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  1. some people do it and have success...i didn't i hated fishing frogs on mono....just had too many come unbuttoned after a short fight. braid works so much better for me. but if you are not really going to be throwing them through the really thick stuff you my try a buzz bait or another type of topwater and you will be fine using mono if you do not want to use braid or tie up a rod specifically for frogging w/ braid
  2. the falcon rods are very nice rods. some of the power and action ratings are confusing. i really think you should handle any rod before you buy it, but some of the falcons esepecially. i have a friend that has the low rider lizard dragger and it is rated as heavy power, but it is more of a moderate action designed to help throw c-rigs a long long way, but it does have alot of backbone. and i have the older cara in a 7' H and it is more of a fast/extra fast action. but overall they are nice rods
  3. i have only been frogging for a couple years but i do know that braid is the only way to go....especially if in and around cover. usually you make fairly long casts when throwing frogs or toads and more often than not the bite comes near the end of your cast....mono simply stretches too much no matter how hard you set the hook to hook up reliably. not to mention they seem to always wrap you up or dive deep in the grass. when we first started frogging i was throwing braid and my buddy was throwing heavy mono and i was hooking up way more than him...in fact i do not think he ever actually got one all the way to the boat.... they would either never be hooked or come unbuttoned on the way back in. now that we have done it for a couple years and use50 or 65# braid we rarely miss a fish that actually takes the bait in its mouth. he mostly uses spro frogs and i use various brands of toads and we both do very well and have a blast. and like senko said, you need to get a good hookset but do not need to rip his face off... my frog/toad hookset if probably a little harder than my average hookset but not by much. the braid does most of the work for you.
  4. nice, i too had plans to make one exactly like that. til i found one in a bargain bin for around $6
  5. at first i didn't like the way the cumaras and steez rods looke w/ the black foam grips.....but they have quickly grown on me and i think they look sweet!! i still like the looks of conventional cork grips but i find myself liking the foam more and more. hope they fish as sweet as they look!!
  6. they are a bit expensive for what they are (a hollow piece of plastic and a hook). but if you shop around at an Academy, i know our local stores put them on sale every now and then for a little over $5. which isn't bad at all. but i think they are one of the best frogs out there. nice action and great super sharp hooks. so even if you can't find them on sale they are worth it.
  7. i just received mine. it is a 6'8" heavy EF. it is light and balances well. i cast it a few times in a pond just to test it out. it is pretty sensitive. overall for $140 i really like it
  8. i just meant like melting in your tackle box. but i guess not so that answers my question
  9. i agree w/ brian, a i too use a 7:1 and they are plenty powerful to pull fish out of cover. put it this way, they are powerful enough to break almost any rod you would be using, so using a low ratio for the tourque is really not necessary.
  10. not trying to sound like a smart arse, but just pay more attention. i had this same problem when i first started wacky rigging senkos last season. this year i am not having the problem. the solution i came up with, is i have become a tedious line watcher when fishing this way. any twitch or something other than the normal fall of the bait i reel up and set the hook. every now and then there won't be anything on the other end when you reel up/set the hook. but i will take a swing and a miss over gut hooking a fish.
  11. i agree with flechero, you don't need all that drag, even on my revo i probably don't use 8-10# when flipping and pitching. people are gonna load that thing up w/ braid and break some rods, or break their line if they use mono/flouro
  12. do you guys who tie your own jigs w/ rubber skirts ever have a problem w/ the rubber melting?
  13. yep, that's right...if you want a 6 gear ratio you will have to get a citica
  14. anybody who has fished both, which one you like better? with the powell being priced @ $30 less it is more attractive....as long as they are close i would probably go w/ the powell.
  15. the eakins jig is alot like the booyah pro boo bug jighead, i think. i was looking for one more like the regular boo jighead.
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