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Everything posted by bobsackamoto

  1. Thanks guys. Thats kinda info I'm needing
  2. Ok so that's great information. Thank you.
  3. Shorys says they down for construction. What kind pricing they have. I was able look at capt hooks. They like .14 a piece
  4. K thanks I will check them out
  5. Also wondering about this eastwood powder paint. It's a lot cheaper than the pro Tec powder paint. Can it be used on jig heads. And is it as good?
  6. I have began making jig heads and now wanting to start selling. Can someone put on the trail of a good hook supplier. Mostly interested in the 60 degree flat eyed mustard hook for do it molds. I can purchase this book for around 17 cents a piece easily off eBay. But to make profit I need it cheaper. So I'm wondering about this company called Alibaba. Do u have to have a wholesale licence to order from them? And I guess a business license. Any advice or tips would be appreciated. Also the hook they have listed don't say mustard. But looks just like it .
  7. I'm normally fish a zoom 4 3/4 in finesse worm. It has a flat belly and I do well with it. I've started playing around with worm making and want to buy a. 2 piece injection mold. While shopping for one I found a 10 cavity round worm for 125.00. But the flat belly is 190. So I'm wondering why the difference in price. And rather the fully round worm would fish as well as flat belly. I use them on a shakyhead jig head
  8. I was unsure which forum to post this. So I understand if it gets moved. But im wanting an oval shaped st croix logo to have sewn on a fitted baseball cap. I see many the st croix hats on the market,but they are the snap back style I want a fitted one. Reason being I have a small head. So when i adjust the snap back type hats they create a bulge and look weird to me. Just hoping someone can put me on the right path to purchase either a fitted hat already with logo or someplace I can purchase the logo
  9. i have used the improved clinch knot on ever line ever used with lots of slobber. i also tried the palomar on this line. but im totally happy with joining the leader of seagar to it now.
  10. So wanted to update everyone on the spiderwire ultra cast mono. From my experience I think this line fishes like floro. It cast so nice and im having no line twist. ButIi was having knot break off. Mostly when the fish would flap around violenty. And also on bigger fish that wanted to take off. So what I tried was this, I tied on a 3 ft leader of seagar red label. And I have not broke off another fish. I use the double grinner knot for this. And to me its the best knot to join lines. Youtube it if you dont know how to tie it
  11. So I tried the 8lb version tonight. It was some what better but not much. Still broke at the knot, but Im not giving up yet on this line. Cause theres alot of good to this line. It catches fish, its virtually invisible in the water and it cast a mile. So here is what im gonna try, so we all know how we join braid and floro together. Im wondering if I can add some red label seagar to it. Cause Ive never had a knot problem with it.
  12. So I ended up trying this ultra cast mono in the 6lb test spool. I had just tried the suffix floro cause it was on clearance at academy and it had so much line twist I removed it. So when looking for something I came across the ultra cast. There sales pitch is the low stretch and sensitivity. And also strongest line for diameter. I normally use 8 lb test on my spinning reels. But when i was buying it I thought since they say its so strong I will try the 6lb. So this stuff cast like crazy. It actually feels like floro to me. That was another reason I tried it. I had no line twist. It was very managable. So here is the bad. After a few fish the fouth one broke off. And I had one good fighting spot that broke off after a retie. I always wet my line with spit and normally dont have this problem. So for right now I'll just contribute it to the 6lb small diameter. But I went back and got some 8lb and should have a chance to go tomorrow.
  13. Has anyone tries the new spiderwire ultra cast mono. I bought a spool. Hadn't got to fish it yet
  14. what braid if any do you guys use. the power pro seams to get hung up on itself coming off the reel. but i was just reading about power pro slick. id never heard of it. but may be an option.
  15. I have noticed in the past on windy days when i go to 1/4 ounce i feel more. what you guys think i start using a 3/16 instead 1/8
  16. So maybe its just me. Or maybe Im not using the same lure as others. But I recieved my st croix legend extreme today. I did alot of research and ask alot of questions. Id never bought a rod over like 120 dollars. But Ive always wanted a rod I could feel every little thing on the bottom. My two other rods I fish the most with is a 6'6 medium quantum smoke with pflueger supreme. And I have a 6'6 falcon bucoo with a shimano sahara. And also let me tell you all I do anymore is shakyhead with a 1/8 jighead. also braid with a flouricarbon leader. So Ive read these comments like my st extreme is so sensitive I can feel a fish swim by. Or I can feel every leaf thats on the bottom . Well I just have to be honest, it may be a little difference if I bump into brush. but 375.00 different im sorry but i just dont see it. And I also put the pflueger patriarch on it. So what I do give it, its one sweet set up. Its very light and cast well. And it does feel good while fighting the fish. So it was my birthday and I never laid out the money for this setup. But I tell you if I had, Id probally return it and get something else. And stick with my other rods. But maybe the folks that see a big difference is using maybe a bigger weight or mayber there lake has alot more structure.
  17. im not sure about warranty. but i have the 6'6 spinning rod and for 49.00 on sale its an awesone rod. Great shakyhead rod.
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