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Everything posted by KyakR

  1. I'm in Maine, and have had the same thing going on! I'm gonna follow the advice here too
  2. As I fish from a light kayak, I have a watertight box I put my favorites in (or any plastics specific to where I'm going). The rest are in the original packages in my main T box packed in the back just in case. But then I have to beach the yak......but that's worth it, 'cause then I probably am getting bit like crazy
  3. Wow. What a valuable lesson for your kids......it's so hard to explain that there are times when "lying" is not petty deceit but necessary. The hard part is knowing when! They'll never forget that day I'm guessing. Did she say how she was going to make a bikini top out of a skate?
  4. Sounds like you're on your way....also like you were already pretty hooked on fishing. Great to read your post! Yooohooo! Bait monkey, here he comes
  5. Great weather and fat bass.....who could ask for more? Like that Fishcat!
  6. The little treble I got in my finger a couple months ago didn't hurt either while it was in there....strange! The tone in your post is so pleased it makes me want to try sea fishing!
  7. Congrats on that smallie! Must have fought like the devil! Wish I could try out that water......last few days have been yukky for me. Even the crappies turned up their noses
  8. Last few days have caught zip (well, it's true I've been trying to learn new techniques. That's my excuse:P) Was out today and tried to go under a low bridge, got caught and flipped. At least my gear was tied in. It's probably because the bass gods were angry that I tried a piscator rig
  9. My favorite non-fishing kayak is LL Bean's Calypso. It's specifically made for women... (lightweight (38 lb), seat eliminates pressure points, lower deck, cockpit and sidewall gives kayakers with smaller torsos unobstructed paddling zone). The only thing is it's not as stable as some of the others mentioned above. Sure is a dream to paddle though
  10. Gaddabout Gaddis! I remember him! He used to live up near Rangely, Maine! I'll be learning in general from glenn's videos and others online. In the spring I want to learn scuba diving, but we'll see.....glub
  11. "I think we don't approach it as women primarily." This is so key. I enjoyed your post and especially your attitude! I watch Stacy Z's videos and she seems to have the same one. It seems it's in your nature not to get caught up in the petty stuff.....you turned your back on the prejudice you encountered. And you're getting back what you're putting out good-naturedly from both women AND men, I think. Yes, we're women, and that influences how we see our world. But it ain't the end-game! Congrats on your win! Keep going.....bass fishing needs women like you. Welcome here You'll find the best advice and support you could want. I have. Wish I could fish with you!
  12. Hey, I got hooked on bass fishing with a worm and a bobber! So cool that they have not only a knowledgable guide but also one who loves the outdoors Having someone show interest and instruct is beyond important when a person is new!
  13. Terrific find! Very nice fish! Hope this isn't sacrilege, but good size live bait is likely to get the monsters' attention. And what wademaster 1 says
  14. I'm getting super input here! Those are amazing images! Thanks Wayne P. Looks like the learning curve is to verify and to find a way to get that feedback from the lake.......might be worth it to me to drop a 1oz weight into that "spot" to see if I can pull up a branch. I've verified all kinds of weeds and bottoms of different compositions, but the resolution on my little portable seems to be a problem with the deeper stuff. Guess I'll learn to scuba dive this spring, not kidding!
  15. Amazing advice! This helps a ton! I'm headed out today to a clear lake I know well and will do exactly what you said. And thanks Loop_Dad......I also read that the fish icons were misleading but wasn't sure why. I've often looked at better units and now I'll look harder.......as I'm in a kayak juryrigging a spot for the transducer is my main obstacle. Guess floating debris isn't too dramatic
  16. Sometimes I get intense and focussed only on bass, presentation, conditions, etc. and any interference riles me. But once I realize I'm like this I always try to ramp down because it ruins my trips even if I catch bass (well, maybe that helps some heh!). I've never been in a tournament where that state of mind would be a good thing. I caught some pike the other day and after the first one didn't like 'em so of course every bite was a pike then! But on another trip I started to catch crappie and enjoyed it so much I came back for more. Caught a big white catfish (they're new to Maine) in a tidal river and loved it...nice fight! Guess I don't know if I'll be disappointed until I get something on the line. Every time I catch something unknown it's like Christmas usually.
  17. Yesterday I went out in the evening on a new lake. As I was pulling up to the dock in my kayak, skunked, a young man pulled up behind me in his boat. I asked him if he wanted to load up first, he smiled, said no......I asked him about stuff to use there. This began a long and engaging talk about fishing, how beautiful it was there, my son, his mother and father and how he learned to fish with his dad. He showed me pics of his catches there. He was only 22 and was out checking an outboard he'd rebuilt (he wanted to be an engineer). I feel so privileged when someone opens his life to me like this. Any like experiences for you all?
  18. After seeing bass striking baitfish over many years and often having them ignore my presentations, I've wondered about this!
  19. Wow! So impressed you're that focussed. When I was about that age no way.
  20. jigs!
  21. Was out yesterday with my new portable fishfinder (Piranhamax 165). I'm new to fishfinders! I was amazed to see what I presume to be large schools of baitfish below me with many large fish in the midst of them. I couldn't catch any, no matter what I threw, but I didn't mind because the drama going on below fascinated me. This was happening all over the lake 20 or so feet down. This is what I saw: Are these clouds baitfish? Echoes? Thanks!
  22. Blue footed boobies and the Professor.
  23. If I went into the fishing section and saw a pack of table spoons I'd wanna buy 'em
  24. Reading your post, I was impressed by how much you know already..........nice fish, nice technique!
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