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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. I'm with you - create a special forum for people to post their videos. Then again, some people may do reviews with lots of negative reviews and some of those negative reviews might be sponsors here on the forum. And that might mess up the "happy/all is welcome" bass resource sight.
  2. Glenn, the guy/guide in Mexico who says his clients only use spinning reels and catch mammoth sized bass, and any kayak fishermen.
  3. I've been going outside at 1:30am in the morning trying out a baticaster a few times. lol. It is 9:10pm now here in Indiana and dark out. I just might go out and try casting in the dark. lol
  4. Professor YouTube taught me all that I know with a little thrown in here and there from this forum.
  5. I have a heavy (72 pound) Ride 115 that I throw in the back of the truck, no way would I try to car top that thing. But I just picked up my first Jon Boat for the super low price of $60.00! It's a small thing for two people but it does not leak and it's super light too. So look around at yard sales for a small jon boat. If I had to car top that jon boat I know it would be pretty easy because it is so light.
  6. And that is my key ingredient. Luck!
  7. I caught a 6.1 pound a few weeks ago here in Indiana. I consider that bass my version of a ten pound bass. I figure my odds of catching a real DD bass is zero.
  8. I crush down most of my single hooks and treble hooks all the time. When I take the hook out of the bass mouth the hooks are easy to take them out. Also, if a bass gets hooked in the throat it's easy for me to take the hook out. I wish all the hooks in the stores were non-barbed hooks.
  9. Good luck on your fly fishing!
  10. The last two episodes of Ultimate Match Fishing have been pretty good. Thirty minutes seems like they have to cram in a lot though. This program should be an hour long. The thing about this series, along with MLF, is that the viewer views some or a lot of the pros striking out during the day. That relates to me because I'm striking out most of the time when I go bass fishing. We get to see the pros struggle, just like me! Ultimate Match Fishing is a a fun show to watch. I wish it was a little longer.
  11. Robo Worms.
  12. Yeah, I've wondered that too. How can those young guys be making the money to buy those boats and gear and travel around. I wonder if they are being bankrolled by their parents, nothing wrong with that though. I guess in the end, the fishing industry should be happy with those guys on Youtube pushing fishing.
  13. A few years ago I bought the fishing/hunting lunar calendar that is published in Bassmaster magazine. Although I didn't notice anything about the moon phases and my catch rates (because I couldn't go fishing at the best moon times because of work) it was fun to look at and read. I think everyone should buy this calendar and hang it up at least once. It may not be scientific but it's still fun to look at for one year. http://www.primetimes2.com/pages/02-catalog.html
  14. Yep, I didn't watch the whole video because of that. But I will say, at least these young people are doing things in the outdoors. Anything that gets people (young and older) in the outdoors is a good thing.
  15. I subscribe to a lot of youtube fishing channels. Seems recently there are a lot of travel videos/blogs showing the fishermen hooking up with each other and fishing. I don't find that stuff too interesting, particularly when a good number of them seem to be kids/teens. Watching them drive on an interstate, stopping and eating lunch, then going fishing with their youtube buddies is not interesting to me. I'm not impressed by people going to famous lakes that hold large bass and catching large bass. I've tried to do some fishing videos in the past and have a few with high viewer counts but, it takes a lot of video to do those videos. At least for me, I had my video camera on almost all the time and most of the time I was not catching anything. So I ended up with a lot of boring video. Plus, for me it is a hassle to set up my camera on my kayak. OK, not really a hassle, but when I take three rods, a ton of fishing lures, then it all becomes a hassle and not fun anymore. I did watch a video were a group of young guys walked around ICAST and seem to act sort of childish or punk like. I'm totally turned off by that sort of behavior. Adults joking around with adults at ICAST is fine. Young people joking around at ICAST is not.
  16. Looks like there is some hot competition now between the kayak makers and their peddle/motor drives now. I assume this means good things for the customer/fans of kayak fishing. Hopefully this competition will bring down the price of the peddle and motor drives.
  17. My favorite reels by far are Shimano, but what word is this guy saying? It almost sounds like NAZI. lol. I think Shimano needs to change the name a little bit.
  18. I would be happy catching 2-4 fish from the bank fishing for a few hours. Keep up what you are doing!
  19. I've noticed UMF comes on later in the summer when all the other fishing shows are either in reruns or off the air, so I'm usually happy to watch it because its new and I'm really tired of all the other fishing shows by this time. Also its only thirty minutes long so its packed with a lot. I would like to see UMF go to one hour though. I'm not a big fan of the announcer but he's tolerable. UMF is good the same way MLF is good - you can see some people strike out or get crushed by others.
  20. I've wondered the same thing - all that salt on a worm, won't it all wash off on the first cast? What a waste. I can't say soft plastics I've used with and without salt have caught more fish. I don't really pay attention to salt except the fact that it is messy.
  21. It came at a good time. I've been working so much and not having time to fish as much as I want, I was getting a little depressed about all of fishing. I think I need to go back to how I started bass fishing, one pack of Yum-Dingers, one pack of power worms and one pack of lizards and that's it. I take tons of junk with me but hardly ever use them and then get depressed/mad at myself for carrying all those lures and not using them. Since I like Texas rigging maybe if I do take along another lure it should be jigs since I like fishing on the bottom. Frankly, soft stick baits are my number one lure and I would probably be very happy if all I did was use those for the rest of my life. lol.
  22. Well, maybe I spoke too soon. lol. Or I have foot in mouth disease. I was actually thinking about this thread when I went fishing tonight at a strip pit in a canoe. I wasn't catching anything (soft swim bait and soft plastic Texas rig lizard) then I put on my favorite lure of all time - five inch Yum-Dinger, and ended up in a big battle with a six pound bass, one of my biggest I've ever caught and my biggest bass I've ever caught during the summer. So would I have caught that bass using a night-crawler? Actually, I don't think so. I think that bass probably wanted something larger like a Yum-Dinger. But, would I have caught that bass on a live lizard? Maybe, might catch more big bass. I don't know. I still believe live bait is superior. But also, live bait is messy. When I dig up worms I get dirt under my fingernails that stays there for a few days. I don't really like that. I should add, the only live bait I've used was/is night crawlers and even then I only use them .001% of the time. 99.99% of the time I'm using a soft plastic Texas rig like the Yum-Dinger.
  23. Wow, about two hours ago I was out on a strip pit with my brother in a canoe. I've not caught a big bass all year because I've been working so much I've not had chance to fish as much as I want to. I'm usually too tired to fish during the weekends. Anyway, it's Friday and I have tonight off. My brother and I got the canoe out for the first time this year. He was tossing a giant magnet in the water to see if he could pull up any cool junk. I was casting a small soft swim-bait and soft plastic lizard (Texas rig). For the first hour or two I only got a few bites small very small bass. I decided to take the lizard off and put on my number one all time lure - five inch Yum-Dinger. I started casting a little further away from the bank and more in the deeper water when it happened - I felt a fish grab my lure. Then I pulled the rod up to make sure the hook was set. Then the battle started - My rod, a seven foot Shimano Clarus medium heavy rod bent like it was going to break. My brother thought my rod was going to break. I was using my favorite line - Sufix Elite Mono eight pound. I had my drag set a little tight but that bass started yanking line off my Shimano Symetry like it was the Incredible Hulk. I tightened the drag more and it still pulled line off. Then that bass went straight down under my canoe and there I was, holding my rod with a big bend in it, hoping my eight pound line holds up and the rod does not break. Also, I had the barb crushed down on the hook - a 3/0 Gamakatsu round bend. That worried me some. Eventually I was able to work that bass up. I lipped it and wow - a big mama! I weighed it and it came it at a little over six pounds, one ounce. That bass was one of my biggest and definitely my biggest ever summer bass. All my other big bass have come in the spring time. I don't catch big bass that size that often. I don't know about other people, but it was sure a work out for me. Holding that rod a certain angle, reeling some, letting the drag out, etc... It was very intense and physical. Interesting fact, all my big bass have come on spinning reels (I only have one baitcaster) and all my big bass have come on either eight pound Sufix mono or six pound Sufix mono. That Sufix Elite mono has never let me down. Also, the hook I had on was tied probably a month ago. Instead of retying a fresh knot, I figured I would not catch any large fish so I kept using the hook with old knot (Triline Knot). That Triline knot and Sufix line did its job. Anyway, I'm happy over this. It's either my biggest bass ever or my second biggest.
  24. Man, my favorite TV show as a teenager was Andy Griffith. I'm only talking about the seasons with Barney in them. The whole cast was great but Barney was special. After Barney the show when down some. But the seasons with Barney are great.
  25. You could look at it another way - who profits when you buy artificial lures? Some company/business makes money from you. What is their main competitor in the fishing lure world? Free worms! If you have a yard or access to a yard/field/grass/etc..., you can find free night-crawlers to use. Real worms are probably the worlds greatest fish catcher. I've read on these forums reasons not to use real bait. One is that it increases the chance of throat hooking. I'm starting to wonder if that is true or an old wives tail pushed by the big lure companies. Another reason is that it's not "sporting" and yet bass tournaments are held across the country where the competitors take those poor bass and stick them in box and let them sit there all day, drag them out and weighed, then dumped back in at a random spot. How is that sporting? I love my plastic worms and Yum-Dingers, but I pretty much realize all those lures pale in comparison to the real live stuff. Two famous bass books, In Pursuit of Giant Bass and Big Bass Magic, both push live bait along with artificial lures. In fact, I think Doug Hannon and Bill Murphy lists live bait above lures. If I recall correctly, Hannon said if you are fishing in the day time, use live bait. Only use lures when its darker out so it will be easier to trick the bass into biting. Murphy puts live bait ontop with plastic worms a close second and everything else (jigs/spinnerbaits/crankbaits) far behind.
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