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Everything posted by Jucas97

  1. I get everyone's reason fishing for bass because there is actually technique involved in doing it so youd feel more accomplished catching something like that rather than just letting something sit on the bottom of the lake. How ever catching some cats from the bank while camping out or when your just relaxing is fun as well. Those channel cats put up one heck of a fight... & everyone says there good eating, now me myself could never catch and kill something to eat it unless I was actually starving.
  2. Oh I would have never knew that about catfish, I know almost everything about bass, not cats. So i correct myself to catching a new *channel cat! @bluebasser86 really? I had on 20lb trilene mono on and that channel cat nailed my bait. It was 15* that night, and I was slaying catfish like it was nothing, none under 5lbs so it was pretty fun. @aceman387 Kayak fishing is so fun! I had been doing that earlier that day catching some cats and they'd pull me around the lake till I got them in the boat! It was very cold in the yak that day.
  3. Hey folks, has anyone ever gaven up on the ever so line shy finicky bass and decided to fish for cats instead during colder months? I never have done this before until last night and caught a new PB blue catfish. I strongly encourage picking up a rod and reel and fish for some cats. Unlike bass you don't have to have a box filled with all the newest KVD lures, invisible line or a boat. Catfishing can be easily done off the bank and have just as much luck as on a boat. No lures, no effort just hit or miss opportunity. I like catching bass better because catching a bass means I actually tricked a mobile fish into thinking that worm was a tasty meal. I love having to figure out what the bass want on that given day, and bass will always remain my favorite. Although now the colder months have arrived in the Piedmont Triad of North Carolina I think it's safe to say I will be Catfishing until spawn season, tight lines!
  4. Always wandering what a bass is doing and what its thinking while looking at my lure, and when the bites tough I'm thinking of food and every aspect about how i suck and am the worst fisherman to ever drop a line out in the water ever in the history of mankind ever ever. lol
  5. P.S. Everyone mentioning having leftover money to buy good line reminded me, currently on at tackle warehouse sunline is buy one get one free! I ordered some monofilament because I enjoy throwing top water baits alot:)
  6. Hey yall! Wow I'm bombarded with all these reels... I'm really liking the sound of the lews, and "big bill" my current reel is the code and man I have gotten more use than what I paid for... What a great reel. I'm looking for a new one now cause I'm afraid the code is nearing the end of her days. And yes sir, I'm a dollar menu expert! everyone else I will look into the reels and see what I like. Thanks for the help!
  7. Hey folks. Can anyone give me some tips on a nice, quality reel at a decent price? Say no more expensive than 150$. I'm 16, so that's about a whole paycheck for me... Lol, I prefer a baitcaster, and I use weightless soft plastics of any kind, top water poppers and walkers, and small size squarebill crank baits. The rod I'm putting it on is a 6'6 KVD tour rod fast action tip. I got this rod on sale, because I could never have afforded a rod this expensive.
  8. I generally try not to listen to all the hype, I find what I like and use what the bass tell me.
  9. Nice catch man!!! I know exactly what you mean about chocolate milk haha it amazed me how quickly a white fluke vanished when i was trying to see the water clarity. I will give it a shot, i get payed this Friday so I'm gonna spend a bit of money on fishing this week. I'm gonna try it on a craw made by my friend Conrad who custom makes soft plastics, he makes a killer craw.
  10. Mike, Sibert outdoors is the real flipping deal. Being a broke young man on a budget all the time i really appreciate being able to get two jigs for the price of one strike king jig, and i can customize them just the way i want!
  11. Visit www.sibertoutdoors.com and customize yourself a grass jig, depending on how clear the water clarity your fishing will be your personal preference on the colors you design your jig with. When fishing grass of any kind, look for anything different, like a hole, a cut etc... try getting a silent entry with your jig and when it hits the bottom let it rest about 10 seconds, shake it a bit, if you haven't got a strike drag it slowly and mix up combinations until you figure out what the pattern of the day is. If your having problems getting caught up in grass, give a little pop or shake to free the jig of any grass. Dont jerk back so hard its like your setting the hook, thats a wasted cast, thats why a light tug, jerk or pull should free it of grass.
  12. I finally got one after waking up early this morning. Of course after the top water bite wore off,I decided to switch from my faithful Pop-R back to the jig. Not a trophy fish but its the first fish I've had to nail out of some cover so it felt pretty good. Thanks for the tips yall! Here he is lol
  13. A good heavy cover jig. Check out www.sibertoutdoors.com and you can customize your jig to what water clarity your fishing. However, nothing completely prevents from lures getting snagged. It happens. Try out the hack attack jig from Strikeking.
  14. Fishing before or right when it starts raining is a good time. It knocks what bugs are flying around in the water so the bass are usually feeding pretty good. Not to mention it oxygenates the water making them a little more active. I have always had outstanding luck on topwater, like a jitterbug, frog or pop-r. Never had much luck after a rain.
  15. Hey folks, so i have a pretty nice new honeyhole i found, its murky/muddy water, with lots of flooded bushes, so a jig seemed like a smart thing to throw, Can someone give me any tips to fishing jigs in about 3-5 foot water in heavy cover? I consider myself a jig expert cause its what i learned to fish on, but i always did them in grass, is it the same as in flooded bushes/timber? Maybe a change in trailers or color? Im currently throwing a 3/8th oz Black and blue Hack attack jig with a zoom super chunk trailer in black and blue. Thanks yall and Tight lines!
  16. I fish at farm ponds so yeah, catch a double digit bass is basically a dream... However my Neighbor caught a 14.5 Female Largemouth, only half a lb away from beating the NC state record, I see it very often at the spot it was caught at in the shallows near a fallen tree.
  17. Very nice colors, healthy bass. Buzzbait strikes are always very exciting!
  18. Yes, that's exactly what we did, there's all these piers and what not me and my cousin were out there frolicking through poison ivy, briers, sticks, leaves you name it we went through it too fish lol
  19. Thanks for all the tips yall.... didn't catch anything at Badin, but we went to lake Randleman and i caught some fairly nice bass on a "foxy shad" Zara spook and a "baby bass" torpedo. Hit beaver creek dam on the way home and was throwing a square bill sexy shad crank bait and was nailing 1-3 pound bass like it was nothing. It appeared no one had fished where me and my cousin were fishing and they were just slaying our crankbaits.
  20. Old picture but one of my biggest catches of this year.
  21. Thanks Glenn, i am looking forward to hopefully catching a nice largemouth tomorrow. And maybe my first striper!
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