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Everything posted by fourbizz

  1. 14lb 11 oz Lahontan Cutthroat. Not a sea run fish. I didnt catch it unfortunately.
  2. Name your top five. Not six, not ten, FIVE! ;D In order: 1: The Big Lebowski 2: Ben Hur 3: Mongol 4: Tombstone 5: Clockwork Orange
  3. Ive got the slow sink. You are gonna be pretty hard pressed to fish it deeper than a few feet. But it runs like a raped ape up shallow.
  4. bored out of my mind. my girl is watching bones. not a good show.
  5. My buddies and I call it Camp Far Worst. Its a small spot lake. fish deep with a dropshot and a spoon
  6. BR night on MW2 anyone? I have gone back. Gonna give my copy of BO to my girl's little brother.
  7. I have a little tiny echo that is a monster. I love that thing.
  8. Man. Havent had a beer for days. I can make decisions. Shocker. Sure has been one hell of a coke binge though ;D
  9. I have tried the Punishers and a few others. These are by far my favorite : http://www.bulletlures.com/float_fly_prod.htm Everybody else makes theirs too bulky, the fly loses its action.
  10. I loved the M14 in MW1, in hardcore matches. That thing was diiiiirty!
  12. Probably. I like mine cool, not cold. Unless it is nasty beer water like coors light or somethin ;D
  13. The coalition for reason is gaining strength.
  14. OR, we have had something horrible happen involving alcohol, but we are not so naive as to blame a drink for the poor decisions or lack of willpower of the PEOPLE responsible. But, along the same lines, my best friend died in a car crash. Ever since then, I hate Ford trucks and any of the idiots that drive them. They are cowards, traitors, hypocrites, rapists, murderers, holocaust perpetrators, and devil worshippers. I cant associate with anyone who would choose to drive one.
  15. Had a six of Sierra Nevada Porter last night. I'll probably make a run at another sixer tonight!
  16. He hasnt alienated me. More power to him for not liking it. I am a major fan of doing what you think is right, and NOT telling other people how to think. I dont smoke pot either, but I see it as being far less destructive as well.
  17. Ahhh. I have now had my daily intake of self-righteousness. I'm gonna have a beer.
  18. my god, i cant believe there were that many playing on modern warfare. last time i was on ( been awhile) there were only like 10,000
  19. mw1?!?!?!?!?! are you on 360 sofla?
  20. That would be the first male Helen ive ever heard of ;D
  21. How do you know MW and MW2 have more players? That seems really far-fetched to me. Also, I have not heard about this lag issue you're talking about. I've personally had no problems with lag whatsoever. In fact, since the release of the game I've also had much fewer problems with joining games while in large (5-7 player) parties. FWIW, the MP is not supposed to be period specific, hence the remote control car, etc...Only the SP was supposed to be period specific and frankly, I thought the SP was just weird. I thought Medal Of Honor was MUCH better in that regard. You have the benefit of being smack dab in the middle of the highest density of players on the planet. You arent gonna see lag problems to the extent that someone in Wyoming, Alaska, or Australia are. Also, I know that you are probably aware, but just because you dont see clipping or people jumping 10ft across the map in the blink of an eye, doesnt mean that there isnt lag. For me at least, it is there, and it is worse than any of it's predecessors.
  22. I would just jbox it. It of course has to have a cover, and you have to be able to access it ( through the crawl space, or a blank cover in the room).
  23. Yeah the caseless gun is ridiculous, by the same token, if I remember correctly, there was only 75 Walther W2000s made as well. But I can deal with all of that kind of stuff. What I cannot deal with are maps that are totally conducive to the camping little 11 year old, miserable spawns, bad audio ( somewhat fixed), knife lunging, snipe nerfing, lag, swastikas and weiners on every other emblem,shotguns as primaries, and THE ENTIRE perk, weapon, equipment, and leveling system. Also, regardless of period correctness, the weapon selection SUCKS. And yes, i had nothing to do today, so I have been playing Black Ops. Thus, the high frustration level. Oh yeah, one final note, putting a snub nose on a revolver makes it more accurate now? Awesome. Edit: Out of curiousity I went on Amazon to check the user ratings for all of the last 4 Call of Dutys on 360: Modern Warfare: 4.5/5 World at War: 4.0/5 Modern Warfare 2 4.0/5 Black Ops 3.0/5 Just saying, its not just me and SoFla that thinks this game is a turd ;D
  24. I bet you liked Star Wars Eps I, II, III too ;D
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