Hey everyone, I'm hoping someone could shed some light on an issue i'm running into here in western CT.
I fish from the shore so I have a few spots I frequent, and I've noted something similar in 2 different spots. I have on multiple occasions placed a lure right in front of a fish, and don't get so much as a test bite on them.
The first time, there was a Bass hanging out, literally inches off shore. So close I could poke it with the end of my fishing rod. (and I did, gently). I put everything I had in front of it, and nothing. Sometimes it would swim away, just to come back 15-30 seconds later.
This weekend, I was fishing a point where the water is about 6 feet deep over a poured concrete slab, before dropping off another 6 feet or so. We (my son and I) saw a small school of several bass keep swimming by these appeard to be larger fish from what we could tell. Again, I placed everything in front of them, worms, creatures, pulled a spinner bait through the school, rattle trap....Nothing. We saw them almost constantly over the course of 20 minutes.
I am stumped. I'd love to hear some thoughts on this.