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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. Anybody here try those Havoc Back Slide lures? I keep looking for them in Gander Mountain but they haven't got them yet. I was intrigued by them when I saw them talked about on TV. I've not seen much talk about them on forums though so I get the sense they aren't in favor right now. The reviews on tackle warehouse say they do glide backwards and some say they don't glide backwards. Any opinions on these lures?
  2. I don't think a DD bass should be considerd the goal in northern states. Yeah, state records may be over ten pounds in some northern states, but I don't care. The southern/warm states are the ones with the really big bass. The bar needs to be lowered for northern states. It's unfair to the fisherman to put the southern and northern fisherman on the same scale.
  3. I have a St. Croix Triumph medium spinning rod, seven foot long. I really like it. I think it is built very strong. And since its supposed to have the same blank as a Premier, that's only a plus. Actually, I enjoy the Triumph so much I might add another one to my collection some time. I paid $70 for mine. I would not pay more than $70 though. If I had to pay more than $70 I would probably jump up to a Premier.
  4. Ed Shultz is a big fisherman.
  5. And since it is a made for TV event, you must always question if it is a true honest competition. They might be following a script. With TV you can never trust them unless they clearly state it is an honest competition but even then you can't believe them because TV is all made up. If they stood in front of a judge or Senate hearing and answered "Yes, our competition is completely legit" then I might believe them. Until then I question and so should everyone else.
  6. I'm looking to buy a couple of MH spinning rods for bass fishing. I mostly (99.999% of the time) fish soft plastics - Texas rigs and split-shot. I have two decent medium powered spinning rods but I've been looking at the medium-heavy spinning rods at Gander Mountain and like the ones Iv'e seen. I plan on buying some time this summer the St. Croix Mojo MH spinning rod. I was looking at an Abu Garcia rod too and I think it was a Vendetta and it was around seventy or eight dollars. I remember looking at the tag and I noticed it had a three or five year warranty which I found interesting. I'm interested in the medium heavy rod. This rod would be used for Large Mouth Bass and using soft plastics. When it comes to Texas rigs, the heaviest bullet weight I use is 3/16. I might use a spinner bait from time to time to on any MH rods I get. The line I mostly use is six to ten pound mono. So, how are the Abu Garcia Vendetta spinning rods? I mostly bank fish but plan on doing a lot of kayak fishing this summer. I want a rod that can take some punishment when bank fishing (laying down on the ground/on rocks/dirt/etc..) How good or bad is Abu Garcia when it comes to their warranties? Thanks!
  7. The coolest actor ever - Lee Marvin!
  8. I tie direct to my soft plastics but now this thread has me thinking - could I use a snap swivel when I'm Texas rigging or split-shot rigging soft plastics? Tie a snap swivel at the end of my line and then connect the hook to the snap swivel? It would save me time switching out hooks, going from 3/0 to 2/0 or 3/0 to 1/0 and then back to 3/0. Hmm, I might have to give it a try.
  9. This is fascinating stuff. Last year was my first year fishing and I only fished in the evening. I never did catch a really big fish that amazed me. I found myself fishing at a spot this spring around 1pm to 2pm and that is when I caught my personal best two pound and fifteen ounce, almost three pounds. I thought it was simply being in the right place at the right time during an early spring day. Now I'm starting to think the 2pm time also had a major influence. From what most of you said I'm definitely going to try to focus on fishing from 10am to 3pm this spring.
  10. Definitely alone because I feel like I'm on my time only and I can do things by my schedule. But I go mostly bank fishing. If I had a boat I would probably want someone to help me unload/load the boat and all that.
  11. So I picked up a pack of those Berkley Powerbait Rib Snake soft plastics over the winter. I think I used them once and didn't get any bites but I want to try them again this spring and summer. I'm wondering if anybody out there has these Powerbait Rib Snakes and have had any luck with them.
  12. Dang. I didn't know it was on CBS. When did CBS start to carry bass fishing?
  13. I found this video from the Bass Professor and wanted to know what every ones opinion is on the subject. Do big bass feed mostly during the midday? So, what time of day you think is best for large bass? This is my second year of bass fishing and my personal best came at 2pm. What about all of you?
  14. My first year of bass fishing was last year and my favorite soft plastic was the five inch Yum-dinger in Watermelon Seed color. The funny thing is that I've not caught a bass yes this season on one yet. Maybe they are more a summer lure than early spring/spring lure. I don't know. I do know I always carry one pack of five inch Yum-dinger Watermelon seed lures with me.
  15. Do any of you out there watch Ultimate Match Fishing? I started recording it about a month ago and have to say out of all the TV fishing competition programs, Major League Fishing and this program, Ultimate Match Fishing, is what I can watch almost all the way through. I think I enjoy it so much because we get to see some anglers struggling and can't catch up no matter what while the other angler catches fish after fish. Anyway, it's one of the few fishing shows that don't make me want to turn it off.
  16. You sound some what like me. I got into bass fishing last year too and ever since I love it! I really didn't know much about it because one of my brothers that does fish only goes for blue-gill. So I had to learn from Youtube and forums like this one. I ended up making a couple of videos on my favorite reel and favorite way to fish - Texas rigged plastic worms!
  17. I was wondering if anybody had a rod break when they were simply casting, maybe from putting on too big of a lure and whipping it back and as you cast forward it snaps or something.
  18. I'm curious - how many of you out there have broken a fishing rod? If so, what rod were you using, casting or spinning? What line, lure, lure weight? And how did you break it? Car door, setting the hook, casting it out, fighting a fish, etc?
  19. The craziest thing I have seen was in my back yard gold fish pond about eight years ago. I saw a little bird fly up to the edge to drink and a frog surfaced and went for the bird. The little bird jumped back but there were stones behind it, so it was sort of trapped. The frog made a few lunges and the bird got scared and flew off. It happened so quick I could not believe a little frog that can fit in the palm of your hand would go after something a lot bigger than itself. So yeah, I believe a bass would go for birds. It would be pretty cool to see too.
  20. The more I think about it, you might be right. The water rings that formed were in a straight line. I don't think bass would like up in a long line all jumping for one bird.
  21. Hmm. Yeah, that's a possibility. So is it birds "going" or fish jumping? I don't know!
  22. I've noticed this happening this spring as I've been fishing for bass. I will cast out my plastic worm or lizard into the water. Now, when it hits the surface a ring of water will form. I have noticed, sometimes I see two rings form. After a while I started to realize that this may be fish jumping up as my worm flies overhead. Last week I was bank fishing and there were some birds on the shore wading around. I saw one fly off and it started out real low to the water. I saw one ring of water form after another - plop, plop, plop, plop, plop. The only thing I could think is that it was bass or other fish seeing this bird fly close to the water and wanting to grab it. Another bird flew off and it started out close to the water surface and again I saw rings form - plop, plop, plop, plop. So, do bass have good enough eyes to see up and out of the water? Are there eyes good enough to spot low flying birds? Is this what top water fishing is based on? Instead of a bird flying overhead you throw a walk-the-dog lure or frog?
  23. I signed up for one year of BASS magazine last fall, I sent in a money order. After a month or so I was wondering if they got my money order and all that. I called and a nice man answered and looked my account up and he told me when I should be getting my first issue and free gifts. Then he went ahead and gave me my account number so I could log into the digital Bassmaster magazine. That's the only time I've called and that one experience was pretty nice. The guy sounded American with a deep American accent. One thing I always do when I sign up for magazine subscriptions - send a money order! I don't want to give any magazine subscription my credit/debit card numbers. I have been getting letters in the mail from Bassmaster wanting me to renew for $15.00.
  24. I guess I'm a fan of Bill Dance. I can usually watch most of his show. Other fishing shows I usually fast forward through or delete after watching four seconds. I don't usually watch Jimmy Houston but I recorded one of his programs Saturday and it was rather bizarre. Or maybe I should say Houston is a bizarre man always laughing like he's on laughing gas. lol. The odd thing was he was kissing every fish before he released it and the military veteran was kissing every fish before he released his fish and Jimmy kept telling the kid in the boat to kiss all the fish before he releases them. lol. Odd and yet funny.
  25. So all I throw are Texas-rigged and Split-shot soft plastics. Does that mean I'm a bottom feeder? What if I swim a Texa-rig or Split-shot plastic bait? Then am I middle feeder?
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