Oh man, at first I get a high then I get kicked in the stomach.
I caught my first fish for 2014 today. I went to a city park that is stocked with bass and trout. I have not had any luck there this year for bass but heard and saw videos of people catching trout already. So I went for trout. I was using a pinkish rooster tail and I manged to get my first fish of 2014. It was also my first ever trout I have ever caught.
So I swing it in and it flaps around a lot. I lay it on the ground and try to hold it down in the grass so I can take the rooster tail out. It flips more and throws the rooster tail out of its mouth. I finally grab the trout and hold it up for a few seconds to look at it. It was bleeding a tad from the mouth. I put it back in the water and it flips upside. I turn it back over and hold it a few seconds and then it swims off. I thought - sweet. Then I see it again and it flips over and after a few seconds sinks to the bottom and dies!
What is the deal with these trout? Last year my nephew caught a trout behind a dam and I was with him. That trout had a hook deep in it's mouth and after we got it out we put it back in the water and it flipped upside down and died.
So, I get my first fish of 2014 but it dies on me! I do have my trout license. But still, it would be nice to catch those pretty fish and be able to release it healthy and all.
I'm wondering, are trout stocked mostly for people to catch and take home and eat? Also, am I doing something wrong?