room / weight capacity & that's portable enough to put in the bed of a truck? I am currently using a Field and Stream Angler 10 (same as a pond prowler) and it has been perfect for me and my son for the past 2 years. Easy to lift and first perfectly in the bed of my truck. No complaints on what we've used it for so far. I'd like to be able to take my 2 girls out at the same time, and with that boat, it's not possible. I was looking at a Sun dolphin American 12, and it's close. Weight capacity would be ok (for now, while they're smaller), but doesn't have the person rating (or room, really) for 3 people. Even if they're smaller people. I do not have the room for something trailered, and some places I go a trailer isn't practical. If there's an option out there I am missing, I'd like to know what it is. Thanks
  3. Yep, that's an option, too.
  4. I'm in the market for an aluminum Jon Boat - And I was eyeballing the topper series from Tracker. I was told by them (as well as cabelas and bass pro) that production on them has stopped for the foreseeable future due to covid and an aluminum shortage. Are other manufacturers stopping production on their smaller boats? I'm hoping things can fix themselves a bit before spring - as I won't be beating the bank anymore. 2 cases of lyme has done me in.
  5. Hey everyone, my name is Rich. I live in Western CT. I was / have been a member for a long time but have been away from the forums for a while. Since I was here last, I bought a boat, sold a boat, had Lyme twice, and more than doubled my PB LMB. I've been busy, Haha. I just felt it was appropriate to re-introduce myself and say hello again. Glad to be back and still see some familiar names. Rich
  6. Thank you all for the info, much appreciated!
  7. I've seen a lot of videos / posts on whether or not to peg a weight, how to stop abrasion, but what I am wondering is: When Texas Rigging a worm, when should you use a weight, vs. when shouldn't you use a weight? I fish up in NY / CT and the areas very from really weedy to clear, so I'm trying to figure out the right time and place for weighting. Thanks, Rich
  8. Lately i've been counting days. Not casts. : /
  9. Great insight here. Thanks everyone.
  10. I'd like this idea as well. That's a forum i'd actually subscribe to full time.
  11. The first one, I suppose so, second group (the school) I highly doubt it. It was on top of a concrete slab under water.
  12. Hey everyone, I'm hoping someone could shed some light on an issue i'm running into here in western CT. I fish from the shore so I have a few spots I frequent, and I've noted something similar in 2 different spots. I have on multiple occasions placed a lure right in front of a fish, and don't get so much as a test bite on them. The first time, there was a Bass hanging out, literally inches off shore. So close I could poke it with the end of my fishing rod. (and I did, gently). I put everything I had in front of it, and nothing. Sometimes it would swim away, just to come back 15-30 seconds later. This weekend, I was fishing a point where the water is about 6 feet deep over a poured concrete slab, before dropping off another 6 feet or so. We (my son and I) saw a small school of several bass keep swimming by these appeard to be larger fish from what we could tell. Again, I placed everything in front of them, worms, creatures, pulled a spinner bait through the school, rattle trap....Nothing. We saw them almost constantly over the course of 20 minutes. I am stumped. I'd love to hear some thoughts on this. Thanks. Rich
  13. http://yourteamcheats.com/
  14. Ultimately, I'd say no, you don't HAVE to. But I am sure being a well spoken, well rounded and educated person can never hurt. If you have the means, I would go. If you end up being that special angler, then at least you were prepared if it didn't work out.
  15. I had an issue with a poorly secured guide on a diesel rod I purchased online. Since i hadn't fished it yet they exchanged it for me, but reluctantly. Since then I'll only buy rods I can hold and look at in-store. Maybe be overkill, and not an option for you from now on, but it will surely save me hassle in the future.
  16. Posted this pic on my instagram after my last order last year. (and re-posted due to my excitement of snow melting!)
  17. Thank you for all the suggestions. We're calling around and I reached out to Shane this afternoon. Thanks again. Rich
  18. My wife and I are leaving the snowy northeast and heading down to FL with out 8 (soon to be 9) year old. The trip is specifically for him, as he's really into nature, fishing. It was originally intended for him to see some gators and learn alot about the habitat they're in. He is, like me, really into fishing. I thought it would be cool to take him on a half day fishing trip, either 4 or 6 hours. I've seen both offered on certain sites. Not being from the area, and certainly never fished in the area or taken a guided tour, what are some things you'd take into consideration? There would be 3 of us. Myself, Son and my wife (who does not fish, but it cool with going out with us.) Any opinions or insight would be greatly appreciated. Rich
  19. There are 3 types of hooks i've used so far. The EWG (1), The round Bend (4) and the O'Shaughnessy bend. (3). I picked up a pack of skip gap (2) in hopes it may hold plastics a bit better, but really, is there an appropriate time to use one over the other? Is there really that much difference between an O'Shaughnessy and a round to make any difference at all? I'd love to get people's perspective on this.
  20. Turpentine? I've had plastics with one scent or another, but nothing ever like these. I bought a pack of Creme Scoundrel worms...Never used them before, but oh man, if they don't completely reek of a heavy turpentine / chemical smell..... Anyone ever notice this about these plastics? Is this common? Rich
  21. Oh man....I cannot WAIT for the temps to raise. 37 today in CT felt warm. I live in CT and head home to MA a lot, and we have been getting crushed this winter. These temps are a welcome change. Now we just need to melt the 3 feet of snow off the ice so the ice can melt. rich
  22. What would you consider a decent all around bait casting rod? Still in the same price range.
  23. I picked up a Pro Qualifier for my Son while Bass Pro was having their big in-store sale. I was thinking of pairing it up with one of their BPS crankin' sticks. Not really in a rush to buy, and I know I've seen those on sale. In your opinion, is that a good match? How often do they really go on sale? That being asked, I was looking at their 6'6" Medium / Fast. Thoughts?
  24. I don't fish with anyone in my area, and anything I've learned has been through BR, so I was hoping to get some thoughts on my setups, and see if they could be tweaked, used for something different, or if i'm in the ball park here. None of this is really high end stuff, and all this generally falls within my budget, so suggesting I buy a $300 might not help. But I'd like to feed the bait monkey some time soon, maybe with a new addition of a Rod / Reel. Soft Plastics Spinning: 7'1" MH/F *** Black Paired with a Pfleuger President sz 30. Crankbaits, Spinnerbaits 7'4" Mojo Bass Glass Trigger Rod Medium/Moderate Paired with a Lew's TS1HL Speed Spool 6:3 <----I actually don't like this reel. It performs ok, but if you look at the paint wrong it flakes off. (i baby my stuff, so it's not like i'm abusing it) Jigs Daiwa Tatula Casting Rod 6'10" MedHvy Fast TATULA100HL 6:3 I was going to use this as a dropshot & spare/friend rod. But I find I don't use it that much. Powell Diesel Spinning 6'10" with a Pflueger Summit reel. Sz 30 Thanks for your time.
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