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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. I wonder what the price is going to be on the the ATAK with the trolling motor option.
  2. I'm seeing more and more videos of the deeper fish finder on youtube and I'm starting to think I should do some serious looking at that thing since I do a lot of bank fishing. It might be really fun (and productive) to use that deeper fish finder.
  3. All these replies and others like them are the reason I crush down all the barbs on all the treble hook lures I have and usually the barb on my regular hooks too.
  4. My local Walmart stopped carrying bass hooks a few years ago. When I got into fishign three years ago they carried Gamakatsu and Eagle Claw, extra wide gap hooks and other bass hooks. But the last two years they got rid of the Gamakatsu and extra wide gap hooks. Also had Z-Man soft plastics three years ago but the last two years no Z-Man products. The big super Walmart has a good selection though.
  5. Good video. I really discovered the dropshot this season and I have to say it's effective, even in clear water strip pits. In fact, I almost don't' want to use it because I'm finding myself wanting to only use one lure every time I go fishing - the dropshot. lol. It's like the dark side of the force, it will consume you, but it is powerful! Also, it's nice to finally catch bass on my two expensive packs of Jackall Cross Tail Shad lures I bought. For two years I could not catch a fish when I Texas rigged them or used them on a little jig head. Put them on a dropshot - bamb, they work!
  6. MLF is my favorite tournament fishing show. I would like to buy some of their DVD sets they have for sale on their site. It might be fun to watch them in the cold winter months.
  7. The video quality of these videos is very good. I wonder what camera are you using to record the video? A DSLR or full sized video camera?
  8. The one state park I bank fish at, Raccoon Lake, was actually closed down Friday because the lake level is super high. They evacuated all the campers and closed down all the ramps and whole park. The water level is only a few feet from the main highway. Wow. I don't recall this park every being completely closed down like this before. I would love to take my kayak and launch it somewhere inside the park and paddle around but since it's officially closed down I would probably get kicked out. Yeah, the rain has been bad this year. Thankfully the gnats have gone away at the strip pits I fish at.
  9. Ever hear of the Beetles song the Long and Winding Road? With a baitcaster, you are on the long and winding road to learn how to use it. Plus, it's like a pet raccoon - no matter how tame you think it is, it will bite you because you can never tame it. So enjoy the frustration. My advice, pick a certain type of lure and buy a rod specifically for that lure and line size specifically for that lure.
  10. Unfortunately that is probably true. Nothing like getting a new Shimano spinning reel. Like gold to me! Here is how I control the bait monkey - get depressed. Yeah, I'm depressed that no matter how many different lures I buy, it's all not going to increase my big bass rate. It's taken a few years but its sunk in - I already have enough soft plastics to last a decade or more and plenty of hard baits. Buying more is not going to increase my odds of catching big ones. still, I need three or four more Shimano reels and more rods!
  11. $119.00 for the regular and $229.00 for the Limited Edition. Yikes!
  12. And so it begins - video after video of one to two minute sales pitches pushing new worms, reels, line, rods, clothing, etc... And I will watch some too. After a while though I wish they were a little more creative in their sales pitches.
  13. I just started bass fishing three years ago. I don't know anybody personally that fishes for bass. My brother is more a fly fisherman and that's it. So I had to learn on my own and Youtube has helped more than anything and online forums. The six or seven books I have have helped some.
  14. I'm pretty good at calling out gimmicks and such, but I think I like this thing. The biggest pain/waste of time in fishing is tying knots. I've been thinking about this a lot recently - we have great line (like mono), we have great hooks, we have great spinning reels, we have great rods, and yet we still have to tie stupid knots. Why in the world has not the fishing line companies or some other company made a device that instantly fuses the line/or ties it automatically? So, if that line welder can be used on all types of line from 1 pound to 100 pound, I say it just might be a good thing to have and wave of the future. Of course for it to be really good it needs to effective on mono, fluoro and braid.
  15. Wow. I went bank fishing at a state park reservoir this evening. The lake was flooded. I ended up catching my second biggest bass this season (3.8 pounds) on a Stanley soft body frog. OK, finally bass fishing is starting up again for me! Felt good to see my Fenwick rod bend some and that bass jump out of the water a few times.
  16. I went bank fishing yesterday evening and I'm happy to say - no gnats!
  17. I'm so ticked off with the Cubs and how they are not broadcasting to my area anymore (horrible AM reception, FM station stopped carrying them, no WGN coverage, and all Cub games on the Baseball Network are blacked out) that I'm almost ready to give up on baseball. I'm ready for the NFL. At least the Colts have a local FM affiliate near me and they usually show there games on TV. So yeah, I'm ready for the NFL. The Colts will get to the play offs. The question is - how deep will they go? If I had to bet I would say they win the first round then go out in the second or third, repeating their usually form.
  18. I put that Legos United Nations Building together last night. Wow, it took a lot of time. 597 pieces. I started around 9pm and didn't finish till 3:30am. I don't think I would want to put one together every day. lol. It took some effort. But now that it's finished it looks pretty nice.
  19. I just bought my first Legos kid - Legos architecture United Nations building. When I first saw this a few months ago I thought it was very cool. So I finally grabbed it. The thick book/building instructions that came with it is very nice. What a classy toy/set.
  20. So what is the difference between our American braid and this gliss?
  21. I love summer movies, going to state parks and riding my bike around. And yeah, I want to get into photography too.
  22. Tak is not the odd one. The odd ball was the interviewer. Talking about not getting married and picking up women in Japan and here. lol. That guy was odd.
  23. Do any of your grown ups play with Legos? I don't have any but I've been watching lots of videos on legos and they are freaking cool. I'm interested in the Star Wars Legos. Wow. Iv'e got to get these things! lol https://youtu.be/pq5eUfmw5hQ https://youtu.be/PhateEqB1-4 And this one is cool too: https://youtu.be/xdrlmbINPj0
  24. Oh man, I went out in my kayak yesterday evening. It was horrible. The gnats here in Indiana are horrible. I could only stay out thirty minutes before they drove me crazy and I had to pack up. The gnats have stopped me from bank fishing for the last four weeks, are stopping me from kayak fishing, and my two other areas to bank fish, the water levels are very high. I feel like my summer of fishing is over till fall when the water levels go back down and the bugs go away, if they do.
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