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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. I can't stop buying plastic worms. I love buying them.
  2. This is my one year newbie opinion of spinnerbaits. I'm going to throw spinnerbaits in with jigs too. Last year was my first year of fishing since I was a kid. So I watched all the bass TV shows and read on the magazines and watched all the videos on Youtube and read some forums. I learned some great stuff. I saw lots of videos and talk about people using the great spinnerbaits. So I tried them over the summer and only caught two bass on them while bank fishing. When I finally caught my first bass on a spinnerbait I was ready to celebrate. Yeah! I caught my first bass on a spinnerbait! Then I got to thinking - why am I celebrating? My worms and lizards have outproduced my spinnerbaits and jigs on a large scale. And, in my opinion, I think I used spinnerrbaits and jigs enough that I should have caught more than four bass with them! So my one year experience has led me to this - in my opinion, all the lures are over rated except soft plastics. But this is fishing and it's a hobby. So if you want to try and catch bass on spinnerbaits, go for it! .
  3. Interesting to know that. I started fishing for the first time last year. I did most of my fishing at a state park lake, bank fishing. I tried spinnerbaits and did not get any bites. I did catch a good number of bass using plastic worms and lizards. Later in the summer I started fishing at some smaller lakes/ponds at a club I joined and only caught two bass in later summer. But I will admit by that time my main lures were plastic worms. Why use anything else when plastics work so well and others don't?
  4. Last year was my first year of fishing and I did't know much about hooks. So I used what was available at the local Walmart stores. They mostly had regular worm hooks and wide gap hooks. I started with regular worm hooks and plastic worms and lizards and they worked well, at least well enough for me. I then saw a video by glenn where he talks about wide gap hooks and then I switched to wide gap hooks and they worked well but I did lose two bass while using them, I think more my fault than the hooks fault. This winter I've seen some videos on how regular worm hooks have a higher hook up percentage than wide gap hooks and that got me thinking - maybe I should have been using both over the summer - regular and wide gap hooks. So this winter I've been buying both and plan on using both this spring and winter. My main hook will be the regular round bend hooks unless the plastic is too thick then I will move to wide gap hook.
  5. I was wondering about those things too. If you screw them into the back of your soft plastics, won't you lose them eventually? Can they be screwed into the back and tied somehow to the main line or hook?
  6. Nothing beats live bait, live worms, to catch fish. So if you are taking kids and really want them to catch fish, use live bait. If you don't want to use live bait then use soft plastics - worms and lizards. Worms are the best all around bass catching lure. Of course it would probably be a good idea when you rent the boat to ask what kind of bait and lures work best for the lake you will be on. But if they don't give you any good advice, stick with what works - plastic worms. Five to seven and a half inches long.
  7. The number one rig to catch bass with soft plastics is Texas rigged and Carolina rigged.
  8. I bought one and I made video of it. I have not tried it yet.
  9. Well, I don't care much if the worms are durable or not. All I care is if a bass will go after it when they don't want all the other worms I try. It if will get me that one extra bite or only bite of the day then they are good to me. But, who knows. I didn't have any luck with the Strike King worms I tried a few times last year. So these Trigger X worms may or may not work. I do look forward to trying them.
  10. Why do you say most people don't like the Carolina rig? My favorite way to fish - soft plastics Texas rigged. It's really fun throwing a worm in the water and working it.
  11. I was at Gander Mountain this evening looking at their soft plastics. They had some that I never bought or used before - Trigger X. So I bought a pack of Buzz Tail 6 inch worms. On the package it said they were made in Taiwan. I don't hear or see too many people talk about Trigger X online. I was wondering - what's the general opinion on this company and their products? When I looked them up online I saw they were owned by the same company that owns Berkley and a bunch of other fishing companies. So, do they make good lures? I only paid around $4.50 or so for a bag. Not bad. From looking at them, they look nice and are a little different from my other soft plastics. So I'm looking forward to trying them.
  12. Wow. His lizards look pretty nice.
  13. I've noticed there are many unboxing videos, or what I like call "adults show and tell" videos on YouTube. In the past I thought unboxing videos were OK to learn about a certain item but recently I've discovered unboxing videos can be very beneficial to some people. For instance, a lot of people like to show their boxes. I don't subscribe to those services but I enjoy watching the unboxing videos because it lets me find out about lure manufacturers that I had no idea existed before. If it was't for those unboxing videos I would not have found out about Reaction Innovations lures, Lunker City lures and Jackall lures. After I watch a video and find a new soft plastic lure I've never seen before I go and investigate it and check out the prices on Tackle Warehouse and eventually I order or might order those lures. So for the fisherman who is after new lures to try, I think those unboxing videos are pretty helpful.
  14. I think I've seen those advertised on TV lately. Is there some proof that those electronic sound making crankbaits attract more fish or is this another fishing gimmick? What happens when the battery runs out. Can you replace it? Also, their site says the eyes are illuminated. I guess that sounds kind of cool. It makes sounds and they eyes are illuminated. I'm not sure I'll buy one since I already bought one of those Live Target Bait Ball crankbaits and I'm pretty sure that thing is a gimmick although I've not used it yet.
  15. I would stick with what works - plastic worms! Go to Walmart and buy some Yum's or other brands for $3 or $4. If I was on a tight budget, I would not waist money on things that don't work as good as soft plastics and has a more high chance of getting snagged and lost. Plastic worms - cheap, effective, and they work!
  16. 1. Yum Yum-Dinger five inch watermelon seed. 2. Berkiley Powerbait worm seven inch in electric grape color. 3. Any Lizard during the spring. You might want to get a book or two from the library or inter-library loan. The number one plastic worm loving book is "In Pursuit of Giant Bass" by Bill Murphy. He has a chapter on high percentage lures and puts live bait on top with plastic worms right behind and far behind - jigs, spinnerbaits and crainkbaits. I get the impression from his book he had little use for anything but live bait and plastic worms because live bait and plastic worms work so good throughout the whole year (at least for him in California).
  17. I don't think I got the master catalog a few days ago - only the Angler version. Cool thing though is that it came on the same day as a Cabelas fly fishing catalog. Looking through the Angler catalog I did notice almost every item said to go online for more choices. I'll admit when I want to buy I usually explore the online sites and rarely look through the catalog.
  18. I see roboworms mentioned from time to time online. I bought a pack at the local Gander Mountain this winter. I've not used them yet. Why are roboworms so popular? The worms I bought looked rather thin. The local Gander Mountain has a small collection of roboworms but they all look on the thin side. Are they proven bass catchers?
  19. The more fishing videos I watch on Youtube the more lure companies I keep finding that I never heard of before. I j discovered another company called Jackall. I was looking at their soft plastics and they have some that look really nice. I noticed the price for some of their soft plastics are around $10.00 a bag! So have any of you heard of Jackall? Are they a Japanese company/store? I am interested in their Super Cross Tail Shad. From the video on their site, that thing looks cool and it's only three inches long too. But it's around $10.00 a bag from Tackle Warehouse. Anybody know of these lures and if they are any good? Thanks
  20. The Roku is pretty awesome. I had the Roku 2 but got a Roku 3 for Christmas. The cool thing now - Roku has come to agreement with YouTube and now the Roku 3 has a YouTube channel. Roku and YouTube is suppose to come out with YouTube channels for older Roku's later in the year. Anyway, the Roku is awesome. I have my YouTube channel synced to my regular youtube channel on my PC. So all the fishing videos I'm subscribed to shows up on the Roku. There are also pay channels and there are some pay fishing channels. Al and Ron Lindner has a channel. I subscribed to it for a month - for around $5.00 a month you can stream all their DVD's and Angling Edge shows. Watching YouTube on the Roku is almost the equal of watching TV on cable. I can watch Nick the Informative Fisherman, Totally Awesome Fishing Show (although based in England the guy who hosts it is great), and a ton of other fishing videos/channels.
  21. OK, I'm a Shimano guy. I love their spinning reels. I have three, two Sahara's and a Symetre. I bought one Pflueger President spinning reel and took it back twelve hours later and exchanged it for another Shimano. I really like the quality and design of Shimano. However, I don't want to use only Shimano gear. I am going to buy more Shimano reels but I would like to own another brand too. How is the quality of Daiwa spinning reels? Are they anywhere near the quality of Shimano? I'm interested in spinning reels around $100 to $115.00 and the Daiwa Lexa spinning reel seem to be in that range. Is the Daiwa Lexa considered a good reel for bass fishing? Thanks!
  22. Since it is winter I've been spending time thinking of new ways to catch more bass. We all know the Texas rigged worm works well. I was wondering why I don't see any double rigged Texas rigged worms. What I mean is - take your regular Texas rigged worm and eight or twelve inches above that have another Texas rigged worm on. Or, have the worm on first followed by a creature bait so it will look as if the creature is chasing the worm. There are more lures on the Alabama rig and it works. So I'm thinking two Texas rigged worms on my line would be better than one and it would work too. Has this been tried before? Not worth the effort, bad idea? If so why?
  23. I'm hoping this really cold and snowy winter will bring a normal spring and summer and fall later in the year.
  24. The more worms I buy and less I become a fan of other lures. lol. All I did last spring/summer was Texas rig my worms. This spring/summer I have some big worms and just got an order in with some 4.5" worms. And I'm going to focus on Carolina rigging. I'm thinking with regular, large, and small worms plus Carolina and Texas rigging, I'm going to catch some major fish in 2014!
  25. I just finished my video for my favorite plastic worms last night and uploaded it.
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