OK, I've been on this board for a good while now. I've got seven or eight books on fishing and I read Bass Master and In-Fisherman and other fishing magazines. And I watch tons of fishing videos. But there is something I'm not sure of. What is jig? I mean, I know what a jig is. Or at least I thought I new was a jig is. But now I'm not sure.
When YOU say jig, are you talking one of those jigs with weedguards? Or are you talking about jigs that are nothing more than a roundish ball of lead with a hook in it, like a shaky head jig?
I don't like jigs and I'm not planning on to use any this spring/summer. I had horrible results last year from them. But the jigs I'm talking about are those jigs with weedguards. Not those other jigs.
In fact, I bought some jigs without weedguards, wacky heads, and did catch a bass using that with a rubber worm last year and I'm sure, if I kept using it, I would have caught more bass on them.
I have some books bass fishing and when it shows "jigs" all the jigs shown are almost without weedguards. They are the simple ballhead and hook jigs. Now, I believe those will work and I plan using those kinds of jigs
this summer.
So when some of you say your favorite lure is a jig, what kind of jig are you talking about? A weedguard jig or a simple ballhead jig?
I swear, I hate those weedguard jigs. I used them so much last year and caught so little, I don't plan on using again this year. But those simple ballhead jigs, yeah, I think those will work good.