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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. Subscribe to one for a year. After it ends, pick a different one and subscribe for a year. After that ends, pick another one and subscribe for a year. After that, you might be bored with all of them and don't subscribe to any of them. I currently subscribe to In-Fishermen and Indiana Outdoors because I got each one for around seven dollars. But, I don't read them anymore. It's the same stuff over and over and over. Ugh.
  2. Bingo! I agree 150%. I watched the coverage on TV and youtube(they broadcast live the local TV stations in Florida). It seemed the TV people were only interested in standing in the high winds and water(the next day) and looking cool, trying to be the next big TV star. Some station down there that goes by WINK TV, their TV 'reporters' were really lame. I saw one lady reporter stand by a stop sign, sign fell and she jumped out of the way. But it had a suspicious look about it, like it was staged or partially staged. After saying that - yeah, I know the people got flooded down there and the keys got wiped out. Too bad about that.
  3. I fish clear water strip pits 99.9% of the time. I've been trying to crack the code into consistently catching large bass but I've had no luck in the answer. I always catch one very large bass a year (five to six pound), if I'm lucky I will catch two a year. Yeah, clear water strip pit fishing it tough. I have some bass fishing books, a few mention strip pits. And if you read between the lines, the all agree strip pit fishing is the toughest. In fact, the book 'Lunkers Love Nightcrawlers' even says 'don't' fish strip pits because they are so tough. All of my large bass have come on spinning reels, one or two using ten pound mono, the rest using eight and six pound. I've never caught a large bass on any line over ten pounds. Hard baits are nearly worthless in the strip pits I fish. Plastic worms and soft stick baits rule.
  4. Tip one - there is no such thing at 'skill' in catching bass. Tip two - there is 'skill' in finding bass. Tip three - 99% of the time, around 99% of the country, all you need is a soft stick bait(Yum-Dinger, Sinko, etc..)
  5. I don't see you-tube fishing videos going away and the you-tube bubble busting. any time soon. The internet is crushing brick and mortar big time. Gander Mountain closing, Cabelas filing for bankruptcy or whatever they are doing, etc... I've noticed the movie industry is tanking, the parking lot at the theaters I go to are not anywhere packed on weekends during a new 'blockbuster' movie. Shopping malls are closing and not near 100% occupancy. The internet and video game consoles are crushing brick and mortar everywhere. Plus, people are dropping cable TV because the bills are too high. That means no more Bill Dance or MLF or Strike King Fish Hard. But most of those people still have the internet and are streaming. They have to learn how to fish somewhere and that means youtube.
  6. If they are holding tournaments every freaking weekend, I would tell them to go jump off a bridge. It's a PUBLIC lake! I work very hard at work M-F eight hours and sometimes twelve hours every night. If I go to a lake and they holding tournaments every weekend I would definitely fish at that lake and if they shove me around I would shove them back.
  7. Your right. Wow. The user must have ticked the Lews reel off and it backlashed out of anger. I used to hate baitcasters too but ever since I got it in my head that baitcasters are made for heavy lines and heavy lures and started using Lews baitcasters, my backlashes have gone to almost zero and no major backlashes unless I cast outside and into a tree.
  8. Lews Baitbacasters = Backlash = False. In other words - if you want to stop having backlashes, use Lews!
  9. All these posts reaffirms my belief that treble hooks are unsporting, unsafe, and the fishing world would be better off without them. Last night fishing from my kayak I was using the Spo rat, catching lots of small bass. But it was a pain getting the hooks out of their mouths. And then one bass had a treble in its eye or near it. One bass jerked so much it got away from the treble hooks and the rat was tossed up near my head. If it was only a few inches over it would have hit my face. If you want to kill a fish then go ahead and use treble hooks. But as sport, treble hooks are very unsporting and dangerous to all involved. Hopefully some day treble hooks will go the way of the 8-Track player.
  10. Sounds like you already have a nice selection of lures. Just go out and keep fishing!
  11. I'm interested in kayaks too. I'm wondering how many will be peddle or motorized this year if they will be really pushing those things hard.
  12. MLF is really taking it to Bassmaster and FLW. lol.
  13. The kayak tournaments I've seen online seem to include kayaks that you paddle and peddle. To me that is totally unfair and the peddle people should be in their own class or kicked out. There is no way I'm going to compete with people who are peddling around and casting while I have to paddle and cast from my kayak.
  14. To provide prey bass can catch and handle in cold water, pond owners sometimes must cripple bluegills... Not cool.
  15. First confidence bait is still my go to baits for bass - one bag of Yum-Dingers, one bag of PowerWorms (7.5 inch), and one bag of five inch lizards. Sad thing is, no matter how many times I throw a spinnerbait/jig/crankbait, my three confidence baits outproduces those three lures by a giant factor, probably 99.9%/0.0001%.
  16. Fished Chinook fish and wildlife area for the first time today in a canoe. Only fished a few hours, had two bites and caught one small one on a weightless senko:
  17. Spinning 95% of the time. I only catch bass and large bass on spinning gear. Don't catch anything on baitcasting gear except small bass.
  18. Funny, I found Chinook strip pits over the weekend. I didn't fish it yet, I was out scouting. Man, one of those lakes look super clear. The water looks clear enough to drink. I thought the strip pits I fish at were clear, that one Chinook lake, at least from the bank, blew my strip pits away as far as clear water goes. I hope to take my canoe or kayak to Chinook next weekend. I tried talking with a few of the local fishermen there but they all acted stand offish or something so I didn't get much info from them. Are there big bass in Chinook?
  19. I get the feeling the spro rat I bought a few months ago is going to be the worst lure I ever bought, and most expensive.
  20. You want Not Cool? Terre Haute Gander Mountain is closing. I went to that dang store almost every weekend, particularly during the winter drying to survive till spring/summer. Not cool, sad, depressing.
  21. Where did that Birge guy come from? Two shows ago he was cocky but fun to watch. Seeing him go toe to toe with Wheeler was fun. Now the newest show, I was sort of pulling for him because I wanted to see more of his funny cocky attitude. lol.
  22. Texas rig is 1A, Split-shot rig is 1B in my book. Both the best lures for bass fishing where I fish. If I'm serious about catching bass, I'm using one of those. If I'm board with them and want to try other things, I'm using other things. But in my book, you have the Texas rig and split-shot, and everything comes a far second.
  23. I guess I can understand the concept behind those sanctuary areas on those California lakes. Have a special area for the celebrities to fish, show off the big bass California has, and promote tourism. Still, It seems like if they produce a show like this, it's as real as Gilligan's Island was real.
  24. Wow, now that is super fake. Have any of the bass you caught and handed over made it on any of the popular fishing shows on cable TV?
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