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Everything posted by nickniescior

  1. Thanks so much guys for all the advice, I had caught one pike there before, and coming back a year later (armed with significantly more experience fishing) I plan on catching another like this.
  2. Im heading up to NY soon to the finger lakes and I am gonna do some pike fishing. I have caught them before and I have seen those monster teeth, so I imagine you would have to use a leader to keep from losing lures, Any recommendations for leaders? I want something that wont break, but Id like to also keep the action of the lures not too impaired. Thanks guys
  3. So I have been looking at this boat, and it looks like a good way for me to get on the water, and do some stand up fishing and not have to break the bank. Has anyone owned this before, and have good or bad things to say about it? Thanks guys
  4. I just lost it, Thank you
  5. I caught this guy in South Jersey in a retention pond he weighed in at 4lbs its hard to catch big fish in the ponds, so anything over 2lbs is a good fish
  6. Do you guys do any work on your lures to keep them good, or are they able to just be left in the tackle box? Thanks
  7. So I got my package from Tackle Warehouse today, with it a Rapala Clackin rap # 6 in hot steel. It was raining and the water was muddy, but I went out anyway, and it was not a mistake, on the first 5 casts, I pulled in 4 bass (all little guys, but that never bothered me) So if anyone is thinking of this lure I highly recommend it, what I dont recommend is after your 6th fish, snagging it on something and loosing it 1 hour after you got it. it swims well and it is easy to use, burn it, bump it and all that good stuff.
  8. Camden county I fish fish all over south jersey, hitting the resivior ponds, they are great places to go
  9. A big thanks guys, ill see about getting the tip replaced, dont wanna see another lure go flying into the middle of the pond
  10. Thanks very much Jrob, I ran some cotton through them and inspected the guides, and the only one with any visible damage is the top guide, it has a groove in it, but it is filled in with a piece of braid (I imagine the piece that snapped today)
  11. Are the parts universal, or are the guides have to be with the same brand?
  12. Lets say it is my guides, what do I do then?
  13. Hey fellow fishermen, So I was taking my first time at night fishing today, with a black buzz then a spinnerbait, and boy were they slamming it, nothing big but I pulled up 12 fish in a hours time so that was exciting. the problem I had is that when sent out a cast the snapped mid cast, so when I put my spinner bait on, 3 casts in, it snapped too. I use PP 30lb braid, and I dont think I am swinging it with 30lbs of force. I have noticed though that at my top guide, has grooves in it, probably from getting a snap and trying to force it out, do you think that could be causing the snaps? and if not what do you guys think is going wrong? Much thanks.
  14. Thanks very much, All I have been reading about this is safety first, question though, how do you troll with a kayak?
  15. Thanks, and yeah when I said 25+ thats how deep it is, not how deep I plan on going
  16. Hello guys, So I am gonna get myself some crankbaits for some deeper fishing i'm gonna do this summer (25+ clear water) and I was curious if you guys have any suggestions? I was gonna get a few in different depths and colors, and was contemplation the Rapala Clackin Rap because I have heard good things about it. Any suggestions? Thanks guys!
  17. Hey guys, So it was my birthday yesterday (hit that 21 mark) and I was quite surprised to find out my very loving parents got me a kayak to go fishing with (how cool is that) so now I can hit those spots I could only dream of when being a shore fisher. So my family frequently visits the lake Round valley in NJ for sailing and general relaxation, so the plan is to bring my kayak and fish to my hearts delight, the thing is, I know nothing about clear water deep fishing, I only fish the ponds of South NJ (if you dont know, they are usually very shallow, stained/muddy, and weedy as all hell) So I was wondering if some of you fishing veterans could give me some insight of how I should go about fishing? Thanks very much guys!
  18. Wow, I am pretty happy to see how many people jumped on this Keep em coming, also where do you guys fish, I fish the ponds in lower NJ so they are usually not deep and very weedy, so I try to avoid anything with treble hooks.
  19. Hey Everybody, Just curious to what everyone's favorite lure is? the one that almost never sits in your tackle box because it is your go to lure. Mine is a 3/8 booyah pond magic spinner in pumpkin colors, Ive caught more fish on it than anything else. how bout you guys?
  20. Well guys I bought a Koppers Frog today, I did some online research I only saw good things about them, I also saw the Spro's and pad crashers getting a lot of attention, but the kopper was on sale in my local Dicks Sporting Goods, so I left with one, really looking forward to when the frogs start coming out and the fish start biting them.
  21. That pickerel was a awesome catch, did you manage do get the weight of it? I work southern/middle NJ, the clarity here is pretty stained, I managed to catch a big Northern pike in NY when I visited last year, in fresh water fish it is my PB http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/124838-first-big-fish-for-me/
  22. Just out of curiosity, what state do you fish in and what kind of water clarity do you fish in?
  23. Hey fellow anglers, I have see this brand get more and more common in my local tackle shop, but holy hell they are expensive. Does anyone have any experience with this brand of lures, and are they worth it, They look really good, but my PopPop always told me, Lures catch fishermen, and I don't wanna be dishing out a lot of cash for something thats just as good as one thats 1/4 the price Thanks
  24. I caught a bass in the shallows during that nice weather we had about a week ago, but, I think this recent cold front has brought it back down, I cant wait until I can start pulling fish out of the water again.
  25. Thats true, and in their defense that is what the golf course is for, but Ill try my best to just be as invisible as possible, untill I catch a monster then I might make alittle noise
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