There have been some good post here.
JWO1124 made some really good points. I wish he would posted that about two years ago before I started tournament fishing. LOL
One thing that you need to consider, are you fishing as a boater or as a non-boater?
If your fishing as a boater get whatever you feel you need an can afford. (yes the bait monkey has that tight of a grip on me that I say crazy stuff like that, oh what the heck, go buy a few things you can't afford, there I said it, now someone get this monkey away from me)
Really though, in my club we have some guys that will have as many as 10 rods rigged and on deck during a tournament.
Seeing as how I am boat poor, I fish as a non-boater which means I'm regulated to someone's back seat. So when i go to fish a tournament I take two things into consideration when it comes to tackle and gear.
1.) How does the boater fish?
Does he fish fast and cover lots of water? Does he fish slow? I love Shakey Heads and Senkos but some guys fish too fast for me to fish that way effectively. So I have to keep that in mind when decided what gear to take. If I'm fishing with a guy that I know fishes "tight to the bank" that will change what I take. If I'm fishing with someone who likes to fish fast and cover a lot of water, I probably won't take my flipping stick. I try to compliment (not copy) what the guy in the front of the boat is doing. However, if he starts to catch fish, I'll be quick to change lures or presentation.
2.) How big of a boat will I be on?
As a non-boater the last thing I want to be is a distration or get in the way of the boater. I try to be considerate. If the guy has a 16 foot Bass Tracker, I'm probably going to limit myself to 3 or 4 roads and a small plano tackle box that holds 4 360 size boxes. If I'm fishing with a guy that has a 19 or 20 foot Triton or Nitro, I'll probably bring five rods and a bigger tackle bag.
Sorry for the long post but my point is I let who I'm fishing with kind of dictate how I fish and what gear I bring.