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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. Very nice!!
  2. I'm visiting Tennessee and I saw a kayak at Walmart for around $275. It looked nice.
  3. I have a book at home (I'm away from home at the moment) that says more tournaments have probably been won with plastic worms than any other lure.
  4. I bought a Ride 115 over the winter. I've not used it yet but I did put it in the shed and that thing is heavy! I guess when I bought it I kept thinking of those small looking white water kayaks and thinking - all kayaks must be light! But once I felt how heavy my kayak is, the reality sunk in quick - this thing is heavy. Hmm.. Interesting idea about a used jet ski trailer. I might have to do some research on that.
  5. Oh yeah! I'm in west central Indiana so it might only take me an hour and a half to get there. I think once it gets built I will be making two visits a year!
  6. I stopped in this afternoon. It's only my second time there but I'm impressed - that store has a ton of lures. I picked up the 241 piece soft plastic kit, a bag of CharlienBrewer's slider worms, bag of grape mann's eight inch jelly worms, Carolina stoppers and 11/0 Owner hooks for my giant worms. I can't wait to try out those soft plastics! I think that store had almost at least one color of nearly every soft plastic made. After getting that 241 piece kit I think I'm done buying soft plastics for the year. I have so many already it's getting out of hand. lol.
  7. Thanks for the recommendations. I will check them all out!
  8. This popped up on my youtube page and so I watched the video: Has anybody every heard of these before or tried them? Here is there site: http://www.wigglefin.com/index.html It seems sort of cool to me. Now I'm wondering - is this more a cheap gimmick or would this help catch more bass?
  9. I saw that episode and after watching it felt like I watched a thirty minute commercial for this lure. What's the difference between that episode and infomercials? Nothing.
  10. This lure must have a lot of interest. I did a video on it and the view numbers are climbing high every day.
  11. Next week I will be driving through Nashville and I plan on stopping at the BassPro Shop store in that city. It's the only chance I get to visit a BassPro Shop since the two BassPro Shops in Indiana are too far away from me. I want to buy a few soft plastics made by BassPro Shops. I'm interesting in plastic worms, lizards and creature baits. So are there any that are well known or more popular that I should get? I don't have any BassPro Shop lures in my collection at all. So I would like to pick up a few bags but I'm not sure what. Thanks!
  12. I have nice Shimano and Diawa reels. Four spinning reels and one baitcaster. I'm looking to increase my spinning reel collection so I can have a bigger variety of reels with different line on them. Basically, I'm looking for cheap spinning reels so I can try lots of different line in the four to ten pound range.
  13. So what are the best or good spinning reels for $30.00 and under for bass fishing? I'm not interested in a $30.00 reel lasting twenty years. For $30.00 I want it to last at least one season and it would be nice it will last two seasons. But no more than two season. Any recommendations?
  14. I bought a bag of these things at the Indy outdoor show last month. I got home and looked at them and thought - too small to Texas rig. Hmm.. So I guess I will have to use a small shaky head jig.
  15. I bought Rick Taylor's Prime Times calendar for this year. I'm having fun looking at it. Do I believe in it? Not really. But it it's something to look at when it is cold outside and seeing it hanging up on the wall makes me think of fishing and warm weather. I do recommend it if you have fifteen or so dollars to blow. And I do think there is something to the sun cycles through the day. But that's pretty simple too - four times a day: midnight, morning, noon, evening. Actually, I'm glad I purchased the calendar and will probably buy the 2015 calendar when it comes out.
  16. I was in Walmart yesterday looking to buy a cheap spinning reel to play around with. I looked at some Abu Garcia reels but they were in the $40 to $80 range. Right next to them were the cheapest reels I saw made by Mitchell. The thing is - the packaging on both the Mitchell and Abu Garcia's looked the same. I ended up not buying any and instead bought a $25 Shimano spinning reel. But now I'm thinking - I don't have any Abu Garcia reels and not sure I want any now since I might pay $50 for one but some other company (Mitchell) might be offering the same thing for $20.00 All of my Shimano spinning reels are made in Malaysia and in fact - when I bought that cheap Shimano reel I looked and saw the "Made in Malaysia" tag so I felt more comfortable buying it. It might be cheap but it's good quality cheap!
  17. I had the day off today and enjoyed going out fishing behind a dam for the first time this year. Didn't catch anything because the current was just too strong and I don't think they are biting yet. I tried my new Diawa spinning reel and six pound mono line in lo-viz green. Here is something I'm starting to think about - I have never used hi visibility line because I didn't want to scare away the fish. But I keep reading how it's important to be a line watch. I have to admit - I find six and eight pound line sort of hard to see. Would switching to hi-vis line help? Is that the purpose of hi-vis line, to be able to watch the line better? When you do you hi-vis line, are you supposed to use a leader? Thanks
  18. I've mentioned this in another threads: No confidence in those jigs with weed guards. I would get to a spot (bank fishing) and start with my plastic worms and lizards. After a while and after catching one or two fish I would try a jig or twenty minutes or so and nothing. Caught only two fish on those jigs the whole summer. No, I did not use them as much as I did plastic worms. But I think I tried them enough that I should have gotten more bites.
  19. I was at the hardware store Menards last night and checked to see if they still had a few kayaks that I saw from last year. The last time I checked they had about seven or eight sitting outside covered in plastic. So I start walking to the outside section and see a couple of big stacks of something in the distance. Sure enough, they had to big stacks of kayaks plus another section of kayaks. They had some Coleman canoes too but had far more kayaks. These kayaks looked all the same except color. Every so often I will read online how kayaks have been outselling canoes by a wide margin. I think this is some evidence of that. I did not see a price tag on those kayaks but - after spending $700 on my Ride 115 I have realized I'm going to need another kayak so I can take friends/family with me. I just might pick up one of those lower cost kayaks at Menards.
  20. Let me ask this - for those of you who catch bass on those jigs, what time of day do you use them, morning, midday, evening, night? Last year I only fished in the evening hours.
  21. I have a quick question - I joined BassMaster last fall so I could get the magazine. I called up when I sent in a money order and they got it and all that. I was told I could log into the BassMaster site and read digital copies of the magazine. I did that once last year. Well, I've been getting the magazine but have not been reading them on BassMaster.com. I now want to view older copies and logged into BassMaster. When I go to the digital copy link they say they want $9.00 to view the digital copy. So, am I reading this right? If I'm a current member and get the paper magazine they still want me to pay $9.00 to view the digital version? Last year when I loged in (just once) I did not have to pay anything extra. Thanks
  22. I may have mentioned this before, but I have to work friends (both are into fly fishing) and both say jigs don't catch bass. I said "I see them used on TV fishing shows all the time and they catch bass, and online people tell me they work and catch big bass." Both guys replied in words I can't say here. lol. They did say on TV they are fishing at stocked lakes and any person online that tells me they are great bass catchers are "full of it." lol. No, I'm not calling all you guys and gals liars. I believe you 75%. But from my one year of fishing (last year) I have a bad taste in my mouth over jigs. Particularly when I took my nephew fishing with me and let him use plastic worms while I focused on jigs and he ended up catching the bass while I caught nothing! In fact, in late summer while i was using a jig he caught a nice sized bass with a plastic worm. Now the jigs I'm talking about are those skirted weed guard jigs. Not those simple ball head jigs. Maybe the lakes and ponds I fish it don't have jig friendly fish.
  23. OK, I've been on this board for a good while now. I've got seven or eight books on fishing and I read Bass Master and In-Fisherman and other fishing magazines. And I watch tons of fishing videos. But there is something I'm not sure of. What is jig? I mean, I know what a jig is. Or at least I thought I new was a jig is. But now I'm not sure. When YOU say jig, are you talking one of those jigs with weedguards? Or are you talking about jigs that are nothing more than a roundish ball of lead with a hook in it, like a shaky head jig? I don't like jigs and I'm not planning on to use any this spring/summer. I had horrible results last year from them. But the jigs I'm talking about are those jigs with weedguards. Not those other jigs. In fact, I bought some jigs without weedguards, wacky heads, and did catch a bass using that with a rubber worm last year and I'm sure, if I kept using it, I would have caught more bass on them. I have some books bass fishing and when it shows "jigs" all the jigs shown are almost without weedguards. They are the simple ballhead and hook jigs. Now, I believe those will work and I plan using those kinds of jigs this summer. So when some of you say your favorite lure is a jig, what kind of jig are you talking about? A weedguard jig or a simple ballhead jig? I swear, I hate those weedguard jigs. I used them so much last year and caught so little, I don't plan on using again this year. But those simple ballhead jigs, yeah, I think those will work good.
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