I have a question for everyone. What is the typical length of your casts when you make a cast with your spinning reels and baitcast reels? And, how many feet or yards out is your lure when your lure is first bit/grabbed by a bass?
I've been having a problem this spring and I think I zeroed in on it. I bought a 78 pound kayak for kayak fishing. I've been fishing out of it this spring and summer. But I noticed my right shoulder is usually sore after I'm fishing. Sometimes really sore and I have to take a couple of aspirins. I have been blaming the 78 pound kayak when I lift it out of the truck bed and carry it five or ten feet to waters edge and back after I'm done. I'm right handed so my strong arm is my right arm. I usually lift the kayak with my right hand/arm doing the main lifting and my left had/arm doing the support.
A couple of days ago I decided I would use my left hand/arm to do the main lifting and my right hand/arm doing the supporting, when I unload/load my kayak. Really, I've been trying to use both hands/arms evenly so the weight is distributed. After doing this twice I noticed my right arm/shoulder was still getting sore and my left shoulder was not getting sore at all. Also, I recently realized that my back has not been getting sore at all either.
I've been taking video of my kayak fishing trips and noticed something last night when I was viewing a couple of my videos - I have been making extra long casts! Also, I've been trying to use heavier soft plastics and casting them further and further away.
Looking back, I think nearly all the bass I have caught, either bank fishing or kayak fishing, have come close by. I don't think I have every caught a bass after I have thrown a lure way out there and reeled it in.
Another thing I noticed is I'm in the habit of not letting my rod cast the lure out there. Instead I use the power in my right arm to make a lure go far and not the rod. I don't want to abuse my rods. The ones I use most are medium spinning rods. When I put on a heavy long worm I don't whip the rod back and forward, I pull the rod back slowly and then toss it forward. I think this is putting bad stress on my right arm/shoulder.
I sort of feel bad about this. The last month or so I have been blaming my kayak and myself (being weak or something) for my sore arms. But all along I think it has been they way I cast. I spend around two hours each trip in my kayak and my back has not got sore once. My left shoulder barely gets sore either even after some good paddling. But my right shoulder - sore!
I'm thinking I need to stop making useless casts and let my rod cast it out for me instead of me doing all the work.