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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. Wow, another solid episode! My thoughts - A solid rating of A for the episode. Only thing keeping it from A+ is not many Large Mouth Bass. This episode was packed with the big guys! Oh yeah! With so many big names you know some are going home. Hate seeing them miss the cut but, that's competition! Shaw Grigsby finally, FINALLY turns it on! I've been pulling for him the last few years and it seems he always goes out the first round. Glad to see him move on. What was with Jacob Wheeler making casts with his baitcaster so hard? Man, he looked like he was trying to hit a ball out of a ball park when he made his casts. And, Jacob Wheeler really turns it on! Wow! He found the big ones and kept finding them and catching them. That guy is on fire. It looks like Ish would have gone thru but he ran out of time in the last few seconds. Looked like he had fish on his line right when time ran out. He was royally ticked and I don't blame him. lol. How about Hackney ditching the Small Mouth and going for Large Mouth and actually catching them. Hate to see him eliminated too. Another great episode from MLF. Oh, I forgot about Iaconeli. He was particularly crazy/goofy/odd/annoying. I do like Iaconeli and his enthusiasm, but I have to admit it was a little too much in this episode.
  2. Got the kayak out of the shed today and washed it down with soap and water. Got a lot of my boxes of lures out of the shed, put some new line on the reels, get three rods ready for Monday, I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off for my birthday, so I'm going kayak fishing! lol. Man, the sad thing is, I have enough soft plastics, I could loose one soft plastic every cast I make and still have enough for a life time. Ugh, I have got to stop buying lures! I think to fix that problem I'm going to use more exposed hooks on my soft plastics. Actually, I already almost ordered more soft plastics twice today from Tackle-warehouse but cancelled them. I'm so addicted.
  3. ESPN2 will show this in April 21. What the heck? More than two months after the event took place. What a joke! Does ESPN2 only have one person to edit all the video or what?
  4. Got back from the Indy Outdoor/boat show a few hours ago. It was packed, shoulder to shoulder. Ugh. I did not enjoy it much because of the crowd. I was going to listen to KVD last Friday but skipped going then so I could go today and listen to Byron Ferguson, master of the long bow. His talk was OK. I did blow over $50.00 on three Savage Gear suicide ducks and a pack of Savage Gear stick baits. Usually those big hard lures look stupid to me but those ducks are looking more and more cool and I can't wait to try them this spring/summer. I'm not a hunter but I do enjoy looking at hunting stuff. I was not impressed with the Water Foul/Hunting section. Not really impressed with Tackle Town, not the massive lure selection I want to see at a big outdoor show. Next year, if I go back, I will pick a weekday. This was my fourth or fifth year going so I'm getting a little tired of it. Paying $14.00 plus parking to see people pushing their high priced items is wearing off.
  5. They were up in Michigan again but my cable box said it was "NEW". They also had their thirty minute extra add-on show and my cable box guide said it was new. I'm pretty sure its new. Keith Poche did good. I figured he would head to the docks to fish but nope, he stayed deep too. It was odd seeing him drop-shotting but he stuck to it and got thru. Poche and Randy Howell are becoming my favorites in MLF. Felt bad for Gary Klein, poor guy. He should have went shallow. The color commentator/expert guy said there might be big bass in the shallow but no one went after them.
  6. What a fascinating episode! Three pounders after three pounders! I don't think I've seen so many spinning reels used so much all through the whole episode! Aaron Martens must be the most lethal spinning reel bass fisherman in the world. It was crazy, they all stayed deep and not one tried to go shallow. Good to see some four and five pound bass caught. Still shocked the losers didn't try to go shallow. It was like, they were all locked into doing what the other guys were doing and didn't want to take a chance of missing out, so they stayed deep. Aaron Martens seems like an odd ball some times but that guy is amazing with a spinning reel and drop shotting. Seems like a lot of pro fisherman think KVD is the greatest. They mentioned his name three or four times in this episode. Makes me wonder if KVD partly owns MLF and they are kissing up. lol. But no doubt, KVD is one of the greats.
  7. Every year I go to Bassmaster.com on a Saturday evening and see if I can find video of the Saturday weigh in. Nope. That, along with their site turning the video volume up to full blast when you play one of their videos are some of the reasons I'm almost done with their stupid site.
  8. That's one of the reasons I really enjoy this series over watching the Bassmaster tournaments on ESPN. You really get to know the people competing. And it's becoming enjoyable when they bring in somebody new that I've never heard of before and end of liking him and pulling for him. I will say this though, I'm ready for the big guys to come on - VanDam and the rest of top MLF pros. Enough of the Selects, bring on the main show!
  9. Another good episode but not as fun as last weekends. Way to go Brandon Palaniuk!
  10. An excellent episode in my opinion. I could listen to Randy Howell fish all day. And man, that blue and white fishing jersey and hat looked so cool, I want them! I forget his name, but that guy at the bottom coming almost all the way back and getting in winning distance, amazing. What was it, four guys all within one pound of clinching? Probably will be one of the best episodes of the year. Again, Randy Howell is fun to watch.
  11. Poche is becoming one of my favorites. I didn't know much about him before I saw him last year on MLF and thought it was fun watching and listening to him fish. He really acts like he wants to win and doesn't waste time going after winning.
  12. Yeah, Shryock was good at explaining things. Also, the Lane brothers might have tempers but at least we got to see one cry about always finishing last whenever he's in one of these events. lol. More reasons why this TV series is the best.
  13. KVD will be at the Indianapolis Boating/Outdoor show, one day only, 16th of February. I'm going to try to be there to listen to him and hopefully ask him a question and get a picture. Freaking can't wait! Also Jacob Wheeler will be there 24/25 of February. Does anybody know if KVD hangs around after his presentations and lets fans ask questions and get pictures? February is coming up! https://indianapolisboatsportandtravelshow.com/speakers/
  14. Ugh, so many times I watch MFL and yell at the TV screen - "Put on some eight or six pound mono on a spinning reel and Texas-rig a Yum-Dinger! Spinning reels are not just for a drop-shot!" Not a bad opening round though. Not the best and not the worst.
  15. Fred Roumbanis - "No zero for this hero!" lol. Loved that line!
  16. Can't wait to see the big guns bomb. lol. That's the great thing about the show. We get to see the "Pros" strike out. Not that I'm pulling for them to bomb, but it shows it like it really is. I think that is one of the main reasons MLF is one of the top outdoor shows. I read MLF was the highest rated show on Outdoor Network. I also noticed that Discovery Channel is airing the series Saturday mornings.
  17. I'm always pulling for good ol' Shaw Grigsby saying, "Come on man, get going! Get going! Catch those fish!" Then I get disappointed. lol.
  18. Best thing about January is that the new fishing shows come back on TV. And the funnest to watch is MLF! I tell you, when its 20 degrees out or less in January and February, there is nothing more fun than watching MLF for a few hours on the weekend. I can't wait! Here's the TV schedule: http://www.majorleaguefishing.com/episodelisting?listing-id=5718 My first prediction - Ish Monroe finishes last every round he's in because all he will use is a top water frog!
  19. Really long video, have to give it a 4.
  20. But time speeds up from Labor Day weekend to New Years with all the holidays. I don't think I've been out in my kayak or john boat since a few weeks before Labor Day weekend. I'll admit though, if we keep having really warm days pop up here and there in the dead of winter I might get my kayak out once in December. But overall, fishing is all about April to the end of June.
  21. Its over for me when Labor Day weekend arrives. Starts up again in late March or April.
  22. Thanks for the advice!
  23. Some time in late December or early January I want to go to my first ever NBA game, at Indy to watch the Pacers and whoever is playing them. I've never been to an NBA game before and really not a big fan of basketball but still, I want to go and have fun. So, my biggest questions are - where should I buy tickets and what seats should I go after? I've done a quick look and it seems like there are some cheap seats in the $20-40 range and seats in the $100-150 range and of course more expensive seats. I'm willing to spend up to $150 a ticket (Me and another person will be going). But, can I enjoy the game if I pick on of the cheaper high level seats? Anyway, just looking for some good advice on going to an NBA game and having fun.
  24. My highest end spinning reel is my Stradic CI4+ and it is so light it feel like it's made out of paper. I love that reel! lol.
  25. lol. What world are you living in? Not the world I see every day.
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