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Everything posted by hoosierbass07

  1. I own a few packs of Senkos but I'm not a hard core fan like I am Yum-Dingers. I have to admit there might be something special about that Senko though considering Yamamoto doesn't seem to hype up his Senkos the way other companies hype their crankbaits and other lures. Success should speak for itself and apparently there is something special about the Yamamoto Senko.
  2. I meant what I said. I think soft plastic worms/stick baits/lizards are the tops of all lures. One of my bass books by Homer Circle says to throw soft plastic more than 50% of the time along with spinnerbaits. Bill Murphy (In Pursuit of Giant Bass) basically calls all other lures low percentage big bass lures and plastic worms (along with live bait) high percentage big bass lures. And I know from my four years of bass fishing that plastic worms out catches all other lures in the waters I fish on.
  3. Game of Thrones, Agent Carter on ABC, Marvel's Agents of Shield and on Netflix Daredevil. Plus lots of old TV shows either online or on DVD. I just bought Man From U.N.C.L.E. season one for $20.00 at Walmart. Good deal.
  4. Yep, when I started bass fishing about four years ago I quickly learned there are only a few highly effective lures, plastic worms/stick baits and plastic lizards. During my first summer of bass fishing I had three packs of soft plastics in my bag - one pack of seven inch grape/purple power worms, one pack of Yum-Dingers, and one pack of junebug five or six inch lizards. I caught a lot of bass on those three soft plastics Texas rigs in the evening time while bank fishing at a large state park lake. Now I have tones of soft plastics, crankbaits, spinnerbaits, etc... Has my catch rate improved much with those other lures? Not really. With crankbaits, big jigs, and spinnerbaits, it seems I have to get lucky and be in the right spot at the right time. Finding the right time and spot seems harder than hitting the Powerball lottery. But when it comes to plastic worms/senkos/lizards, you can almost always find bass willing to go after them.
  5. I catch a lot of small runt bass in the clear water strip pits I fish at on my kayak and I pretty much grab them around the top. I would lip them but they always jerk and will leave a mark on my left thumb and since they are small and numerous I just grab the body from the top and I don't wet my hands before hand.
  6. I like to subscribe for a year to a magazine then cancel and pick another one and subscribe, then repeat. I just let BassMaster expire. So I'll sign up again to In-Fisherman or some other magazine, maybe MidWest Outdoors.
  7. Not only do you not need the best, I would recommend instead of spending all your money on high end equipment, take that money and travel to new waters far away. Traveling and fishing new waters a good distance from you will probably increase your big bass catch rate more than buying a $150 rod or $400 reel and fishing your same old bodies of water. I started out using Ugly Sticks and still have them though don't use them now but I would not want to get rid of them. Always have to have the dependable and affordable Ugly Stick in my collection just in case I need it.
  8. I have a seven foot medium action Triumph spinning rod and it's one of my favorites. I think I paid $70 for it. When I look at new rods, in the back of my head I keep thinking maybe I should buy more Triumphs because my one Triumph has been solid the last few years.
  9. Isn't the largest bass in Indiana caught by a woman who was bank fishing or fishing from a dock at a private pond/lake? I remember reading about it in one of yearly Indiana fishing guide pamphlets the state publishes every year. The thing is, I think the article said her husband was a conservation officer! So now I'm skeptical about the whole thing. Hubby could have brought in a super large bass from another state, thrown it in the private pond, let wife catch it and he verifies and dear wife gets to be in the record books. Then again it could be 100% legit. I'm skeptical though.
  10. There are two languages kids, young adults, adults and even older adults speaks - one is English, the other is the video game language. Video games appear to be the king with a lot of males.
  11. I subscribe to his channel. I think he's out in California so I assume he has access to lots of big lakes.
  12. I saw the new Mission Impossible Rogue Nation film last night. Wow, what a great action film with a very good plot. Tom Cruise was great in it. That guy can act and makes great action films. The rest of the cast was great too including the leading lady who was classy and great to look at. I was not bored once during the whole film. This series is really blowing James Bond movies away when it comes to great action scenes and artistic fun action movies. I heard they are already planning on making Mission Impossible 6. This might be the best film I've seen this year although The Kingsman: The Secret Service was pretty awesome too. I think the only film that could top this new Mission Impossible film could be the new Star Wars film. Anyway, if you have a chance to see it and you want to see a great action film with a good plot, decent villain and tough, sexy and classy leading lady, see this film.
  13. It needs more episodes too. I think the season just started three or so weeks ago. Now they are ready for the finale? How many episodes are in a season, eight?
  14. Wow. I thought Strike King crankbaits were made all by robots and machines. Was that factory in the U.S. or Central America?
  15. Looks like it could be a cool pond/strip pit fishing machine!
  16. For $250.00? Lets say it leaks, big deal, patch it up! Seat not so good? It should be easy to find other padding or other sit on top kayak seats to put on it. I'm going to have to check out the local Tractor Supply store and see if they have any for $250.00. A $250.00 kayak is at the price point I would not be scared to customize it by drilling holes in it to install stuff.
  17. Lunkerville is one of the best fishing shows on TV.
  18. $250? Nice! How much does it weigh?
  19. Doesn't seem like there was a whole lot of buzz about this Icast this year.
  20. https://youtu.be/pLZMupdgaUg
  21. I'm not very big fan of tournament bass fishing but I do enjoy Major League Fishing. After MLF, I would have to say Ultimate Match Fishing is my second favorite competition show. I'm not a big fan of Joe Thomas and his other show but UMF is pretty good. My only complaint is, why isn't it an hour long? It feels very rushed at thirty minutes. MLF is very good with an hour or two hour show. I think UMF would be a little more entertaining if it were an hour long. Then again, it might get boring to watch only two competitors for a whole hour. Still, I would like to see UMF with an hour long show.
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