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About KyakR

  • Birthday 04/06/1951

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Oxford, Maine
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Androscoggin so far! Moose head, chain of Ponds, Whatever water I fished yesterday
  • Other Interests
    Writing, Kayaking, stained glass work, reading anything, science, politics, art, mowing the lawn so it's not butchered

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  • About Me
    Was on here years ago (2019). Back again, great to listen & see everybody!

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. i enjoy slow drifting a CR in my kayak when there's a light wind. I choose baits according to the bottom. I'm partial to the elastec baits in grass, but I think for me it might be because I don't use CRs enough to use other baits and get the subtleties right. I remember reading about them many years ago in Doug Hannon's books as the "do-nothing" rig when the idea was relatively new for the general angler. So that's what I did
  2. Probably the very best advice I ever received here about fishing all lures applies to your situation too.......take nothing but swimbaits out and fish the #!$* out of them all day and maybe more. I had the same feeling about swimbaits! They'd never produced for me. I came to realize that like any "tool" you have to put your time in to gain experience. You can sure tell that many on this thread have it! They comments here will sure be a guide for me too this spring, especially with regard to temperature
  3. Staring forlornly at my new rod standing unused in the corner.........drinking mad dog 20/20 while perusing the site......when I can't stand it I switch over into my other obsessions ( compound bow tourneys, stained glass craft, knitting) but only dulls the ache in my heart a little........maybe try some Spoonerville 80/80
  4. Actually, I worked for 4 years on a psych unit It'll be so great to meet everyone and to learn! I can't cook, but I'll bring whatever fixin's needed! Hey wait. I can cook if I'm inebriated but you wouldn't really want to eat it.......
  5. Wish I could personally shake the hand of each sponsor. This site means a great deal to me. You all, the mods and Glenn made it happen. Happy New Year!
  6. Only 3.....all in Maine: Sebego, Cobbesseecontee, Kezar. But boy, what a bucket list!! Just occurred to me how cool it would be to take a few months off after the Roadtrip and hit all of them that I could on the way to CA to see my son. Ah, the joys of retirement!!
  7. Congrats on the almost-finished MBA! And getting a 'yak! And you're right......my neighbors wouldn't call the cops because I live in the woods with no neighbors for a mile or so. The nearest one has lots of junked cars and boats on his lawn, a half-demolished barn and chickens in the yard. Seriously, good people though! Gr8outdoorz, great to hear about another fishing woman!
  8. This is what I had to learn......to focus on only one thing at a time! I've had the opposite problem from some of you guys......I didn't set many goals at all. It's been only in the past few years that I've followed the best advice I've heard on BR: choose one technique every time out and practice it 'til the "fish interrupt your practice" as Bigbill has said! Lately it's been accuracy. With the ice it's great that I chose that. Heh......
  9. Welcome to the forum! Like your name
  10. Sometimes in certain seasons up here ducks mean duck hunters. In a low kayak if I'm in grass just the top of my head might show........food chain: duck-hunters, me, bass, ducks....
  11. Ooooo! NRX rod and Revo reel? Wow! Thanks Glenn
  12. I liked what BigBill said in another thread: "God let me catch the football of life and now I'm gonna run with it." No more downs for you, Bill!
  13. Amen. No one ever said it better
  14. As I recently retired I have the luxury of going out almost every day. If I average it I come up with about 120 days give or take. I wish I could stand ice fishing, but my accuracy diminishes greatly when I'm drunk
  15. It's always been my belief that when you're with or addressing a married person, male or female, you're not dealing with one person, but two. Respect truly is the issue. Marriage is a sacred covenant in all religions for a reason. It's a precious thing, perhaps the most precious thing that human beings build together. Of course, there are many people who are inattentive to theirs for various reasons, or having a momentary lapse. If I care about people in general, or someone specifically, why would I ever encourage him to even risk his even a little? It wouldn't matter that my intent is honorable. I try to also think of his/her spouse in all my conduct. But Bill, your attention to others flows from the best kind of caring! Anyone who knows you even a little gets this. You're not responsible for others' imaginings about you, as you know.......the people that matter are the ones you're showing your gratitude to. They know. And as a former RN, I can tell you that your thanks in these gifts means everything! If only people knew how difficult it is to come to care about patients with chronic illnesses over time and to lose some of them, to see them struggle so valiantly and be unable to help past the limits of science. Your smile and small gifts are actually healing, Bill. Thank you.
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